Data Warehouse Center Administration Guide


Special Characters
Special Characters
  • BVBESTATUS table
  • creating (1690)
  • OLAP Server warehouse program (1940)
  • A
  • adding data sources (2135)
  • administrative interface, starting (1441)
  • agent site (1403)
  • configuration (1452)
  • defining (1448)
  • agent site, default (1405)
  • agent, warehouse (1400)
  • agents (2080)
  • aggregating columns (1890)
  • analysis of variance (1895)
  • ANOVA transformer (1894), (1900)
  • B
  • backing up Data Warehouse Center (2002)
  • backward regression (1936)
  • Base Aggregate step (1810)
  • basic statistics (1903)
  • Berkeley sockets (2121)
  • business metadata (1422)
  • BVBESTATUS table
  • and DataJoiner (1674)
  • for OS/390 database (1658)
  • C
  • Calculate Statistics transformer (1902)
  • Calculate Subtotals transformer (1907)
  • calculated column
  • definition (1858)
  • calculation scripts (1945)
  • CASE statement (1829)
  • catalog name (2141)
  • Change Aggregate step (1813)
  • changing your configuration (2005)
  • Chi-square transformer (1912)
  • choosing warehouses (1631)
  • Classic Connect
  • data server (2083)
  • Data Warehouse Center step (2070)
  • nonrelational data mapper (2108)
  • warehouse agents (2079)
  • Clean Data transformer (1869)
  • clean types (1870)
  • Client Access/400 (1651)
  • client connection requests (2103)
  • close trace on write (2149)
  • code transformation (1825)
  • communications compound address field (2117)
  • communications options (2114)
  • compression (2145)
  • configuration files (2160)
  • configuration prerequisites (2134)
  • configurations (1451)
  • configuring
  • data sources (2133)
  • IMS (1604)
  • Informix
  • OS/2 (1616)
  • UNIX (1608)
  • Windows NT (1592)
  • local OS/390 client (2116)
  • LU 6.2 communications (2138)
  • LU 6.2 on OS/390 (2129)
  • LU 6.2 on Windows NT (2130)
  • Microsoft Access (1600)
  • Microsoft SQL Server
  • UNIX (1614)
  • Windows NT (1598)
  • MicrosoftExcel (1602)
  • ODBC drivers (2140)
  • Oracle
  • OS/2 (1620)
  • UNIX (1612)
  • Windows NT (1596)
  • prerequisite products (2113)
  • Sybase
  • OS/2 (1618)
  • UNIX (1610)
  • Windows NT (1594)
  • TCP/IP communications (2136)
  • TCP/IP on OS/390 (2120)
  • TCP/IP on Windows NT (2126)
  • VSAM (1606)
  • configuring Data Warehouse Center
  • changing (2006)
  • installation (2030)
  • to work with OLAP Server (1942)
  • connecting
  • to source
  • DB2 for VM (1574)
  • DB2 for VSE (1575)
  • DB2 Universal Database for AS/400 (1572)
  • DB2 Universal Database for OS/390 (1573)
  • to warehouse
  • DB2 Common Server (1640)
  • DB2 EEE (1665)
  • DB2 for AS/400 (1649)
  • DB2 for OS/390 (1656)
  • to source
  • DB2 family (1542)
  • connection handler (2091)
  • connectivity
  • establishing
  • AS/400 agent (1582)
  • OS/390 agent (1583)
  • connectivity requirements
  • between remote databases (1580)
  • between the warehouse server and the warehouse agent (1453)
  • control database
  • export considerations (2011)
  • initializing (2025)
  • installing a new one (2027)
  • controlling configuration parameters (2095)
  • Copy File using FTP warehouse program (1785)
  • correlation coefficient (1919)
  • Correlation transformer (1917)
  • covariance (1921)
  • creating target tables with DataJoiner (1676)
  • CROSS ACCESS ODBC driver (2082)
  • cross memory (2115)
  • D
  • data
  • filtering (1852)
  • informational (1392)
  • inserting (1756)
  • operational (1391)
  • selecting (1754)
  • transforming (1817)
  • viewing
  • source table (1587)
  • target table (1688)
  • Data export with ODBC to file warehouse program (1765)
  • data mapper
  • description (2107)
  • workflow (2111)
  • data server (2084)
  • data source handler (2104)
  • Data Warehouse Center (1389)
