DB2 Server for VSE & VM: Control Center Operations Guide for VM

Chapter 23. Data Restore TRANSLATE


The Data Restore TRANSLATE function allows the user to translate a database archive into a format that can be used by Data Restore. The original archive is not altered. After the archive media is read twice, a Data Restore BACKUP is produced along with three work files, SYS001, DIRWORK, and HEADER; these files are required for the RELOAD function.

How the Translate Tool Works

Execution of TRANSLATE by Control Center is performed in two steps.

The first step is for the user to select an archive to be translated from a list of archive sets. Based on the archive chosen, Control Center creates a control file (database TRANSCTL) that will list the input archive file or tapes to be translated. Only the database archive will be translated; the log archives are not affected. This file will reside on Control Center's 191 disk.

You can only execute one TRANSLATE operation at a time for each database. One TRANSCTL file is created specifically for each TRANSLATE process. A new TRANSCTL file is created each time the TRANSLATE setup is run.

The second step occurs at execution time. Control Center will use the media chosen for TRANSLATE in the database PARMS file as the output for the translate process. The actual file or tapes used for translation will be pulled from the database TAPES file in the same series as the archive to be translated. The Translate_media in the database PARMS file must match the media listed in the database TAPES file. The Data Restore machine must have the authority to read the archive tapes or link to the database's archive disk. A SYSIN file will be created and FILEDEFS and LABELDEFS executed. Data Restore reads the archive twice. If the archive is on tape, it will request that the first tape of the archive be mounted again.Control Center will detach the tape and manage the mount of the first tape. The TRANSLATE will then continue.

After the translate, the timestamp of the TRANSLATE will be appended to the original archive record in the database ARCHHIST file. The database TRANSHIST file will record the file or tapes used in the TRANSLATE and the location of the work files.

Translate Files

The basic files created will be:


The control file that identifies the input media of the archive to be translated. This file resides on the Control Center service machine.

The output listing of the TRANSLATE created by Data Restore. It is sent to the Control Center service machine's 191 disk.

The SYSIN file created on the Data Restore machine to execute the TRANSLATE.

A log of the current TRANSLATE. The file is maintained on the Control Center service machine.

Input and Output Media Processing

The input media (archive) is determined by whether the archive represented in the database TRANSCTL file is on tape or disk. The output media (translate) is determined by the translate values in the database PARMS file. The Translate_media value in the PARMS file (TAPE/DISK) must match the type of media indicated in the database TAPES file.

Tape Processing

Information about output media for TRANSLATE tapes and work files is kept in the database TAPES file in the same series as the associated archive. One TRANSLATE is allowed per database TAPES file series. The file or tapes to be used for the TRANSLATE are indicated by using a type of TRANS.

While there may be one or more tapes designated for the TRANSLATE (TRANS), only one entry (TRANSDSK) will be used to indicate where the work files will be kept.

The three work files created by Data Restore (SYS0001, DIRWORK, HEADER) can only be written to disk; these files will all be written to the same disk. Because all the work files are written to the same disk, only one entry in the database TAPES file (TRANSDSK) will be used to indicate the name and location of the work files. The TRANSDSK entry includes the FILENAME and link address of the work files. Only the file name will be significant for the TRANSDSK entry. The actual filetype used will correspond to the type work file that will be FILEDEFed and LABELDEFed. The file mode will be determined at the time of the TRANSLATE. This strategy will allow more than one TRANSLATE work file output on a disk. See Figure 133 for an example of the filedefs specified.

TRANSLATE may require more tapes than those used in the archive. If predefined tapes are used in the database TAPES file, be sure to include more tapes to handle the TRANS entry.

Figure 132. Example of TAPES file entries for TRANSLATE

 100  TRANS    00000  00:00:00 UNUSED SCRATCH
 100  TRANSDSK 00000  00:00:00 UNUSED DB2VM510 TRANSDSK *  400

The preceding figure shows how the TRANSDSK entry in the database TAPES file will be used when performing a FILEDEF on the translate work files.

Figure 133. Example FILEDEFS for TRANSDSK entry


The TRANSLATE (new backup) tapes/file will use cuu 185, and the archive tapes (ARIARCH) will use cuu 181.

Because the TRANSLATE output tapes are taken from the same series as the archive being translated, the database TAPES file must have a series that matches the series in the ARCHHIST file. For example, if you have a series 100 through 600 and you delete series 600 from the tapes fie, you may still have an entry for series 600 in the ARCHHIST file. You can TRANSLATE the archive for the deleted series 600 because the input tapes still exist, but there will be no entry in the TAPES file to indicate what output tapes to use.

How to Invoke TRANSLATE

To invoke the TRANSLATE function, choose Option T from the Data Restore Menu (Figure 111).

The first entry panel of the TRANSLATE tool is shown in Figure 134.

