DB2 Server for VSE & VM: Control Center Operations Guide for VM

Chapter 29. DBSPACE Reorganization Driver Tool


The fundamental purpose of the DBSPACE Reorganization Driver tool is to provide a capability to schedule a single job that will process multiple DBSPACE reorganizations. A variety of selection options allows the DBA to choose subsets of DBSPACES to be reorganized. For example, VMDSS users can select DBSPACES by storage pool to take advantage of Data Spaces Support and striping.

This tool executes in multiple user mode as a database application and should be scheduled to run on a Control Center support machine. The tool consists of 2 parts: a panel driven candidate selection process and job scheduling function; and the actual execution of the DBSPACE reorganizations under the control of the DBSPACE Reorganization Driver program (SQLREODR). The SQLREODR program normally executes on a support machine, and requires that the support machine have DBA authority within the target database.

The SQLREODR Program is primarily intended to be run as a scheduled job rather than from command mode. It can be invoked in panel mode by either entering SQLREODR at the CMS READY prompt, or by using U (Database Utilities) on the Control Center Main Menu, and then entering Option RD. Command mode execution of SQLREODR will be described later.

Review the DB2 Server for VSE & VM Database Administration manual for an understanding of the DBSPACE reorganization process.

How the DBSPACE Reorganization Driver Tool Works

Processing Flow

The DBSPACE Reorganization Driver Tool (SQLREODR) consists of a two-step process. The first step is the creation of an input file of DBSPACE names to be reorganized and the setting of the parameters which will drive the second step, namely the execution of SQLREODR (the actual DBSPACE reorganizations). The first step can be done manually as explained in Running SQLREODR in Command Mode. However, the simpler way of preparing the file and parameters is by using the panel which is invoked either through the RD function of the Utilities panel, or by invoking SQLREODR without any parameters (which will cause a panel to be displayed). The first step results in a list of DBSPACEs to be reorganized. The list is created in a file with a filename of the database name and a filetype of REODRIPK. The file is sent to the Control Center service machine which controls the support machine where the job will run.

The second step of the driver function is invoking the SQLREODR exec. When the SQLREODR job is run on the support machine, it asks for the list file from the Control Center service machine. The status flags are all set to a blank. As the driver job is run, the status flag is set to R for those DBSPACEs which were reorganized. If all DBSPACEs were reorganized, then when the job completes, all flags are set back to blanks. The file is then returned to the service machine for reuse in the event the job is rescheduled. Note that if all DBSPACEs were not reorganized in one run of the job, the remaining ones (those with a blank status flag) would be chosen when the job was run again (those whose flag contains an R are bypassed). When all DBSPACEs are set to R, the list is reset to blanks in preparation for another cycle. Prior to execution or re-execution, the DBA can modify the list in any fashion by manipulating the status flag, modifying the order of the DBSPACES, adding an entry, deleting entries, as well as changing the values of the columns PCTFREE, ALTFREE, NPAGES, and PCTINDX (used by SQLREORG in the ACQUIRE DBSPACE command).

During the driver run, the remaining time left in the job is checked at several points. Before a new reorganization starts, time left is checked to determine whether time remains for it to be done. The last elapsed time from the SQLMAINT table is used to determine this. If enough time does not remain, the next DBSPACE is tried. During the reorganization, after the DBSPACE unload step (just prior to starting the actual DBSU to drop and reload), the time left is checked again. If there is insufficient time to complete the remaining reorg, the DBSPACE is NOT reorganized.

If a log archive is requested upon job completion, the log archive will be initiated by SQLREODR only if at least one DBSPACE was successfully reorganized.

If a reorganization should encounter an error, the run will stop if any of these conditions are met:

  1. Stop on Failure was specified.
  2. Tape is being used for unload device.
  3. Permanent disk is being used for unload device.

Note that if you wish to run in command mode, the input file of DBSPACE names must be set up properly before invoking SQLREODR (Processing Flow). For more details, refer to Running SQLREODR in Command Mode.

A report is produced with each run of SQLREODR, as shown in Figure 183. The report contains information about the options chosen, start/stop times of various activities, and other informative messages.


