IBM Books

Troubleshooting Guide

Chapter 12. Logs and Traces Roadmap

When you contact DB2 Customer Service, you may be requested to provide logs or perform traces to help determine the cause of problems within DB2. The following tables list the various type of logging, tracing, and alert facilities provided by DB2.
DB2 Diagnostics
Facility Platform Notes Refer to...
db2dart All
  • For servers.
  • Analyzes database objects for architectural integrity.

Miscellaneous Troubleshooting Tools.

DB2 Logging
Facility Platform Notes Refer to...
db2diag.log file All
  • For clients and servers.
  • Logs errors and (depending on the diagnostic level) warnings and informational messages.

First Failure Data Capture.
Alert file All
  • For clients and servers.
  • Contains severe DB2 errors.

Dump files All
  • For clients and servers.
  • Provides additional information for some errors.

Dump Files.
Trap files All
  • For clients and servers.
  • Files that are created by DB2 in the event of a segmentation violation or trap.

Trap Files.
DB2 message files All
  • For servers.
  • Logs activities during operations such as bind, load, import and export.

Using Message Files.
DB2 Performance monitor Windows NT, Windows 95, OS/2
  • For clients and servers.
  • Logs deadlocks and other performance information.

The Database System Monitor, and the System Monitor Guide and Reference.
Administrative tools log Windows NT, Windows 95, OS/2
  • For clients and servers using the Control Center and other DB2 administrative tools.
  • Logs information for the administrative tools.

Using the Administrative Tools Log.

Facility Platform Notes Refer to...
db2trc All
  • For clients and servers.
  • Traces DB2 events.

Using the DB2 Trace Facility (db2trc).
Administrative tools trace Windows NT, OS/2
  • For clients and servers using the Control Center and other DB2 administrative tools.
  • Traces problems with the administrative tools.

Administration Tools Trace.
db2drdat All
  • Traces DRDA requesters and servers.

Taking a DRDA Trace (db2drdat) and DB2 Connect User's Guide.
ddcstrc All
  • Traces DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition gateways.

DB2 Connect User's Guide.
CLI trace All
  • Traces CLI, JDBC, or ODBC applications.

Refer to the CLI Guide and Reference manual.
SNA trace All
  • Traces communications via SNA.

Taking an SNA Trace.

Process Identification
Facility Platform Notes Refer to...
  • For clients and servers.
  • Shows current processes (along with process names for AIX).

Chapter 13, The DB2 Process Model and Viewing Process Status Using the ps Command.
pstat OS/2
  • For clients and servers.
  • Shows processes and their threads.

Chapter 13, The DB2 Process Model and Using the pstat Command.
Windows NT Performance monitor Windows NT
  • For clients and servers.
  • Shows processes and their threads.

Chapter 13, The DB2 Process Model and Using Administrative Tools Provided by Windows NT.

System Logging
Facility Platform Notes Refer to...
System error log (syslog) UNIX and OS/2
  • Logs alert conditions.
  • For use by DB2 Customer Service.

Using the System Error Log (syslog) and Using the OS/2 Logging Facility.
Core file UNIX
  • For UNIX-based systems.
  • Logs severe errors.
  • For use by DB2 Customer Service.

Using the Core File.
UNIX commands UNIX
  • Let you monitor and troubleshoot UNIX-based systems.

Other Commands.
Event logger Windows NT
  • Logs system errors, including severe DB2 errors for Windows NT systems.
  • Accessible to remote system administrators.

Diagnostic Tools for Windows NT.
SPM/2 OS/2
  • Monitors the performance of OS/2.

Chapter 17, Diagnostic Tools for OS/2.
Administrative tools Windows NT Version 4.0
  • Provide various administrative tools to diagnose and monitor Windows NT systems.

Diagnostic Tools for Windows NT.
Dr. Watson All Windows systems
  • Logs system errors during a General Protection Fault (GPF).

Diagnostic Tools for Windows NT.
Native OS/2 logging OS/2
  • Logs error information on OS/2 programs.

Using the OS/2 Logging Facility.

Facility Platform Notes Refer to...
DB2 alert file All
  • For clients and servers.
  • Contains severe errors.

SNA alerts OS/2
  • Sends information over an SNA network in the event of a severe error.
  • Can be generated by DB2 servers.

Using the FFST for OS/2 Utility.
SNMP subagent Windows NT, AIX, OS/2
  • Sends information over an SNMP network in the event of a severe error.
  • Can be set up for DB2 servers.

SNMP Alerts.

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