The next few chapters are intended for the person installing Control Center and |they describe:
Information presented in this section assumes that you have read Chapter 1, Introduction, and the DB2 Server for VM Control Center Program Directory, and are familiar with CMS commands, EXECs, and Virtual Machine (VM) operation. Additionally, you should read this chapter prior to performing any of the installation processes.
|The DB2 Server for VM Control Center Program |Directory contains the following installation and migration information: |
The installation of the Control Center product is separated into three distinct procedures.
Refer to the DB2 Server for VM Control Center Program Directory.
Includes defining a Control Center support machine that links in READ mode to the same code disk as the managing service machine, configuring the Control Center control files, and establishing proper machine authorities.
Refer to the DB2 Server for VM Control Center Program Directory.
Includes redefining an existing database machine to link in READ mode to the same code disk as the managing service machine, configuring the Control Center database control files, and establishing proper machine authorities.
Refer to Chapter 4, "Database Setup", beginning on page Chapter 4, "Database Setup".
New installations must, at a minimum, complete the following:
Once a Control Center service machine has been successfully installed you can at any time:
|Migration is the process used to move from an earlier version of |Control Center or SQL Master to a newer version.
|Refer to the DB2 Server for VM Control Center |Program Directory for detailed migration instructions.
Depending on the needs of your installation, there are several ways of configuring the Control Center environment. The following is a brief description of some optional steps which can be taken during the installation process.
A single Control Center service machine can manage |up to 26 database servers. The only restriction is that each database machine must be on the same CPU as the Control Center service machine.
The steps for setting up a database machine to work with Control Center are discussed in Chapter 4, "Database Setup", beginning on page Chapter 4, "Database Setup".
Database Administration tools are database applications which require a dedicated virtual machine during processing. These tools should not be scheduled (using the Control Center Job Scheduling tool) to execute on a Control Center service machine, since all automated operation functions with all databases managed by the service machine will be disabled during tool execution.
If you plan on scheduling Database Administration tools, you should install one or more Control Center support machines where these tools can execute, allowing the Control Center service machine to continue performing other tasks. Installing multiple support machines allows you to run tools against different databases concurrently. Job scheduling is managed by the controlling Control Center service machine.
The steps for installing a Control Center support machine are discussed in the DB2 Server for VM Control Center Program Directory.
This program release will be maintained through the use of PTF tapes. An updated Version/Release replaces the entire program code. A PTF tape can only replace the changed portion of the program code.
For more information, refer to Chapter 5, Corrective Service.
The Control Center program requires an environment provided by:
Control Center does not require a tape management product, but it provides support for the DYNAM/T, VMTAPE and EPIC products, if they are used on the target system. Control Center also supports environments without any tape management products, sending tape mount request messages directly to a defined tape operator user ID. Control Center can also be adapted to other tape management products with customization.
To install the Control Center product, you need these virtual machines:
Multiple Control Center support machines can be installed on a single CPU and managed by a single Control Center service machine.
A Control Center support machine links and accesses the same code disk as its managing service machine.
To complete Control Center for VM installation, these machines must meet certain virtual storage and minidisk requirements. These requirements are discussed in the following sections.
The MAINT machine is referred to throughout this section, but you can use another machine with equivalent authority and disk access.
The Control Center product does not have any special virtual storage requirements for the MAINT machine.
The Control Center product does not have any special minidisk storage requirements for the MAINT machine. Control Center code is loaded from tape directly to the Control Center code disk.
The VM directory entries for a database machine will require updating to identify the managing Control Center service machine as the secondary (alternate) console machine on the CONSOLE statement. You will be instructed to redefine the SQLMACH machine during database setup.
The Control Center product does not have any special virtual storage requirements for the SQLMACH machine.
Several small files will be created on the database machine's 191 minidisk (A-disk) during normal operations under Control Center. The 191 minidisk may therefore need to be increased slightly from the requirements specified within the DB2 Server for VM System Administration manual.
A Control Center service machine must be defined to install and run the Control Center product. It will contain a collection of data structures and operating software that allows it to manage and communicate with database servers and Control Center support machines. MSTRSRV operates in a continuous disconnected server mode, reacting to external interrupts in the form of VM messages and reader files, and acting on scheduled interrupts to execute planned activities. You will be instructed to define the MSTRSRV machine during installation.
The virtual storage required by the Control Center service machine varies depending on the number of databases being managed. The minimum machine size for a single database is 6-megabytes, and 8-megabytes for a multiple database environment.
Two minidisks are required for the MSTRSRV virtual machine:
An A-disk (191 minidisk) which will contain control files, parameter files, output files, all database-related files, and other files customized for the local environment.
The size of the 191 minidisk will vary depending on the number of databases, the number of backup copies of modified files that MSTRSRV is instructed to keep, and the number and frequency of Database Monitoring tools that are scheduled. A typical installation will require approximately 10 cylinders of IBM 3380-equivalent DASD, which can later be adjusted as required for your environment.
The MSTRSRV virtual machine requires read access to a Control Center code disk. The code disk can either be owned by the service machine being installed or by another service machine on the same CPU. That is, a single Control Center code disk can be shared among multiple Control Center service machines (and support machines) on the same CPU.
In addition to Control Center code modules, files SQLMSTR DIRECTRY and DBINIT CONTROL are kept on the code disk and are maintained by the service machine owning the disk. These files define key characteristics of the Control Center and database environment, including what service machines manage what databases, and are required for proper Control Center operation. All machines which link to the code disk use these files and therefore, will be a part of the same environment.
A Control Center code disk (195 minidisk) will require approximately 20 cylinders of IBM 3380-equivalent DASD to contain all Control Center code. 2
A Control Center support machine is dedicated to running Database Administration tools (database applications) scheduled by a managing service machine. It is defined similar to a service machine except it always shares (links and accesses) the existing Control Center code disk used by the managing service machine. You will be instructed to define the MSTRSUP machine during installation.
The virtual storage required by the Control Center support machine is somewhat larger than that of the service machine. Depending on the type of activity and size of dbspace and table reorganizations, a 6 to 8-megabyte machine size should be used.
The size of the A-disk (191 minidisk) for the support machine will vary greatly depending on the type and number of activities scheduled to execute on the machine and the options chosen when tools are scheduled. See the DB2 Server for VM Control Center Program Directory for a further discussion of these requirements.
At least one Control Center owner machine is required in the Control Center environment. The owner machine automatically has Control Center administrator authority and will receive CONSOLE files that are closed and transferred from the service machine each day at midnight. The owner of a Control Center service machine is identified in file SQLMSTR PROFILE on the service machine's 191 A-disk. The owner machine can also be a user machine. No changes to the VM directory are necessary for the MSTROWN machine.
The owner machine should have a minimum of 4 megabytes.
The owner machine must have an A-disk (191 minidisk) with approximately three cylinders of IBM 3380-equivalent DASD.
Any virtual machine that has been defined to access the Control Center product is referred to as an MSTRUSR machine. User machines must link and access the Control Center code disk to use the product. No changes to the VM directory are necessary for MSTRUSR machines.
The user machine should have a minimum of 4 megabytes. Depending on the type of activity and size of dbspace and table reorganizations, a 6-megabyte machine may be needed.
The user machine must have an A-disk (191 minidisk) with approximately three cylinders of IBM 3380-equivalent DASD.