  • backing up (2004)
  • configuration files (2158)
  • environment variables (2157)
  • logger, starting (1427)
  • logging on (1446)
  • mapping to Information Catalog Manager object types (2018)
  • properties, changing (2036)
  • security, defining (1456)
  • server, starting (1426)
  • starting a step from outside (1746)
  • status table
  • and DataJoiner (1675)
  • creating (1691)
  • token (1982)
  • Data Warehouse Center program
  • location (1992)
  • DataJoiner
  • accessing source and target data (1622), (1669)
  • creating target tables (1677)
  • defining
  • source (1624), (1673)
  • warehouse (1672)
  • moving a target table (1680)
  • server mapping example (1625)
  • updating an existing table in a remote database (1683)
  • DB2
  • on host systems, accessing as source (1545)
  • warehouses (1627)
  • DB2 Common Server
  • accessing as target (1633)
  • connecting to warehouse (1641)
  • privileges (1637)
  • DB2 Connect (1643)
  • DB2 Connect gateway site (1566)
  • DB2 EEE
  • warehouse target (1667)
  • DB2 family
  • accessing as source (1538)
  • connecting to source (1543)
  • privileges (1540)
  • DB2 for AS/400
  • accessing as targets (1642)
  • connecting to warehouse (1650)
  • privileges (1646)
  • DB2 for AS/400 Data Load Insert warehouse program (1773)
  • DB2 for AS/400 Data Load Replace warehouse program (1777)
  • DB2 for EEE
  • connecting to warehouse (1666)
  • privileges (1663)
  • DB2 for OS/390
  • connecting to warehouse (1657)
  • privileges (1654)
  • warehouse target (1659)
  • DB2 for OS/390 Load warehouse program (1781)
  • DB2 for VM
  • accessing as source (1548)
  • connecting to source (1578)
  • privileges (1560)
  • setting up the DB2 Connect gateway site (1570)
  • DB2 for VSE
  • accessing as source (1549)
  • connecting to source (1579)
  • privileges (1561)
  • setting up the DB2 Connect gateway site (1571)
  • DB2 OLAP Integration Server
  • exporting metadata to Data Warehouse Center (2047)
  • metadata mapping with Data Warehouse Center (2069)
  • multidimensional cube
  • loading from the Data Warehouse Center on a schedule (2048)
  • multidimensional cube, loading with data (2046)
  • DB2 Universal Database export warehouse program (1761)
  • DB2 Universal Database for AS/400
  • accessing as source (1546)
  • connecting to source (1576)
  • privileges (1558)
  • setting up the DB2 Connect gateway site (1568)
  • DB2 Universal Database for OS/390
  • accessing as source (1547)
  • connecting to source (1577)
  • privileges (1559)
  • setting up the DB2 Connect gateway site (1569)
  • DB2 Universal Database load warehouse program (1769)
  • default agent site (1404)
  • defining
  • agent site (1447)
  • information resources (1586)
  • privileges
  • DB2 Common Server (1636)
  • DB2 family (1539)
  • DB2 for AS/400 (1645)
  • DB2 for EEE (1662)
  • DB2 for OS/390 (1653)
  • DB2 for VM (1556)
  • DB2 for VSE (1557)
  • DB2 Universal Database for AS/400 (1554)
  • DB2 Universal Database for OS/390 (1555)
  • process (1694)
  • program group (1972)
  • security (1454)
  • source
  • for use with DataJoiner (1623), (1671)
  • SQL
  • SQL (1757)
  • step (1702)
  • Base Aggregate (1803)
  • Change Aggregate (1811)
  • Clean Data (1867)
  • Copy File using FTP (1784)
  • Data export with ODBC to file (1764)
  • DB2 for AS/400 Data Load Insert (1772)
  • DB2 for AS/400 Data Load Replace (1776)
  • DB2 for OS/390 Load (1780)
  • DB2 Universal Database export (1760)
  • DB2 Universal Database load (1768)
  • Generate Key Table (1872)
  • Generate Period Table (1878)
  • Invert Data (1883)
  • Pivot Data (1887)
  • Point-in-Time (1802)
  • Run FTP Command File (1788)
  • Staging Table (1814)
  • Submit OS/390 JCL jobstream (1792)
  • User Copy (1804)
  • user-defined program (1974)
  • warehouse
