IBM Books

Troubleshooting Guide

Table of Contents

  • Welcome to DB2
  • Who Should Read This Book?
  • Conventions
  • How to Read the Syntax Diagrams

  • Part 1. Basic DB2 Troubleshooting

  • Chapter 1. Good Troubleshooting Practices
  • Maintaining a Problem History
  • Determining Origins and Symptoms of Problems
  • Determining the Location of a Problem
  • Responding to Unexpected Messages or SQL Codes
  • Responding to Abends
  • Responding to Suspensions and Loops
  • Using All Available Information
  • Updating DB2 Products
  • Using Logged Data and Taking Traces
  • Contacting IBM for Support
  • Chapter 2. Troubleshooting the DB2 Universal Database Server
  • DB2 Administrative Tools
  • Graphical Tools
  • Miscellaneous Troubleshooting Tools
  • The Database System Monitor
  • Troubleshooting Tips
  • Problems Migrating to Version 6
  • Server Failures
  • SQL1403N received when authenticating usernames or groups
  • Administration Difficulties
  • Backing Up and Restoring Data
  • Data Not Loading
  • Difficulties Importing Data
  • Problems Using Commands, Utilities, or the Command Line Processor
  • Tables or Rows Locked
  • Improving Database Performance
  • Still Have Problems?
  • Chapter 3. Troubleshooting on the Client
  • Overview of Client Connectivity
  • Client Connectivity Tools
  • Troubleshooting Tips
  • Determining the Scope of a Client Problem
  • Initial Connection after Installation Fails
  • Clients Suddenly Experiencing Problems
  • User Name Not Valid on Windows 95 and Windows 98
  • TCP/IP Problems
  • IPX/SPX Problems
  • NetBIOS Problems
  • Problems When Using Named Pipes
  • APPC Problems
  • Still Have Problems?
  • Chapter 4. Troubleshooting Host Communications
  • Troubleshooting Host Connections
  • Troubleshooting Tips for DB2 Connect
  • Initial Questions
  • Problems Making an Initial Connection after Installation
  • Problems Encountered after Initial Connection
  • DB2 Connect Connection Using SNA Does Not Work
  • Changing the Number of Connections
  • Authentication Problems
  • Windows Clients Will Not Connect
  • Troubleshooting Tips for Host Connections to DB2 Universal Database
  • Still Have Problems?
  • Chapter 5. Troubleshooting Applications
  • Troubleshooting Tips
  • Developing Applications
  • Compiling and Linking Applications
  • Running Applications
  • Using CLI/ODBC/JDBC Applications
  • Using SQLJ Applications
  • Using the db2ocat Tool
  • Stored Procedures
  • Still Have Problems?
  • Chapter 6. Troubleshooting DB2 Query Patroller
  • Still Have Problems?
  • Chapter 7. Troubleshooting DB2 Universal Database Enterprise - Extended Edition
  • Troubleshooting Tips
  • DB2 Universal Database Enterprise - Extended Edition Will Not Install
  • Severe Error Occurs on System
  • Determining Failing Node
  • Database Manager Will Not Start or Hangs
  • Cannot Create Database
  • Commands Cannot Be Issued
  • Problems Backing Up On Database Partitions
  • Problems with LOAD and with Splitting and Loading Data
  • Problems with Indexing Data
  • Problems during Recovery
  • Developing Applications in DB2 Enterprise - Extended Edition
  • Still Have Problems?
  • Chapter 8. Troubleshooting DB2 Data Links Manager
  • DB2 Data Links Manager Considerations
  • DB2 Data Links Manager
  • Data Access Token
  • Recovery Data Links Manager Environment
  • Backup Data Links Manager Environment
  • Export Operation
  • Import Operation
  • Load Considerations
  • DB2 Data Links Manager for Windows NT
  • Still Have Problems?
  • Chapter 9. Troubleshooting Replication
  • DpropR
  • Using the Log Header Control File with db2flsn
  • Example of using the db2flsn command and the db2diag.log file
  • DpropR Enhancements
  • Still Have Problems?
  • Chapter 10. Troubleshooting DB2 Satellite Edition
  • Still Have Problems?
  • Chapter 11. Troubleshooting NetQuestion
  • Still Have Problems?

