Data Warehouse Center Administration Guide

Chapter 2. Setting up your warehouse

To set up your warehouse, you need to log on to the Data Warehouse Center and specify the agent sites that the Data Warehouse Center will use when it accesses the source and target databases. You also need to set up security for the objects that you will define for your warehouse. Finally, you need to set up subject areas that will contain the information about the processes that are required to populate your warehouse.

This chapter describes the steps you need to take to set up your warehouse, including:

The process of building a warehouse is iterative. You might begin with a certain set of assumptions and build a warehouse that reflects those assumptions. Eventually, you might want to change these assumptions and the warehouse that they reflect. Because the Data Warehouse Center is easy to install and use, you can make changes without having to rebuild your warehouse. You can iteratively evaluate your assumptions and change your warehouse as many times as you need. The Data Warehouse Center adjusts with you.

Starting the Data Warehouse Center

To start the Data Warehouse Center, you need to start the components of the Data Warehouse Center. Some components start automatically, and some start manually.

After the warehouse server and logger are installed, they start automatically when you start Windows NT. The warehouse agent can start automatically or manually. You open the Data Warehouse Center administrative interface manually from the DB2 Control Center.

Starting the warehouse server and the logger

The warehouse server and the warehouse logger run as Windows NT Services. To start them, you must restart the system after you initialize the warehouse control database. Then the warehouse server and logger will automatically start every time you start Windows NT, unless you change them to a manual service.

To start the warehouse server and logger manually, use one of the following options:

Starting a warehouse agent daemon

The warehouse server can function as a warehouse agent, called the local agent. The local agent is defined as the default warehouse agent for all Data Warehouse Center activities. The local agent starts automatically when the warehouse server starts.

If you installed an AIX or Solaris Operating Environment warehouse agent, the warehouse agent daemon starts automatically.

If you are using a remote Windows NT warehouse agent or an OS/2 warehouse agent, you can select whether to start the warehouse agent daemon automatically or manually during installation.

If you are using an AS/400 or OS/390 warehouse agent, you must start it manually.

For more information about installing warehouse agents, see the DB2 Warehouse Manager Installation Guide.

Manually starting the Windows NT warehouse agent daemon

If you installed a Windows NT warehouse agent other than the local agent, you can manually start the warehouse agent daemon just as you start any Windows NT service:

  1. Click Start --> Settings --> Control Panel --> Services.
  2. Scroll down the list until you find Warehouse Agent Daemon. Make any changes you want, and click OK.

Manually starting the OS/2 warehouse agent daemon

To manually start the OS/2 warehouse agent, type the following command at an OS/2 command prompt:

START /B "IBM Visual Warehouse-NT OS/2 Daemon" d:\directory\VWDAEMON.EXE

where d:\directory is the drive and directory in which you installed the warehouse agent and warehouse agent daemon.

Manually starting the AS/400 warehouse agent daemon

After you install the AS/400 warehouse agent, you need to start the warehouse agent daemon.

The user profile that starts the agent daemon should have *PGMR (bind capability) as the User Class and *JOBCTL authority.

To start the agent daemon, enter STRVWD at an AS/400 command prompt. The STRVWD command starts QIWH/IWHVWD (the warehouse agent daemon) in the QIWH subsystem. This causes all warehouse agent processes that are started by the warehouse agent daemon to start in the QIWH subsystem.

To verify that the warehouse agent daemon started:

  1. Enter WRKACTJOB at an AS/400 command prompt.
  2. Look for the jobs VWD and IWH4MSGQ. If these jobs are displayed, the warehouse agent daemon is started.

The warehouse agent daemon runs as a background job.

Occasionally, you might want to verify that the AS/400 warehouse agent daemon that you started is still running. For example, you use the AS/400 warehouse agent throughout your work week, then go home for the weekend. When you return the following Monday, you should verify that the warehouse agent daemon is active before you initiate a new agent process.

To verify that the AS/400 warehouse agent daemon is active:

  1. At an AS/400 command prompt, enter WRKACTJOB. The active jobs are displayed.
  2. Look for the function PGM-IWHVWD that is associated with the user ID you used when you started the warehouse agent daemon. If the function is not displayed, the warehouse agent is inactive.