                           SQLREORG DRIVER REPORT
                         Database: WMAVM1.CPMICDBA     04/09/97 13:34:16
  13:34:16 This run of SQLREODR had the following options chosen:
  13:34:16      SQLREODR started
  13:34:24      REORG of M262264.M262264A started
  13:39:02      REORG of M262264.M262264A completed Elapsed Time =  4.63
  13:39:02      REORG of M356959.M356959A started
  13:39:46      REORG of M356959.M356959A completed Elapsed Time =  0.73
  13:39:47      REORG of M661995.M661995A started
  13:42:08      REORG of M661995.M661995A completed Elapsed Time =  2.35
  13:42:08      REORG of M668047.M668047A started
  13:46:05      REORG of M668047.M668047A completed Elapsed Time =  3.97
  13:46:05      REORG of M760595.M760595A started
  13:47:01      REORG of M760595.M760595A completed Elapsed Time =  0.92
  13:47:01      LOG ARCHIVE after reorgs starting
  13:50:25      LOG ARCHIVE completed Elapsed Time =  16.15
  13:50:35      Job complete. SQLREODR terminating.
                  Number of DBSPACEs successfully reorged =  5
               Total elapsed time for entire run = 16.15 minutes
                   End of Report for  CPMICDBA  SQLREODR JOB

Related files

The file created in the first step of the DBSPACE Reorganization Driver tool process contains entries for each DBSPACE to be reorganized. Each record is a fixed length 128-byte entry consisting of the following fields:

Figure 184. REODRIPK List File layout

  Columns    Length     Description
  001 - 001       1      Status flag indicating whether the DBSPACE
                         has been reorganized (R) or not (blank or ' ').
  003 - 010       8      DBSPACE owner
  012 - 029      18      DBSPACE name
  031 - 034       4      Pool
  036 - 039       4      DBSPACE number
  041 - 048       8      Size of DBSPACE (NPAGES)
  050 - 057       8      Number of active pages (NACTIVE)
  059 - 061       3      Percent Index (PCTINDEX)
  063 - 065       3      Current PCTFREE of DBSPACE
  067 - 069       3      PCTFREE to be used in ACQUIRE DBSPACE
  071 - 073       3      ALTFREE to be used after loading the DBSPACE
  075 - 081       7      Last REORG date from SQLMAINT table  (or blank)
  083 - 090       8      Last REORG time from SQLMAINT table (or blank)
  092 - 095       4      Last elapsed time of REORG from SQLMAINT table
  097 - 103       7      Last Update statistics date from SQLMAINT table
  105 - 112       8      Last Update statistics time from SQLMAINT table
  114 - 114       1      Sort control character (sort by pool number, '-'
                         for descending order, '>' for ascending)
  116 - 119       4      Absolute pool number (used for sorting)
  121 - 121       1      Sort control character (as above, but for sort
                         by number of active pages)
  123 - 130       8      Absolute active pages (used for sorting)
  132 - 141      10      COMMITCOUNT value

This file contains one record for each DBSPACE selected. If the unload is to be done to tape, the information needed to control the tape processes is added to the end of the file. See Unloading to Tape for a more detailed discussion of tape use.

Files created during the reorganization will have a filename that is similar to the DBSPACE name that is being reorganized. If the dbspace name has any special characters, they will be removed. If the DBSPACE name is longer than eight characters, then it will be truncated to eight. The basic files created are:


dbspacename UNLOAD
The UNLOAD SQLDBSU command - used as input to the SQLDBSU (unload DBSU command file).

dbspacename UNLIST
The output listing of the UNLOAD DBSPACE portion of the reorganization (UNLOAD DBSU execution listing).

dbspacename DBSPACE
The DBSPACE in unloaded format - an output of the DBSU. It would be needed in the event of recovery from a failed reload step of the reorganization. It can also be used as a point-in-time backup copy of a DBSPACE.

dbspacename SQLDBSU
The SQLREORG-generated DBSU input file containing all the commands needed to reorganize the DBSPACE.

dbspacename LISTING
The output listing of the RELOAD portion of the reorganization (DBSU execution listing).

dbspacename PROGDBSU
The input to the DBSU to unload the access modules.

dbspacename PROGLIST
The output listing of the unload access modules step.

dbspacename PROGnnnn
The unloaded access modules (packages).

dbspacename EXEC
Exec used to recover from an interrupted reorganization.

The disposition of these files depends on whether the reorganization is successful and on whether a temporary disk is used or a permanent disk is available during the reorganization. In all cases, the files needed for recovery from a failed reorganization (the EXEC, DBSPACE, SQLDBSU, and those pertaining to packages), if present, will always be available on either the Support machine's A-disk or on the permanent disk specified, and/or in the reader of the user id running the reorganization. The other files will be on the A-disk or on the permanent disk, if used.

