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Resource Model Reference

Resource Models for Windows

Partial Table-of-Contents

  • Event Log Resource Model
  • Overview
  • Indications and Events
  • Event ID 9
  • Event ID 11
  • Event ID 15
  • Event ID 2011
  • Event ID 2511
  • Event ID 3013
  • Event ID 7023
  • Indication Properties
  • Thresholds
  • Built-in Actions
  • Logical Disk Resource Model
  • Overview
  • Prerequisites
  • Indications and Events
  • High Read Bytes per Second
  • High Write Bytes per Second
  • High Transfer Rate
  • High Percentage Disk Time
  • Logical Disk Possible Fragmentation
  • Low Disk Space
  • Slow Logical Drive
  • Thresholds
  • Logging
  • Memory Resource Model
  • Overview
  • Indications and Events
  • High Paging
  • Low Available Memory
  • Low Available Memory Causing Hard Paging
  • Low Available Memory Causing Soft Paging and Pagefile Resizing
  • Low Available Memory Is Causing Excessive Soft Paging
  • Low Available Memory Causing Many Problems
  • Low Available Memory with High Cache
  • Low Available Memory with a High Working Set
  • Low Available Memory with a Small Pagefile
  • Low Copy Read Hits
  • Low Data Map Hits
  • Low MDL Read Hits
  • Low Pin Read Hits
  • Pagefile Is Resizing
  • Memory Leak In Private Bytes
  • Memory Leak In System Code
  • Memory Leak In System Drivers
  • Thresholds
  • Logging
  • Network Interface Card Resource Model
  • Prerequisites
  • Overview
  • Indications and Events
  • Adjust Work Items
  • High Broadcast Frames
  • High Current Commands
  • High Errored Ratio
  • Network Interface Card Overworked
  • Network Interface Card Too Slow
  • Redirector Affecting Server
  • Redirector Overloaded
  • Redirector Overloaded Affecting Segment
  • Segment Affecting Redirector
  • Segment Affecting Server
  • Server Affecting Redirector
  • Server Overloaded
  • Server Overloaded Affecting Segment
  • Thresholds
  • Built-in Actions
  • Logging
  • Parametric Event Log Resource Model
  • Overview
  • Indications and Events
  • Windows Event Logged
  • Thresholds
  • Parameters
  • Parametric Services Resource Model
  • Overview
  • Indications and Events
  • Services Failing Service
  • Services Stopped Service
  • Parameters
  • Logging
  • Parametric TCP/IP Ports Resource Model
  • Overview
  • Prerequisites
  • Indications and Events
  • State of the Defined Port
  • Parameters
  • Logging
  • Physical Disk Resource Model
  • Overview
  • Prerequisites
  • Indications and Events
  • High Percent Disk Time
  • High Read Bytes per Second
  • High Transfer Rate
  • High Write Bytes per Second
  • Physical Disk Possible Fragmentation
  • Slow Physical Drive
  • Thresholds
  • Logging
  • Printer Resource Model
  • Overview
  • Indications and Events
  • High Current Percent Time
  • High Job Errors
  • High Job Errors Per Day
  • High Not Ready Errors
  • High Not Ready Errors Per Day
  • High Out Of Paper Errors
  • High Out Of Paper Errors Per Day
  • Thresholds
  • Logging
  • Process Resource Model
  • Overview
  • Indications and Events
  • Process Handle Leak
  • Process High CPU
  • Thresholds
  • Logging
  • Processor Resource Model
  • Overview
  • Indications and Events
  • Busy Hardware
  • CPU Cannot Keep up with Hardware
  • Hardware Keeping CPU Busy
  • High Percent Usage Delta
  • High Processes
  • Processor Busy
  • Thresholds
  • Logging
  • Server Performance Prediction Resource Model
  • Overview
  • Parameters
  • Logging
  • Services Resource Model
  • Overview
  • Indications and Events
  • Services Failing Service
  • Services Stopped Service
  • Thresholds
  • Built-in Actions
  • TCP/IP Resource Model
  • Overview
  • Prerequisites
  • Indications and Events
  • High Fragment Ratio
  • High Ping
  • Segments ReXmit
  • Thresholds
  • Logging

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