Starting the OS/390 warehouse agent daemon

After you finish configuring your system for the OS/390 warehouse agent, you need to start the warehouse agent daemon. Both the OS/390 agent and OS/390 agent daemon run on the UNIX(R) System Services (USS) platform.

To start the warehouse agent daemon:

  1. Telnet to USS on OS/390 through the OS/390 host name and USS port.
  2. Enter vwd on the command line to start the agent daemon in the foreground.

    Optionally, to start the agent daemon in the background, enter vwd > /u/mydir/vwd.backgr & on the command line, where vwd.backgr is the file where messages are stored.

To verify from a UNIX shell that the warehouse agent daemon is running, enter ps -e | grep vwd on a UNIX shell command line.

If the warehouse agent daemon is running, and if you are authorized to see the task, a message similar to the following message will be returned:

$ ps -ef | grep vwd
MVSUSR2        198   16777537  - 13:13:22 ttyp0013  0:00 grep vwd
MVSUSR2   16777446   16777538  - 09:57:21 ttyp0002  0:00 vwd 

If the warehouse agent daemon is not running, or if you are not authorized to see the task, a message similar to the following message will be returned:

$ ps -ef | grep vwd
MVSUSR2        198   16777537  - 13:13:22 ttyp0013  0:00 grep vwd 

To verify from an OS/390 console that the warehouse agent daemon is running, enter D OMVS,A=ALL at the OS/390 command prompt.

If the warehouse agent daemon is running, a task with the string vwd will be displayed in the message that is returned. A message similar to the following example is displayed:

D OMVS,A=ALL                                                            
BPXO040I 13.16.15 DISPLAY OMVS 156                                      
OMVS     000E ACTIVE          OMVS=(00)                                 
MVSUSR2  MVSUSR24 00C5   16777446   16777538 HRI   09.57.20       .769 
  LATCHWAITPID=         0 CMD=vwd       

Verifying communication between the warehouse server and the warehouse agent

The Data Warehouse Center uses TCP/IP to communicate with a remote agent site. For this communication to take place, the warehouse server must be able to recognize the fully qualified host name of the agent site. Also, the agent site must be able to recognize the fully qualified host name of the warehouse server.

To verify that one site recognizes the fully qualified host name of the other site, use the ping command from a command prompt.

For example, the fully qualified host name for a warehouse agent site is To verify that the warehouse server recognizes the fully qualified host name of the agent site, from a DOS command prompt, enter:


Ensure that you verify communication from both the agent site to the warehouse server workstation and vice versa.

Stopping the warehouse agent daemon

Occasionally, you might need to stop the warehouse agent daemon, such as when you need to change the environment variables for the warehouse agent and warehouse agent daemon.

Stopping the Windows NT warehouse agent daemon

To stop the Windows NT warehouse agent daemon:

  1. Click Start --> Settings --> Control Panel --> Services.
  2. Select Warehouse Agent Daemon.
  3. Click Stop.

    The warehouse agent daemon stops.

  4. Click OK.

Stopping the AIX or Solaris Operating Environment warehouse agent daemons

The only circumstance under which you need to stop an AIX or Solaris Operating Environment warehouse agent daemon is if you want to change the environment variables for the warehouse agents and its corresponding warehouse agent daemon.

To successfully change the environment variables for one of the warehouse agents and its corresponding warehouse agent daemon:

  1. Change the environment variables for both the warehouse agent and the warehouse agent daemon by editing the IWH.ENVIRONMENT file.
  2. Display the process ID for the warehouse agent daemon. At an AIX or Solaris Operating Environment command line, enter:
    ps -ef|grep vwd

    The process ID is displayed.

  3. Stop the warehouse agent daemon. At a command line enter:
    kill processid

    where processid is the process ID that was displayed in step 2.

When the warehouse agent daemon stops, it immediately restarts by default. When the warehouse agent daemon restarts, it uses the new environment variables.

Stopping the AS/400 warehouse agent daemon

Occasionally, you might need to stop the AS/400 warehouse agent daemon.

To stop the warehouse agent daemon, enter ENDVW at an AS/400 command prompt.

