Data Warehouse Center Administration Guide

Table of Contents

About this book

Who should read this book
Prerequisite publications

Chapter 1. About data warehousing

What is data warehousing?
Data warehousing in DB2 Universal Database
Warehousing tasks

Chapter 2. Setting up your warehouse

Starting the Data Warehouse Center
Defining agent sites
Data Warehouse Center security

Chapter 3. Setting up warehouse sources

Selecting Data Warehouse Center data sources
Setting up access to DB2 Universal Database source databases
Setting up access to DB2 DRDA source databases
Connectivity requirements for remote databases from the AS/400 agent
Establishing connectivity to local and remote databases from the AS/400 agent
Connectivity requirements for remote databases from the OS/390 agent
Defining a DB2 warehouse source
Accessing remote files
Accessing non-DB2 database warehouse sources
Defining a non-DB2 database warehouse source in the Data Warehouse Center
Defining warehouse sources for use with DataJoiner

Chapter 4. Setting up access to a warehouse

Setting up a DB2 Universal Database warehouse
Setting up a DB2 for AS/400 warehouse
Setting up a DB2 for OS/390 warehouse
Setting up a DB2 EEE warehouse
Defining warehouses for use with DataJoiner
Creating target tables with DataJoiner
Defining a warehouse target
Creating the Data Warehouse Center status table in the warehouse database

Chapter 5. Defining and running processes

Defining a subject area
Defining a process
Opening the process
Adding sources and targets to a process
Adding steps to the process
Running warehouse steps

Chapter 6. Moving data

Selecting and inserting data
Loading and exporting data
Manipulating files
Replicating tables

Chapter 7. Transforming data

Joining source columns
Filtering data
Adding calculated columns
Transforming target tables

Chapter 8. Calculating statistics

ANOVA transformer
Calculate Statistics transformer
Calculate Subtotals transformer
Chi-square transformer
Correlation transformer
Moving Average transformer
Regression transformer

Chapter 9. Refreshing a OLAP Server database

Defining values for the OLAP Server: Default calc (ESSCALC1) warehouse program
Defining values for the OLAP Server: Calc with calc rules (ESSCALC2) warehouse program
Defining values for the OLAP Server: Free text data load (ESSDATA1) warehouse program
Defining values for the OLAP Server: Load data from file with load rules (ESSDATA2) warehouse program
Defining values for an OLAP Server: Load data from SQL table with load rules (ESSDATA3) warehouse program
Defining values for an OLAP Server: Load data from a file without using load rules (ESSDATA4) warehouse program
Defining values for an OLAP Server: Update outline from file (ESSOTL1) warehouse program
Defining values for an OLAP Server: Update outline from SQL table (ESSOTL2) program

Chapter 10. Maintaining the warehouse database

Reorganizing data
Updating system catalog statistics

Chapter 11. Extending the Data Warehouse Center with user-defined programs

Defining a user-defined program
Using a user-defined program step
Writing your own program for use with the Data Warehouse Center

Chapter 12. Maintaining the Data Warehouse Center

Backing up the Data Warehouse Center
Expanding your warehouse
Exporting and importing Data Warehouse Center metadata
Publishing Data Warehouse Center metadata
Initializing a second warehouse control database
Configuring the Data Warehouse Center

Chapter 13. Creating a star schema from within the Data Warehouse Center

Designing the warehouse schema in the Data Warehouse Center
Exporting a warehouse schema to the DB2 OLAP Integration Server
Working with a warehouse schema in the DB2 OLAP Integration Server
Loading the multidimensional cube from the Data Warehouse Center

Appendix A. Data Warehouse Center logging and trace data

The basic logging function
Component trace data
Warehouse programs and transformers
Start error trace files

Appendix B. Metadata mappings

Metadata Mappings between the Information Catalog Manager and the Data Warehouse Center
Metadata mappings between the Information Catalog Manager and OLAP server
Metadata mappings between the DB2 OLAP Integration Server and the Data Warehouse Center

Appendix C. How the Data Warehouse Center migrates Version 5.2 definitions

Mapping between Visual Warehouse and Data Warehouse Center objects
Security changes

Appendix D. Defining values for Visual Warehouse 5.2 compatible programs

Defining values for a Visual Warehouse 5.2 DB2 UDB Data Export (VWPEXPT1) program
Defining values for a Visual Warehouse DB2 UDB Data Load Insert (VWPLOADI) program
Defining values for a Visual Warehouse DB2 UDB Data Load Replace (VWPLOADR) program
Defining values for a Visual Warehouse 5.2 DB2 UDB REORG (VWPREORG) program
Define values for a Visual Warehouse 5.2 DB2 UDB RUNSTATS (VWPSTATS) program
Defining values for a Visual Warehouse 5.2 Load flat file into DB2 UDB EEE (VWPLDPR) program (AIX only)

Appendix E. The data warehousing sample

Installing the sample
Creating the sample databases
Creating the warehouse database
Viewing the sample data
Viewing and modifying the sample metadata
Promoting the steps
Running the steps
Viewing the sample warehouse data

Appendix F. Using Classic Connect with the Data Warehouse Center

What is Classic Connect?
Setting up the environment
Configuring communications protocols between OS/390 and Windows NT(R)
Configuring a Windows NT client
Migrating from the Visual Warehouse Host Adapters to Classic Connect

Appendix G. Data Warehouse Center environment structure

Data Warehouse Center environment variables
Data Warehouse Center registry updates
Data Warehouse Center configuration files