Figure 134. Translation Selection Panel

| mm/dd/yyyy                     CONTROL CENTER                        hh:mm:ss  |
|*---------------------------- Translate Selection ----------------------------* |
|| Command ==>                                               CTRLID: SQMSTDV1  | |
||    Database ===> DB2VM510                                 NODE:   WMAVM1    | |
||                                                           DRMACH: SQMRESTR  | |
||                                                                             | |
||    Archive Set ===> ALL Archive Translate Set to display.                   | |
||                               ( Blank for LATEST or ALL for all available ) | |
||         To TRANSLATE a database archive you must view the archive set       | |
||    and select the archive translate set to use.  The archive                | |
||    set is a group of tapes that were used for a previous database           | |
||    archive.  You may choose ALL to display all available archive            | |
||    sets, or you may leave the translate set BLANK to retrieve the LATEST    | |
||    archive set.                                                             | |
||                                                                             | |
||    The selected translate set will be displayed and you will be asked to    | |
||    enter the translate set number to begin the TRANSLATE.                   | |
||                                                                             | |
||        Enter Translate Set, press ENTER to process, or                      | |
||        press PF3 to QUIT                                                    | |
|*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------* |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |

You will then be presented with a Recovery Set report that is the same type of report you would see to select an archive set for recovery. Review the report and note the archive set number you wish to translate. On the next menu you will enter the archive set you have chosen.

The Translation Set Selection panel of the TRANSLATE tool is shown in Figure 135.

Figure 135. TRANSLATE Set Selection Panel

|  mm/dd/yyyy                     Control Center                       hh:mm:ss  |
| *-------------------------- Translate Selection Set ------------------------*  |
| | Command ==>                                              CTRLID: SQMSTDV1 |  |
| |    Database ===> DB261DBA                                NODE:   WMAVM1   |  |
| |                                                          DRMACH: SQMDRPD2 |  |
| |                                                                           |  |
| |  Translate Set    ===> 3          Translate Set Number to Use             |  |
| |                                   (Select from the list below)            |  |
| |  Execution        ===> _          (1 = Schedule 2= Immediate              |  |
| |                                                                           |  |
| |  TAPEPWD          ===> _          Specify a 'Y' (YES) for pass-           |  |
| |                                   word authority to be handled;           |  |
| |                                   or 'N' (NO) if READ authority           |  |
| |                                   has already been provided.              |  |
| |         ------------------ Valid Translate Sets -------------------       |  |
| |  1 (08/28/98), 2 (08/10/98), 3 (08-09-98), 4 (08-09-98), 5 (08/07/98)     |  |
| |  6 (08-07-98), 7 (08/04/98), 8 (08/04/98), 9 (08/04/98), 10 (08-03-98), 1 |  |
| |                                                                           |  |
| |                                                                           |  |
| |                                                                           |  |
| |    Enter TRANSLATE Set and press ENTER to process, or press F3 to QUIT    |  |
| |                                                                           |  |
| *---------------------------------------------------------------SQMTR70-----*  |
|  PF:   1 Help    3 End (Quit)                                                  |


Translate Set
Enter the number of the archive set you wish to translate.

Enter "1" to schedule the translate, or "2" to execute it immediately.

Enter Y (YES) to have the Control Center attempt to automatically handle changing tape password authority before and after it executes the translate. If you enter N (NO), it is assumed that you have given the Data Restore machine the required authority to READ the database's archive tapes.

Tape Passwords

While TRANSLATE does not use the database, it does use archive tapes that belong to the database. The Data Restore machine must have authority to read these archive tapes in order to perform the TRANSLATE.

If you use a tape management system, then your tape manager will have a password or tape authority process in place. If you use native CMS to manage your tapes, then the tape OPERATOR will control the tape security. During database or log archives, passwords are not used when the database's tapes are first mounted. However, many tape managers have catalog commands that can be used to later add, change or delete passwords on a tape. Additionally, tape managers can have authority levels, such as the VMTAPE ANYTAPE, that allow a user to mount other user's tapes.

For VMTAPE users,you have several options that you can use. The database TRANSCTL file that is created prior to execution of TRANSLATE lists the archive tapes that will be translated. If you choose TAPEPWD=Y from the menu, then the SDRVTPWD EXEC will execute VMTAPE catalog commands on the database against the tapes listed in the database TRANSCTL file to add a read password of ALL to the tapes. This will allow anybody to read that tape without the need for a password. After the TRANSLATE, SDRVTPWD will be used to remove the password from the tapes.

If the archive in the control file was written to disk, or if you have no tape management system (CMS), then no automatic password processing will take place.

There are some restrictions with using the automatic password processing. SDRVTPWD only works with VMTAPE, but it can be modified so that catalog commands for other tape management systems can be used.

After the Translate

The FULL ARCHIVE completed entry for the original archive in the database ARCHHIST file, for the archive being translated, will be updated with the timestamp of the translate. The ARCHHIST file will be read backwards until the series, date and time are matched. This means that if a matching recovery series is found, the archive recovery entry will be marked with the TRANSLATE timestamp.

The database TRANHIST file will be updated with the file or tapes that were produced for the translate and the timestamp of the TRANSLATE. The location of the SYS0001, DIRWORK and HEADER files will be represented in the TRANHIST file by one TRANSDSK entry which will look like the TRANSDSK entry in the database TAPES file.

If you translate an archive that has already been translated, the old translate tag in the ARCHHIST file will be overwritten with the new translate tag.

The original archive in the ARCHHIST file and the new backups in the TRANHIST file are now mapped to each other by the timestamp, and the new backup can be later used as input for a RESTORE, RELOAD or RELOAD RECOVERY.

The database TRANLIST file (SYSPRINT) will be sent to the Control Center service machine and administrators listed in the PARMS file will be notified.

If automatic tape password processing was selected, then the Control Center will attempt to remove the ALL password from the archive tapes.

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