Who Can Use the DBSPACE Reorganization Driver Tool

Use of the DBSPACE Reorganization Driver tool requires Control Center Database administration-level or greater authorization.


The SQLREODR tool has these features:

DBSPACE Reorganization Driver Entry Panel

Shown in Figure 185 is the entry panel of the DBSPACE Reorganization Driver tool.

Figure 185. SQLREODR Screen

| mm/dd/yyyy                     CONTROL CENTER                        hh:mm:ss  |
|*------------------------- SQLREORG Driver Utility ---------------------------* |
||                                                          CTRLID: SQLMOD1    | |
|| Database ==> SQLDBA                                      NODE:   VMSYSTM1   | |
||                                                                             | |
|| DBSPACE OWNER ==> ________  (blank for ALL, PUBLIC, PRIVATE, ownername)     | |
||                                                                             | |
|| DBSPACE NAME  ==> __________________  (blank for ALL, use % for wildcard)   | |
||                                                                             | |
|| STORPOOL      ==> ____            (blank for ALL Pools or specific          | |
||                                   including minus sign for non-logging pool)| |
|| REPREP PKGS   ==> YES  (YES/NO dflt)  ALLSTATS    ==> NO   (YES/NO dflt)    | |
||                                                                             | |
|| DBSPACE PAGES:  MINIMUM ==> 1         COMMITCOUNT ==> 0                     | |
||                 MAXIMUM ==> 9999999                                         | |
|| DBSPACE NACTIVE PAGES   ==> P         (A=All, P=positive, N=negative        | |
||                                        values 1 - 9999999 )                 | |
||       The % SQL wildcard character can be used when specifying the          | |
||       Dbspace Owner or Dbspace Name values for selection.                   | |
||                                                                             | |
|*---------------------------------------------------------------SQMREODR------* |
|    PF1 HELP    PF3 QUIT    PF4 EXIT    PF5 Main Menu    Enter Retrieve List    |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |

From the menu displayed, the DBA can select the criteria to be used to obtain a list of candidate DBSPACES for reorganization. DBSPACES can be selected by storage pool, by owner (ALL, PUBLIC, PRIVATE, or an owner can be specified which may include the database wildcard character), by DBSPACE name (which may include the wildcard character), or by any combination of these. In addition, the choice of DBSPACES can be further limited by specifying a number or range of DBSPACE pages or active pages.

The DBA can also specify three additional options on this menu; whether to rebind packages, update all statistics, and a COMMITCOUNT value (valid in DB2 Server for VM Version 5.1 and above). These options apply to all selected DBSPACEs when the reorganization portion of the job is executed.

DBSPACE Reorganization Driver List Panel

The display panel below shows the DBSPACE candidates meeting the search criteria (in this example, DBSPACE OWNER = PUBLIC; DBSPACE NAME = %PMP%). From this screen, you have the ability to execute commands, for example, to update statistics, to issue show DBSPACE commands, or to exclude DBSPACES from reorganization, by using the OMIT selection option.

Certain DBSPACE attributes can be changed in the panel's modifiable fields. Using the provided fields, the amount of free space, the percentage of space reserved for indexes, and the size of the DBSPACE can be altered. By changing the value in the POOL field, DBSPACES can be migrated from one storage pool to another.

Sort function - The DBSPACES will be reorganized in the order they appear in this list. The list can be sorted by name, number of active pages, number of pages (descending), or storage pool, through the use of the appropriate PF key.

Shown in Figure 186 is an example of the Selection List panel:

Figure 186. SQLREODR Selection List Screen

| mm/dd/yyyy                     CONTROL CENTER                       hh:mm:ss   |
|*------------------------- SQLREORG Driver Utility --------------------------*  |
||  Database => SQLDBA                                                        |  |
||                                 PCTFREE  PCT                               |  |
|| SEL OWNER     NAME              ACQ ALT  INDX  POOL  NPAGES   NACTIVE      |  |
|| --- -------- ------------------ -------  ----  ----  -------  -------      |  |
||  _  PUBLIC   PMPACM_DBS_T        10   0    20   -21     4096      334      |  |
||  _  PUBLIC   PMPACM_DEV          10   0    20    15     4096      270      |  |
||  _  PUBLIC   PMPACM_TRN_DBS_T    10   0    10    18     2560     1123      |  |
||  _  PUBLIC   PMPACP_DBS_T        10   0    20    -8     1024        1      |  |
||  _  PUBLIC   PMPACP_DEV          10   0    20   -12     1024        1      |  |
||  _  PUBLIC   PMPACP_TRN_DBS_T    10   0    10   -20     2048       40      |  |
||  _  PUBLIC   PMPBPM_DBS_T        10   0    20   -11     2048      119      |  |
||  _  PUBLIC   PMPBPM_DEV          10   0    20   -12     2048       98      |  |
||  _  PUBLIC   PMPBPM_TRN_DBS_T    10   0    25    18     2048      384      |  |
||  _  PUBLIC   PMPBPP_DBS_T        10   0    20    -9     1024        1      |  |
||                                                                            |  |
||            The fields in red are modifiable for SQLREORG use               |  |
||  Select:  O = Omit DBSPACE,    S = Show Dbspace,    U = Update Statistics  |  |
||                                                                            |  |
||                              Page 1     of 3                               |  |
|*---------------------------------------------------------------SQMREOD2-----*  |
|PF:  1 Help         3 QUIT        4 StatHistory    7 Bkwd            8 Fwd      |
|    9 Sort/Name   10 Sort/Nact   11 Sort/Pages   12 Sort/Pool  ENTER CONTINUE   |

A description of the fields on the selection list panel follows:

Column Heading

Percentage of space on each page to be reserved, at the time the database is reorganized, for later data inserts. The default value is 10%. This value is used in the ACQUIRE DBSPACE command by SQLREORG. It is the value you requested at reorg time, NOT the current value of free space and NOT the current value of reserved space (for this value, see the PCTFREE ALT value below).

Current percentage of reserved free space. This amount should be lower than the PCTREE ACQ value to allow future inserts to use the reserved space on the existing DBSPACE pages, thus allowing clustering properties to be maintained. The free space value is altered by SQLREORG after all tables are reloaded. If the actual free space falls below this value, the DBSPACE will be split, reducing retrieval efficiency.

Current amount of pages in the DBSPACE reserved for index use. To alter, change the value.

The current size of the DBSPACE. To change the size of the dbspace specify the new value.

The storage pool currently associated with the DBSPACE. Can be changed to direct the reorganized DBSPACE into another pool.

The number of currently active data pages in the DBSPACE. This is displayed for informational purposes only.

The select options may be invoked immediately against the listed DBSPACES.

Select Option

Excludes DBSPACES from the final reorganization selection file.

Executes the database operator command SHOW DBSPACE.

Update Statistics (US)
Executes the database DBSU statement UPDATE STATISTICS for chosen DBSPACE and updates the SQLMAINT table if available.

The PF Keys offer these options:

PF Key

Stat History (PF4)
If the SQLMAINT table has been installed, the last maintenance dates and times for the DBSPACES will be displayed.

Sort/Name (PF9)
Sorts the list by DBSPACE name (default).

Sort/Nact (PF10)
Sorts list by number of active DBSPACE pages.

Sort/Pages (PF11)
Sorts list by DBSPACE size (number of pages) in descending order.

Sort/Pool (PF12)
Sorts list by storage pool number.

DBSPACE Reorganization Driver Job Control Panel

After selection has been made for reorganization, the DBA is shown a menu which specifies how SQLREODR is to control the reorganization step of the job. It contains required parameters and, if any DBSPACES chosen are in logging pools (recoverable storage pools), a logging pool section that includes fields for setting thresholds should archive activity be necessary before or after reorganization. To assist the DBA in archive management, relevant database logging parameters are highlighted in the lower portion of the panel.

Shown in Figure 187 is the job control panel of the DBSPACE Reorganization Driver tool.