When you enter this command, either the warehouse agent daemon stops, or a list of jobs is displayed. If a list of jobs is displayed, end the job that has ACTIVE status.

Stopping the OS/390 warehouse agent daemon

If you need to stop the agent daemon:

  1. Determine the daemon process ID.

    You can determine the daemon process ID by entering ps -ef | grep vwd or D OMVS,A=ALL on the command line.

  2. Stop the daemon.

    You can stop the daemon process by entering kill [-9] pid on the command line, where pid is the daemon process ID.

Starting the Data Warehouse Center administrative interface

To start the Data Warehouse Center administrative interface:

  1. Start the DB2 Control Center:
  2. Click Tools --> Data Warehouse Center in the DB2 Control Center window. The Data Warehouse Center Logon window opens.
  3. Click Advanced if you are logging on for the first time.

    The Advanced window opens.

  4. In the Control database field, type the ODBC system data set name (system DSN) for, the name of the warehouse control database.
  5. In the Server host name field, type the TCP/IP host name for the workstation where the warehouse server is installed.

    Figure db2tu035 not displayed.

  6. Click OK.

    The Advanced window closes.

    The next time that you log on, the Data Warehouse Center will use the settings that you specified in the Advanced window.

  7. In the User ID field of the Logon window, type a valid Data Warehouse Center user ID.

    If you are logging on for the first time, type the default warehouse user ID.

  8. In the Password field, type the password for the user ID.

    Figure db2db006 not displayed.

  9. Click OK.

    The Data Warehouse Center Logon window closes.

Defining agent sites

The Data Warehouse Center uses the local agent as the default agent for all Data Warehouse Center activities. However, you probably will want to use a warehouse agent on a different site from the workstation that contains the warehouse server. You need to define the agent site, which is the workstation on which the agent is installed, to the Data Warehouse Center. The Data Warehouse Center uses this definition to identify the workstation on which to start the agent.

To use a warehouse agent, you must complete the following tasks:

  1. Determine where to place the warehouse agent.
  2. Establish connectivity to local and remote databases.
  3. For an OS/390 warehouse agent, configure TCP/IP, set environment variables, and set up authorization for the warehouse agent daemon.
  4. Start the agent daemon. (See Starting a warehouse agent daemon.)
  5. Verify communication between the warehouse server and the warehouse agent.
  6. Define the agent site to the Data Warehouse Center.

Agent site configurations

The warehouse agent receives SQL commands from the warehouse server, and then passes the commands to the source or target databases.

You can set up the warehouse agent in one of three configurations:

The warehouse agent, source, and target are located on the same workstation.
The warehouse agent is installed on a system that contains both the warehouse source table and the warehouse target table in the same database, as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. The warehouse agent, warehouse source, and warehouse target are located on the same system.

The agent, source, and target are located on the same system.

The warehouse server can also be located on the same system as the warehouse agent, warehouse source, and warehouse target.

In this configuration, the warehouse agent passes SQL statements that extract data from the source tables. The warehouse agent transforms the data, if necessary, and then writes it to the target table.

The warehouse agent and warehouse target are located on the same system.
The warehouse agent is installed on the system that contains the warehouse target table, as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. The warehouse agent and warehouse target are located on the same system.

The warehouse agent and target are located on the same system.

In this configuration, the warehouse agent passes SQL statements that extract data from a remote source. The warehouse agent transforms the data, if necessary, and then writes the data to the target table on the local database.

This configuration offers the best performance when the source and target reside on different systems.

The warehouse agent and warehouse source are located on the same system.
The warehouse agent is installed on the system that contains the warehouse source, as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3. The warehouse agent and warehouse source are located on the same system.

The warehouse agent and source are located on the same system.

In this configuration, the warehouse agent passes SQL that extracts data from the warehouse source on the local database. The warehouse agent transforms the data, if necessary, and then writes the data to the target table on the remote database.

After you set up access to your data and you determine the location of your warehouse agent, you must define security for your warehouse. For information about defining warehouse security, see Data Warehouse Center security.

