DpropR allows the management of multiple copies of redundant data. To determine which log file contains the log record identified by a given log sequence number, use the db2flsn (Find Log Sequence Number) command.
The command db2flsn --q input_LSN specifies that only the log file name be printed. No error or warning messages will be printed, and status can only be determined through the return code.
Valid error codes are:
db2flsn 000000BE0030 Warning: The result is based on the last known log file size. The last known log file size is 23 4K pages, starting from log extend 2. Given LSN is contained in log file S0000001.LOG
input_LSN is a 12 byte string that represents the internal (6-byte) hexadecimal value with leading zeros.
The log header control file sqlogctl.lfh must reside in the current directory. Since this file is located in the database directory, the tool can be run from the database directory, or the control file can be copied to the directory from which the tool will be run.
The tool uses the logfilsiz database configuration parameter. DB2 records the three most recent values for this parameter, and the first log file that is created with each logfilsiz value; this enables the tool to work correctly when logfilsiz changes.
If the specified LSN predates the earliest recorded value of logfilsiz, the tool uses this value, and returns a warning.
The tool can be used with database manager, prior to DB2 UDB Version 5.2
For more information see "sqlurlog -- Asynchronous Read Log" API in the Administrative API Reference.
You notice that in your db2diag.log file a restart has taken place:
1999-04-06- Instance:DB2 Node:000 PID:254(DB2SYSCS.EXE) TID:247 Appid:*LOCAL.DB2.990406154954 recovery_manager sqlpresr Probe:170 Database:SAMPLE DIA3909W Crash recovery completed. Next LSN is "0000003E800C".
You can use the db2flsn command to investigate the relevant log file:
D:\DB2\NODE0000\SQL00001>db2flsn 0000003E800C Given LSN is contained in log file S0000000.LOG
DpropR supports copying a BIGINT source to a BIGINT target between DB2 Universal Database products. For target servers that do not support BIGINT, a BIGINT column still can be copied but the target column will be defined as DECIMAL.
DpropR supports copying large objects between DB2 Universal Database OS/390s, between DB2 Universal Database products, and between DB2 Universal Database OS/390 and DB2 Universal Database.
LOB Restrictions and Requirements
Note: | A replica is a target table that can be updated. Changes to this table are replicated back to the replication source table. This table is used in an update-anywhere scenario. A Replica2 is a type of update-anywhere replica without transaction semantics. Conflicts are detected row by row, not transaction by transaction as for replicas. |