Figure 187. SQLREODR Job Control Screen

| mm/dd/yyyy                     CONTROL CENTER                           hh:mm:s|
|*------------------------- SQLREORG Driver Utility --------------------------*  |
||                                                          CTRLID: SQLMOD1   |  |
||  DATABASE ==> SQLDBA                                      NODE:  VMSYSTM1  |  |
||  DBSPACE OWNER ==> PUBLIC           DBSPACE NAME  ==> %PMP%                |  |
||                                                                            |  |
||                                                                            |  |
|| ========================= 'REQUIRED PARAMETERS' ========================== |  |
|| TIME LIMIT  ==> 120   (Minutes; dflt 120)  STOP ON FAILURE ==> Y  (Y or N) |  |
||                 ----                                           -           |  |
|| FILEMODE  ====> _ (Linked R/W disk; dflt TEMP DISK)   TAPE ==> Y  (Y or N) |  |
||                 -                                              -           |  |
|| ============== FOLLOWING OPTIONS ARE FOR LOGGING POOLS ONLY: ============= |  |
||                                                                            |  |
|| LOG THRESHOLD ==> 70  LOG ARCHIVE BEFORE/AFTER JOB: ==> N/N  (logmode L)   |  |
|| ACTION WHEN THRESHOLD REACHED: ==> ARCH  (ARCH or STOP)                    |  |
||                                                                            |  |
||                                                                            |  |
|*---------------------------------------------------------------SQMREOD4-----*  |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |

If there are DBSPACEs chosen which are in a logging pool, this will be indicated on the panel.

Required Parameters

The required job control parameters used with the DBSPACE Reorganization Driver tool are:


Limits the duration of the reorganization job. After this time limit has passed, the current reorganization will be allowed to complete, but no new one will begin. The default is 120 minutes (2 hours).

Enter Y if the SQLREORG Driver Y should stop if any DBSPACE reorganization fails; enter N if the reorganizations should continue.

Allows you to specify a linked minidisk that is to be used for the unloaded data. This minidisk must be linked in R/W mode prior to running SQLREODR. If this option is not specified, SQLREORG will define a temporary disk large enough to hold all unloaded data. If temporary disk space is used for unloading, it will be reused for subsequent unloading and reloading, if large enough to handle the next DBSPACE, thereby saving the overhead and time needed to acquire and format new temporary disk space.

Allows you to unload the DBSPACES to tape rather than to disk. If Y is entered, more parameters will be needed. An additional panel will be presented. (See menu and descriptions below).

Logging Pool Parameters

These parameters are present only if any of the DBSPACES selected are in logging pools:


Percent of log pages filled at which point some action is to be taken.

Stop job, or initiate archive (log archive, if logmode = L; database archive, if logmode = A) then resume reorganizations if time remains.

Take a log archive before starting reorganizations and/or after the reorganizations are completed; applies only for logmode = L.

DBSPACE Reorganization Driver Tape Control Panel

If the DBA specifies that the reorganization job is to unload to tape, a Tape Control panel is presented. The DBSPACE Reorganization Driver tool will issue the required filedef and labeldef commands for one or more volumes. Multiple volume standard label tapes, single volume scratch tapes, catalogued tapes and scratch pool processing will be managed.

Shown in Figure 188 is an example of the Tape Control panel:

Figure 188. SQREODR Tape Control Panel


| mm/dd/yyyy                     CONTROL CENTER                       hh:mm:ss   |
|*------------------------- SQLREORG Driver Utility --------------------------*  |
||  DATABASE ==> SQLDBA                                     CTRLID: MSTRSRV   |  |
||                                                           NODE:  WMAVM1    |  |
|| Tape-manager    ==> EPIC         (EPIC, VMTAPE, CMS, Other)                |  |
|| Tape-user-id    ==> EPIC         (ID of the Tape Server Machine)           |  |
|| Tape-code-disk  ==> 195          (Virtual address (CUU) of tape code disk) |  |
|| Tape-code-owner ==> EPIC         (ID that owns the tape code disk)         |  |
|| Tape-density    ==> 38K          (4K, 38K)                                 |  |
|| Tape-blksize    ==> 28672        (28672)                                   |  |
|| Tape-premount   ==> N            (Y or N, premount tape with TVI)          |  |
|| Tape-retention  ==> 30           (Tape retention (days))                   |  |
||                                                                            |  |
||    ______  ______  ______  ______  ______  ______  ______  ______          |  |
||                                                                            |  |
|| Catl-dataset-name  ==> __________________________________________________  |  |
|| Tape-scratch_pool  ==> __________________________________________________  |  |
||                                                                            |  |
|*---------------------------------------------------------------SQMREOD5-----*  |
|  PF1 HELP   PF3 QUIT     PF7 PREVIOUS SCREEN            ENTER CONTINUE         |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |

The Tape Control panel is used to contain information the DBSPACE Reorganization Driver tool uses to control the use of tape for the unload/reload data portion of the DBSPACE reorganization.

The parameters displayed are the current settings of either the last values the program used, or the values from various Control Center control files. Note, these values are modifiable and will be saved in the user's LASTING GLOBALV file.