Connectivity requirements for the warehouse server and the warehouse agent

The warehouse server uses TCP/IP to communicate with the warehouse agent and the warehouse agent daemon. For this communication to take place, the warehouse server must be able to recognize the fully qualified host name of the warehouse agent. Also, the warehouse agent must be able to recognize the fully qualified host name of the warehouse server.

By default, the warehouse server sends messages to the warehouse agent daemon on port 11001 and receives responses on port 11000. The warehouse logger uses port 11002. If another application uses one of the default Data Warehouse Center port numbers, you can change the port number that the Data Warehouse Center uses. If you need to change a port number, see DB2 Universal Database Troubleshooting Guide.

Configuring TCP/IP on OS/390

To configure TCP/IP on OS/390:

  1. Go to the /etc/services file or the 'TCPIP.ETC.SERVICES' file in the OS/390 environment.
  2. Add the following services to the file:
    Port name Port number
    vwkernel 11000/tcp
    vwd 11001/tcp
    vwlogger 11002/tcp


Updating your environment variables on OS/390

To update your environment variables, add the following variables to your .profile file:
Variable Notes
export VWS_LOGGING=/u/mydir/logs/ /u/mydir/logs/ is the directory where you want to put the agent logs.
export DSNAOINI='DBA1.INSTALIB(DSNAOINI)' For more information on INI files, see the DB2 UDB for OS/390 ODBC Guide and Reference.
export DSNAOTRC='DBA1.DSNAOTRC' Use only if you want to receive CLI traces.
export STEPLIB='DSN610.SDSNLOAD' DSN610.SDSNLOAD is the DB2 load library.

Defining an agent site to the Data Warehouse Center

Use the Agent Sites notebook to define an agent site to the Data Warehouse Center.

If you are using the local agent that is installed with the warehouse server, you do not have to define the local agent. It is defined automatically as the default agent site.

If you want your agent to access a user object, such as a LAN drive, you should specify the Data Warehouse Center to run as a user process instead of as a system process.

No authority level is required to define an agent site to the Data Warehouse Center.

To define an agent site to the Data Warehouse Center:

  1. Open the Agent Sites notebook:

    1. From the Data Warehouse Center tree, expand the Administration folder.
    2. Right-click the Agent Sites folder and click Define. The Agent Sites notebook opens.

    Figure db2db054 not displayed.

  2. In the Name field, type a name for the agent site that you are defining to the Data Warehouse Center. This name can be up to 80 characters in length.
  3. Optional: In the Administrator field, type the name of the warehouse administrator who is responsible for this agent site definition.
  4. Optional: In the Description field, type a business description for your agent definition. This description can be a maximum of 255 characters.
  5. Optional: In the Notes field, type detailed information that might be helpful to users who can access the Agent Sites notebook.
  6. In the Hostname field, type the IP address for the system or workstation where the agent is installed, or type the machine host name. Type the IP address in the form of n.nnn.nn.nnn. In the Operating System field, select the operating system on which your warehouse agent runs.
  7. Optional: In the Agent module name field, you can change the name of the warehouse agent program at the direction of IBM Software Support. The default value is IWH2AGNT.
  8. In the User ID field, type a valid user ID for the agent site, if one is required. If you don't specify a user ID, the agent assumes the characteristics of the warehouse server (for the default agent only) or the agent daemon. For example, if the warehouse agent daemon runs as a system process, the warehouse agent does, too. If you specify a user ID, the warehouse agent inherits the characteristics of the user specified by the user ID.
  9. If you supplied a user ID, type the password that is associated with the user ID in the Password field. Type the password again in the Verify Password field.
  10. If you have already defined warehouse sources and targets, click the Warehouse Sources and Targets tab. In the Available warehouse sources and targets list, select a warehouse source that you want your agent to access, and click >. To select multiple warehouse sources, hold down the Ctrl key, and click the sources that you want to add. Then, click >. If you want to add all of the items in the list, click >>.
  11. Optional: If your warehouse agent will run warehouse programs, transformers, or user-defined programs, click the Programs tab. In the Available Programs list, click a program or transformer that your warehouse agent will run, then click >. To select multiple programs, hold down the Ctrl key, and click the programs that you want to add. Then, click >. If you want to add all of the items in the Available Programs list, click >>.
  12. Click OK to define your agent site to the Data Warehouse Center.