  • Part 2. Advanced DB2 Troubleshooting

  • Chapter 12. Logs and Traces Roadmap

  • Chapter 13. The DB2 Process Model
  • Description of the DB2 Process Model
  • Differences between Intel and UNIX
  • Viewing System Threads and Processes
  • Chapter 14. Logged Information
  • First Failure Data Capture
  • Setting Configuration Parameters Affecting FFDC
  • Interpreting the db2diag.log file
  • Interpreting db2diag.log file Entry Headers
  • Interpreting an SQLCA Structure
  • Interpreting Hexadecimal Codes
  • Some Examples for Interpreting the db2diag.log file
  • Dump Files
  • Trap Files
  • Gathering Stack Traceback Information on UNIX-Based Systems
  • Using the Administrative Tools Log
  • Administrative Tools Log File Sample
  • Using Message Files
  • Alerts
  • SNMP Alerts
  • Chapter 15. Traces
  • Using the DB2 Trace Facility (db2trc)
  • Starting a DB2 Trace
  • Verifying a DB2 Trace
  • Examples of Using db2trc
  • Taking Other Traces
  • Administration Tools Trace
  • Taking a Graphical Interface Trace
  • Taking a DB2 Connect Trace (ddcstrc)
  • Taking a DRDA Trace (db2drdat)
  • Taking an SNA Trace
  • Using the DB2 CLI/ODBC/JDBC Trace Facility
  • Chapter 16. Diagnostic Tools for UNIX-Based Systems
  • Using the System Error Log (syslog)
  • Setting Up the System Error Log
  • Understanding the System Error Log
  • Using the Core File
  • Accessing Core File Information
  • Viewing Process Status Using the ps Command
  • Other Commands
  • AIX Troubleshooting Commands
  • UNIX-Based Troubleshooting Commands
  • Performance Monitoring Tools
  • Commands for DB2 Enterprise - Extended Edition
  • Chapter 17. Diagnostic Tools for OS/2
  • Using the OS/2 Logging Facility
  • Preliminary Considerations
  • Using OS/2 Logging Facility Commands
  • Using the FFST for OS/2 Utility
  • Adding the FFST for OS/2 Program Group to the Desktop Manager Window
  • Configuring and Enabling the FFST for OS/2 Utility
  • Accessing FFST for OS/2 Error Records
  • Routing Generic Alerts
  • Using the pstat Command
  • Chapter 18. Diagnostic Tools for Windows 32-bit Operating Systems
  • Diagnostic Tools for Windows 95 and Windows 98
  • Diagnostic Tools for Windows NT
  • Using Administrative Tools Provided by Windows NT
  • Taking Screen Captures
  • Using DB2-Supplied Tools
  • Chapter 19. GUI and Monitoring Tools
  • Database System Monitor
  • Using the Snapshot Monitor
  • Using the Event Monitor
  • Control Center
  • Using Search Utility for DB2 Online Information
  • Troubleshooting Tips
  • Troubleshooting Page
  • Stored Procedure Builder
  • DB2 Index Advisor
  • Chapter 20. Table Recovery
  • Dropped Table PIT Recovery
  • Table Space OFFLINE
  • Archive Logging
  • Table Space Usability
  • RESTART ... DROP PENDING Table Space State
  • Table Space Usability

  • Part 3. Appendixes

  • Appendix A. How the DB2 Library Is Structured
  • Completing Tasks with SmartGuides
  • Accessing Online Help
  • DB2 Information - Hardcopy and Online
  • Viewing Online Information
  • Accessing Information with the Information Center
  • Setting Up a Document Server
  • Searching Online Information
  • Printing the PostScript Books
  • Ordering the Printed Books
  • Appendix B. Using the Problem Determination Tools Folder
  • Accessing Internet Information for DB2 for OS/2
  • Accessing Internet Information for DB2 for Windows NT
  • Updating DB2 Products
  • Setting Diagnostic Levels
  • Collecting Diagnostic Information
  • Sending or Receiving Information
  • Tracing
  • Appendix C. SQL Communications (SQLCA)
  • Viewing the SQLCA Interactively
  • SQLCA Field Descriptions
  • Order of Error Reporting
  • DB2 Enterprise - Extended Edition Usage of the SQLCA
  • Appendix D. DB2 Internal Return Codes

  • Appendix E. Notices
  • Trademarks
  • Trademarks of Other Companies
  • Index

  • Contacting IBM

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