An alert is an error notification issued when a severe error occurs. It can be sent to a central machine, for the attention of network administrators.
Alerts are written to both the DB2 diagnostic log (db2diag.log file) and to the alert log (db2alert.log). Like the db2diag.log file, the db2alert.log file contains the following information:
Unlike entries in the db2diag.log file, however, db2alert.log entries can be viewed more readily by system administrators and others from system-wide error logging facilities:
If the DB2 SNMP subagent is activated, any DB2 alerts will produce a corresponding SNMP trap. Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is a widely available and well-accepted protocol for distributed management, and is supported by DB2 for OS/2, DB2 for Windows NT, and DB2 for AIX.
DB2 supports SNMP with agents and subagents:
The SystemView agent must be at the DPI Version 2 level. It is shipped with TCP/IP Version 3, and with DB2 for Windows 95 and DB2 for Windows NT.
The DB2 SNMP subagent complies with the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) standard (RFC 1697). It also supports the attributes of the Internet Engineering Task Force Relational Database (RDBMS) Management Information Base (MIB), also known as the IETF RDBMS MIB. The IETF RDBMS MIB is an emerging industry standard for management of relational databases (RFC 1697).
DB2 has a built-in SNMP subagent designed to work with any SystemView agent installed on the same machine, using DPI via SNMP. To configure this subagent, use the snmpcfg command. (Alternatively, click on the snmpcfg icon in the IBM SystemView Agent folder that is available on Windows NT.)
On the window that appears, you can configure the SNMP subagent to apply to a specific community name ("public" is the default), and to send trap information from this community to particular IP addresses.
To start the SNMP agent and the DB2 SNMP subagent:
For Windows NT and OS/2:
To stop the DB2 SNMP subagent, use the command db2snmpd -end.
For AIX:
To stop the DB2 SNMP subagent, use the command db2snmpd -end.
To turn on DPI internal debugging and tracing, use the -d parameter with the db2snmpd command. DPI tracing will be turned on at level 2, enabling the display of a hexadecimal dump of incoming and outgoing DPI packets.