The list of work tapes to be used is optional. Complete it with the number of standard label tapes you think your job will need to hold the largest DBSPACE to be unloaded. All filedef, labeldef, mounting, rewinding, detaching, and reuse involved will be managed for you. If this parameter is left blank, the default will be one scratch tape.

NOTE: For multiple volume processing, only standard label tapes can be used. If the scratch option is specified, the largest DBSPACE unloaded must fit on 1 tape, since multiple scratch tape handling is not supported.


SQLREODR may be used to do a complete database reorganization of one or more DBSPACEs for purposes of maintenance and performance improvement.

Another purpose for this tool is to allow VMDSS users to take advantage of Data Spaces Support and striping by providing reorganization at the storage pool level.

Special Considerations

Unloading to Tape

The following is a description of the services, options, and restrictions which the DBSPACE Reorganization Driver tool provides when the unload to tape option is chosen. A tape use option panel is presented when the Tape option is specified. The tape parameters are written to the REODRIPK file following the DBSPACE entries. The use of tape is for unloading/reloading only and not for storage of unloaded DBSPACES. A tape (or tapes) will be reused by SQLREORG during the course of the job. The DBA must know how many tapes will be needed to hold the data from the largest DBSPACE unloaded. After each reorganization, the tape (or tapes) will be rewound and reused for the next reorganization.

First, all aspects of tape processing are automated. SQLREORG will take care of the FILEDEF and LABELDEF needed for the DBSU unload/reload steps. In addition, all mounting and rewinding between unloads/reloads and between reorganizations will be handled automatically.

Second, all tapes used must be standard label due to SQLDBSU's handling of labeled tapes (it forces a label to be written over the tape). SQLREODR does not support non-labeled tapes.

Third, a special mount/detach exec is supplied with SQLREODR. It is called SQMSTAPE EXEC. The same file is also supplied as SQMSTAPE $EXEC. The DBA should not have to modify this $EXEC file. It is there simply to remain consistent with our sample, reference code supplied. The SQMSTAPE EXEC is supplied to ensure that the exec resides on the code disk and is accessed by the support machine during a SQLREODR run. The DBA should try the supplied exec. It is possible that modifications might have to be made depending on one's tape management system, but the exec as supplied will work for VMTAPE, CA-DYNAM/T, EPIC, and CMS.

These options are available and an explanation of how they work is provided:

  1. Scratch tape - when specifying scratch tape, the job will be limited to the use of one scratch tape for unload/reload. Should the DBSPACE spill over to a second (or more) volumes, SQLDBSU will ask for another scratch tape to complete the unload step. Prior to starting the reload portion of the DBSPACE reorganization, SQLREORG checks to determine whether more than one scratch tape was used during the unload. If so, the reorganization will stop, and be flagged as incomplete for that DBSPACE. The job will continue on to the next DBSPACE. This is a limitation of the driver tool since the second volume id is not identified in the LABELDEF, and a subsequent reload would fail. So, when choosing scratch tape the DBA must be certain that the largest DBSPACE to be reorganized will fit on one volume when unloaded.
  2. Predefined volumes - when specifying volume ids on the tape option screen, SQLREORG will use the volume(s) for unloading the data. If only one volume is specified, SQLREORG will use that same volume over again for each DBSPACE reorganized. The utility will attend to all rewinds and only one mount activity will occur, as long as the unload fits on the one tape. Should it spill over, SQLDBSU will ask for a scratch to be mounted. The same logic will then apply as to multiple scratch tapes: if the unload uses more tapes than were supplied in the REODRIPK file, the reorganization for that DBSPACE will stop after the unload step. The tapes will be demounted, then the first tape will be mounted again for use in the next DBSPACE to be reorganized. The DBA must be sure to supply enough volids to hold the largest DBSPACE to be reorganized.

Unloading to TEMP Disk

When using TEMP disk to hold the unloaded data, these considerations apply.