If you are installing a warehouse program on the agent site, you must define the program to the Data Warehouse Center before you can use it. For more information, see Defining a user-defined program.

Data Warehouse Center security

Because the Data Warehouse Center stores user IDs and passwords for various databases and systems, there is a Data Warehouse Center security structure that is separate from the database and operating system security. This structure consists of warehouse groups and warehouse users. Users gain privileges and access to Data Warehouse Center objects by belonging to a warehouse group. A warehouse group is a named grouping of warehouse users and privileges, which is the users' authorization to perform functions. Warehouse users and warehouse groups do not need to match the DB users and DB groups that are defined for the warehouse control database.

During initialization, you specify the ODBC name of the warehouse control database, a valid DB2 user ID, and a password. The Data Warehouse Center authorizes this user ID and password to update the warehouse control database. In the Data Warehouse Center, this user ID is defined as the default warehouse user.
Tip:The default warehouse user requires a different type of database and operating system authorization for each operating system that the warehouse control database supports. For more information, see the DB2 Warehouse Manager Installation Guide.

When you log on to the Data Warehouse Center, the Data Warehouse Center verifies that you are authorized to open the Data Warehouse Center administrative interface by comparing your user ID to the defined warehouse users.

If you don't want to define security, you can log on as the default warehouse user and access all Data Warehouse Center objects and perform all Data Warehouse Center functions. The default warehouse user is a part of the default warehouse group. This warehouse group has access to all the objects that are defined in the Data Warehouse Center, unless you remove objects from the warehouse group.

However, you probably want different groups of users to have different access to objects within the Data Warehouse Center. For example, warehouse sources and warehouse targets contain the user IDs and passwords for their corresponding databases. You might want to restrict access to the warehouse sources and warehouse targets that contain sensitive data, such as personnel data.

You restrict the actions that users can perform by assigning privileges to the warehouse group. In the Data Warehouse Center, two privileges can be assigned to groups: administration privilege and operations privilege.

Administration privilege
Users in the warehouse group can define and change warehouse users and warehouse groups, change Data Warehouse Center properties, import metadata, and define which warehouse groups have access to objects when they are created.

Operations privilege
Users in the warehouse group can monitor the status of scheduled processing.

Privileges are assigned (by a user with administration privilege) to groups. In order for warehouse users to have a privilege, they must belong to a warehouse group that has the privilege.

In addition to the privileges, a warehouse group contains lists of objects to which the users in the group have access. You can specify access to sources, targets, and processes.

For example, you might define a warehouse user that corresponds to someone who uses the Data Warehouse Center. You might then define a warehouse group that is authorized to access certain warehouse sources, and add the new user to the new warehouse group. The new user is authorized to access the warehouse sources that are included in the group.

You can give users various types of authorization. You can include any of the different types of authorization in a warehouse group. You can also include a warehouse user in more than one warehouse group. The combination of the groups to which a user belongs is the user's overall authorization.

When a user defines a new object to the Data Warehouse Center and does not have administration privilege, all of the groups to which the user belongs will have access to the new object by default. The list of groups to which they can assign access is limited to the groups to which they belong. The Security page of the object notebook will not be available to the user.

The list of tables or views that users can access from a source will be limited by their group membership as well, so that they will be able to choose from among the tables and views to which they have access. Further, the set of actions available to the user through the Data Warehouse Center will be limited by the level of security that the user has. For example, a user will not be able to access the properties of an object if the user does not belong to a group that has access to the object.

For a summary of the relationship between Data Warehouse Center objects and the group membership that is required to define or edit the object, see "Data Warehouse Center security" in the online help.

The Data Warehouse Center works with the security for your database manager by including the user ID and password for the database as part of the warehouse source and warehouse target properties.

Figure 4 shows the relationship between warehouse users, warehouse groups, and the user IDs and passwords for the warehouse databases:

Figure 4. Relationship between warehouse users, warehouse groups, and the user IDs and passwords for the warehouse databases

Figure db2dbsec not displayed.

