The Operator Command Interface tools provide an interface between your virtual machine and a DB2 Server for VM database for performing database operator commands including SHOW commands, FORCE, COUNTER, RESET, and TRACE commands, and operator commands included with the VMDSS feature.
Although the Operator Command Tool and the Direct Operator Command Tool
allow you to perform many of the same operator commands, there are key
functional and operational differences which set them apart.
Table 9. Operator Command Tool/Direct Operator Command Tool Comparison
Functional Differences | Operator Command Tool | Direct Operator Command Tool |
Issue operator commands to remote databases | YES | NO |
Supports FORCE, TRACE, and RESET operator commands | YES | NO |
Operational Differences |
Control Center Panel Mode Interface | YES 7 | NO |
Requires Control Center authority | YES | NO |
Requires a DB2 Server for VM agent | NO | YES |
The Operator Command Tool provides an interface between your virtual machine and a local or remote database manager for performing database operator commands including SHOW commands, FORCE, COUNTER, RESET, and TRACE commands, and operator commands included with the VMDSS feature.
Figure 78. DBA Operator Commands Panel
+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | mm/dd/yyyy CONTROL CENTER hh:mm:ss | |*--------------------------- DBA Operator Commands --------------------------* | || Option ===> CTRLID: MSTRSRV1 | | || Database ===> SQLDBA NODE: VMSYSTM1 | | || | | || ************************ SHOW COMMANDS ************************** | | || A ACTIVE AD ADDRESS module-name | | || B BUFFERS C DBCONFIG | | || CN CONNECT D DBSPACE n | | || E DBEXTENT I INVALID | | || ID INDOUBT IP INITPARM | | || LA LOCK ACTIVE LD LOCK DBSPACE ALL|n | | || LG LOCK GRAPH uid|AGENT n LM LOCK MATRIX | | || LU LOCK USER uid|AGENT n|ALL LW LOCK WANTLOCK uid|AGENT n|ALL | | || L LOG LH LOGHIST ALL|n|SERVICE | | || LN CRR LOGNAMES P POOL ALL|SUMMARY|DELETED| | | || PR PROC *|proc-name AUTHID SP PSERVER *|GROUP | | || S SYSTEM SG STORAGE | | || U USERS | | || | | || Enter OPTION and PARMS, select DATABASE, press ENTER to process | | || | | |*---------------------------------------------------------------SQMOP10------* | | PF: 1 Help 3 End 8 Fwd (More & VMDSS) | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
The DBA Operator Commands panel is shown in Figure 78. |Additional Miscellaneous Commands and VMDSS commands are presented |on a separate panel accessed by pressing the PF8 key. |The VMDSS commands are applicable only if your database includes the |VMDSS feature.
The database you're currently working with is identified by your communication path and database settings shown near the top of the panel. The communication path may be changed using Option C from the Control Center Main Menu, whereas the database setting may be changed on this panel. For more information, see Control Center Communication Path and Database Settings.
Commands are issued against the specified database by entering the one or two-character command abbreviation along with required parameters, if any, and pressing the ENTER key. For example, the SHOW ACTIVE command can be issued by entering A in the option input field and pressing ENTER. The database response will be presented to you in a response panel (see Response Panels).
Refer to the DB2 Server for VSE & VM Operation manual for a complete description of each operator command.
The |Miscellaneous and VMDSS DBA Operator Commands panel is shown in Figure 79. This screen is presented on a separate panel when PF8 key is pressed from the main DBA Operator Commands panel.
Figure 79. VMDSS DBA Operator Commands panel
+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | mm/dd/yyyy CONTROL CENTER hh:mm:ss | |*--------------------------- DBA Operator Commands ---------------------------* | || Option ===> CTRLID: MSTRSRV1 | | || Database ===> SQLDBA NODE: VMSYSTM1 | | || | | || ********************* MISCELLANEOUS COMMANDS ********************* | | || F FORCE uid|AGENT n (DISABLE) Disable is optional | | || CO COUNTER *|name R RESET *|name | | || RD RESET INDOUBT *|ids SI SET PARAMETER name newval | | || TS TRACE START TO TRACE OFF NOCL | | || PS START PROC *|proc-name|authid PO STOP PROC *|proc-name|authid | | || VS START PSERVER group|name VO STOP PSERVER group|name | | || RN RESET CRR LOGNAMES | | || | | || ************************ VMDSS COMMANDS ************************** | | || CI COUNTER INTERNAL *|name RI RESET INTERNAL *|name | | || CP COUNTER POOL *|n|DIR|UNMAPPED RP RESET POOL *|n|DIR|UNMAPPED | | || SP SET POOL n1|n1-n2 DSn STR|SEQ SS SET SAVEINTV n | | || WT SHOW TARGETWS | | || | | || Enter OPTION and PARMS, select DATABASE, press ENTER to process | | || | | |*---------------------------------------------------------------SQMOP15-------* | |PF: 1 Help 3 End 7 Bkwd 8 Fwd | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
For more details on the specific VMDSS operator commands, refer to the DB2 Server for VSE & VM Performance Tuning Handbook manual.
There are two ways to initiate the trace facility under Control Center: during database startup or by issuing the TRACE operator command. Both methods are controlled by the database Tracconv, Tracdbss, Tracdrrm, Tracdsc, Tracebuf, Tracrds, Tracstg, and Tracwum parameter settings. These parameters allow you to specify what database operations are to be traced, and at what levels. The section Database Startup Parameters describes how to set these parameters.
How the trace facility is activated is dependent on the database Tracing parameter. If Tracing is set ON, the trace facility will be activated at database startup. If set OFF, it can be activated on demand by issuing the TRACE START command. In either case, tracing can be turned off by issuing the TRACE OFF command.
The output media for trace information is defined by the database Archiving/Tracing parameter settings. See Archiving/Tracing Parameters.
Using the Operator Command Interface provides you with several advantages over using other database interface products such as ISQL.
The Direct Operator Command Tool allows you to issue database COUNTER and SHOW commands to a database from the CMS command level. Results are displayed at your console |and saved to a CMS flat file as SQLREX RESULTS. SQLREX cannot |be executed remotely. The database and you must be located on the same |node. Execution of SQLREX uses one database agent..
Before issuing the |SQLREX command, these steps must be completed:
(1) (2) >>-SQLREX----+-SHOW--show keyword-------show parameters-------+->< '-COUNTER--+-*-----------+-----------------------' | .--------. | | V | | '----name---+-'
The |SQLREX command issues a database COUNTER or SHOW command to the database machine. Output is displayed by placing you in the XEDIT environment, editing the file |SQLREX OUTPUT; see Figure 80. The first line of output is generated by Control Center; it includes the name of the database machine. Output from the database is shown on the remaining lines. 8
Figure 80. Sample Output from SQLREX Command
+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | |SQLREX OUTPUT A1 V 80 Trunc=80 Size=8 Line=0 Col=1 Alt=0 | |====> | |1=HLP 2=SPL 3=FILE 4=Q 5=TAB 6=SPLIT 7=U20 8=D20 9=JOIN 10=R30 11=L30 12=CC1 | | |...+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7.. | |00000 * * * Top of File * * * | |00001 Database: SQLDBA |dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss | |00002 | |00003 Status of agents: | |00004 Checkpoint agent is not active. | |00005 User Agent: 1 User ID: MSTRUSR1 is R/O APPL 38F0 | |00006 Agent is processing an operator command. | |00007 4 agent(s) not connected to an APPL or SUBSYS. | |00008 ARI0065I Operator command processing is complete. | |00009 * * * End of File * * * | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+