The use of the TEMP disk by SQLREORG is changed somewhat when SQLREORG is invoked by SQLREODR. Temp disk will be handled thus: SQLREORG determines whether a TEMP disk is currently attached (the label used by SQLREORG when defining and formatting a TEMP disk is SQLTMP). If SQLREORG does not have a TEMP disk attached (which would normally be the case upon the first invocation of SQLREORG by SQLREODR), it will determine the size required and acquire one, as usual. When the reorganization is completed, SQLREORG will NOT release the TEMP disk if it has been invoked by SQLREODR (in anticipation of more invocations). If the reorganization is successful, we will erase the DBSPACE file on that TEMP disk before returning to SQLREODR. When invoked again, it checks whether there is a TEMP disk available (yes); it then checks whether it will be large enough to hold the current DBSPACE to be reorganized. If so, it uses the current TEMP disk. If not, it will release the old TEMP disk and acquire a new one. If a reorganization fails, the temp disk will be relabeled to SQLBAD. This way the temp disk will not be reused for other reorganizations and the unloaded dbspace is saved. When the last DBSPACE has been reorganized, SQLREODR will release and detach the final TEMP disk. Therefore, the DBA can see that it would be more efficient to order the reorganizations in descending order of DBSPACE size since only one TEMP disk would be acquired by SQLREORG for the entire job. This option is available in the selection screen by using the sort on pages option.

Files Created by SQLREORG

The files created by the SQLREORG exec have the following dispositions:

  1. Use of TEMP disk. When using TEMP disk to reorg, only the unloaded DBSPACE file (dbspacename DBSPACE Mode4) is written to the TEMP disk. All other files associated with the reorganization are written to the support machine's A-disk. For multiple invocations of SQLREORG, these files can add up. Therefore, the DBA must assure that there is enough space on the A-disk to hold them. (See more information about this same topic in Chapter 33, Automated DBSPACE Maintenance Tools.)
  2. Use of a permanent disk. All files generated by the SQLREORG program are kept on the permanent disk. None are erased. The DBA must be certain that enough space exists to hold all files during a run of SQLREODR which entails multiple reorganizations.
  3. Use of tape. The same considerations apply to tape as to temporary disk use.

Running SQLREODR in Command Mode

SQLREODR is best used as a scheduled job from the Control Center panels. The utility can be run, however, from the command mode. The HELP file guides you as to the parameters needed when invoking the utility. Just enter SQLREODR HELP to view the help available.

The most important item to remember is that the dbname REODRIPK file must be established on the Control Center service machine's A-disk. Previous sections explain the layout of this file. The file can be generated from the panels (by going all the way through to the schedule step). You can also copy and edit the file and send it to the Control Center service machine.

Note these points concerning the support machine on which the tool runs:

  1. The user ID must have DBA authority on the database.
  2. The user ID must initialize to the proper CTRLCTR service machine id. This is done by issuing the command SQM (ctrlctrid).
  3. The user ID must have proper authorization to the Control Center service machine.
  4. If using tape for unload, the console must be started by SQLREODR to automate the tape functions. SQLREODR will always spool the console to the reader, regardless of where it was spooled at the start of the job. It will not be re-directed at the end of the job (this applies only to command mode processing). Jobs initiated by Control Center on a support machine always spool the console to the reader for the duration of the job.

If using tape for the unload, the proper tape parameters MUST be present in the REODRIPK file. The best way to determine these is to run a sample retrieval and invoke the tapes panel, schedule the job with I (to mark it inactive), then look at the tape parameters generated on the REODRIPK file sent to the Control Center service machine.

A sample of the tape parms appended to a REODRIPK file is:

Figure 189. SQREODR Tape Parameters in List File


These parms start in column one. The VOLID parm is present for EACH tape volume used when using pre-defined volumes. When using scratch tape, the VOLID parameter is not used.

Finally, a sample of the invocation of the Driver utility from command mode, with parameters, follows:

Figure 190. SQREODR Command Mode Example

                  LTHRESH=70 TACT=STOP LBA=Y/N

A brief explanation is:

  1. The run duration is 60 minutes
  2. The Stop on Failure option is YES
  3. There are DBSPACES in logging pools
  4. Packages will not be re-prepped
  5. Log mode for the database is L
  6. Tape will be used for unloading by SQLREORG
  7. The log threshold is 70 at which time, if reached,
  8. The utility will stop processing
  9. There will be a log archive taken before the reorgs start but not after the reorganizations are completed.

Failure Analysis

The failures from SQLREORG can be analyzed using the information provided in the section on that utility. The new functions of SQLREORG (tape control, temp-disk handling) may provide additional error detection (missed tape mounts, more than one scratch tape). These errors will be noted in the SQLREORG console as well as referenced in the RUNDRIVR report file created by SQLREODR. Use this file to determine the nature of the problem. Use the console which is created with each job to further analyze the problem. Restart can be done after adjustments are made to the REODRIPK file if necessary.

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