Defining a warehouse user

The Data Warehouse Center controls access with user IDs. When a user logs on, the user ID is compared to the warehouse users that are defined in the Data Warehouse Center to determine whether the user is authorized to access the Data Warehouse Center. You can authorize additional users to access the Data Warehouse Center by defining new warehouse users.

The user ID for the new user does not require authorization to the operating system or the warehouse control database. The user ID exists only within the Data Warehouse Center.

To define a warehouse user:

  1. In the left side of the main Data Warehouse Center window, click the Administration folder.
  2. Expand the Warehouse Users and Groups tree.
  3. Right-click the Warehouse Users folder, and click Define.

    The Define Warehouse User notebook opens.

    Figure db2db009 not displayed.

  4. In the Name field, type the business name of the user.

    The name identifies the user ID within the Data Warehouse Center. This name can be up to 80 characters, including spaces.

  5. In the Administrator field, type the contact for this user.
  6. In the Description field, type a short description of the user.
    Tip:You can use the Description and Notes fields to provide metadata about the definitions for your warehouse. You can then publish this metadata in an information catalog for the warehouse. Users of the warehouse can search the metadata to find the warehouse that contains the information they need to query.
  7. In the User ID field, type the new user ID.

    The user ID must be no longer than 60 characters and cannot contain spaces, dashes, or special characters (such as @, #, $, %,>, +, =). It can contain the underscore character.

  8. In the Password field, type the password. Then, type the password again in the Verify Password field.

    Passwords must be a minimum of six characters and cannot contain spaces, dashes, or special characters.
    Tip:You can change your password on this page of the Define Warehouse User notebook.

  9. Verify that the Active User check box is selected.
    Tip:You can clear this check box to temporarily revoke a user's access to the Data Warehouse Center, without deleting the user definition.
  10. Click OK to save the warehouse user and close the notebook.

Defining a warehouse group

In the Data Warehouse Center, warehouse groups include the authorization to perform certain tasks and access objects in the Data Warehouse Center. To authorize one or more users to perform tasks, you must define a warehouse group, and then add the users to the group.

To define the warehouse group:

  1. From the main Data Warehouse Center window, right-click the Warehouse Groups folder, and click Define.

    The Warehouse Groups notebook opens.

    Figure db2db052 not displayed.

  2. In the Name field, type the name for the new warehouse group.
  3. Optional: In the Administrator field, type the contact for this new warehouse group.
  4. Optional: In the Description field, type a short description of the new warehouse group.
  5. Optional: In the Notes field, type any additional information that an administrator might need to know about this warehouse group.
  6. From the Available privileges list, select the privileges that you want to assign to the warehouse group, and click >. The privileges that you select are moved to the Selected privileges list.

    If you want to assign all of the privileges in the Available privileges list, click >>.

    You can select from the following privileges:

    Users in the warehouse group can define and change warehouse users and warehouse groups, change Data Warehouse Center properties, import metadata, and define which warehouse groups have access to objects when they are created.

    Users in the warehouse group can monitor the status of scheduled processing.
  7. On the Warehouse Users page, select the warehouse users that you want to include in the warehouse group from the Available users list, and click >. The warehouse users that you select are moved to the Selected users list.

    If you want to include all existing warehouse users from the Available users list, click >>.

  8. On the Warehouse Sources and Targets page, select the warehouse sources and warehouse targets to which the warehouse group will have access from the Available warehouse source and targets list, and click >. The warehouse sources and targets that you select are moved to the Selected warehouse source and targets list.

    If you want the warehouse group to have access to all warehouse sources and targets in the Available warehouse source and targets list, click >>.

    Tip: You can authorize warehouse groups to access warehouse sources and warehouse targets from the Define Warehouse Group notebook, or the Define Warehouse Source, or Define Warehouse Target notebook.

  9. On the Processes page, select the processes to which the warehouse group will have access from the Available processes list, and click >. The processes that you select are moved to the Selected processes list.

    If you want the warehouse group to have access to all processes in the Available processes list, click >>.

    Tip: You can authorize warehouse groups to access processes from either the Define Warehouse Group notebook or the Define Process notebook.

  10. Click OK to save the warehouse user group and close the notebook.

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