  • for use with DataJoiner (1670)
  • warehouse target
  • DB2 for EEE (1668)
  • DB2 for OS/390 (1660)
  • in Data Warehouse Center (1685)
  • defining source
  • replication (1799)
  • defining step
  • User Copy (1801)
  • developing steps (1717)
  • development mode (1719)
  • diagnosis (2050)
  • dimension tables (1844)
  • DJXSAMP (2093)
  • DRDA (1544)
  • E
  • enable trace (2147)
  • enterprise server
  • definition (2101)
  • implementation (2102)
  • environment variables (2152)
  • updating (2155)
  • error handling (1729)
  • error messages (1728)
  • errors, logging (2055)
  • establishing connectivity (1581)
  • event viewer (2054)
  • example
  • external trigger program (1750)
  • examples
  • ANOVA transformer (1899)
  • DataJoiner server mapping (1626)
  • left outer join (1834)
  • mapping source data to target table (1712)
  • SQL DATE function (1859)
  • star join (1851)
  • star schema (1846)
  • summary (1865)
  • using warehouse program for data cleansing (1823)
  • WHERE clause (1856)
  • exponentially smoothed moving average (1927)
  • external trigger program (1747)
  • example (1749)
  • return code (1752)
  • status (1751)
  • externally populated step (1742)
  • F
  • fact tables (1845)
  • feedback file (1999)
  • fetch buffer size (2142)
  • files, configuration (2159)
  • filtering data (1853)
  • Fisher-F distributions (1897)
  • forecasting (1930)
  • foreign key (1849)
  • FormatDate transformer (1892)
  • formulas and expressions for data cleansing (1821)
  • full outer join (1839)
  • full-model regression (1935)
  • G
  • Generate Key Table transformer (1874)
  • Generate Period Table transformer (1880)
  • generic ODBC driver (1462)
  • goodness-of-fit test (1913)
  • H
  • hostname (2124)
  • Hyperion Essbase warehouse program (1941)
  • I
  • import
  • from one Data Warehouse Center system to another (2014)
  • initializing control database (2013)
  • object definitions (2012)
  • initialization service (2088)
  • interface (2097)
  • IMS connectivity requirements (1463), (1485), (1503), (1521)
  • initialization service (2089)
  • interface (2098)
  • IMS logical table (2073)
  • incremental commit (1759)
  • information catalog (1420)
  • Information Catalog Manager
  • publishing metadata (2016)
  • Information Catalog Manager object types
  • mapping to Data Warehouse Center object types (2019)
  • informational data (1393)
  • Informix 7.2 connectivity requirements (1475), (1497), (1515), (1533)
  • initialization
  • definition (2029)
  • parameters (2028)
  • types (2026)
  • initialization services (2087)
  • initializing second control database (2024)
  • inserting data (1755)
  • installing prerequisite products (2112)
  • Invert Data transformer (1885)
  • IP address (2123)
  • IWH2LOG.LOG (2063)
  • IWH2LOGC.LOG (2062)
  • IWH2SERV.LOG (2064)
  • J
  • joining source columns (1824)
  • joins
  • full outer join (1840)
  • left outer join (1836)
  • outer join (1832)
  • right outer join (1838)
  • star join (1842)
  • K
  • kernel host name (2034)
  • key column (1876)
  • key values (1875)
  • keys
  • foreign (1850)
  • primary (1848)
  • L
  • LAN connectivity requirements (1479), (1501), (1519), (1535)
  • left outer join (1835)
  • load balancing (2105)
  • load rules (1944)
  • log (2052)
  • log level (2058)
  • log table (1734), (2057), (2059)
  • logger service (2100)
  • logging errors (2056)
  • logging onto the Data Warehouse Center desktop (1445)
  • logical databases (2075)
  • logical tables (2076)
  • Logon window (1443)
  • LU 6.2 configuration
  • example (2131)
  • worksheet (2132)
  • M
  • mapping nonrelational data (2077), (2109)
  • mapping steps to data sources (1713)
  • message pool size (2144)
  • message type (1735)
  • messages (1730)
  • metadata (1421)
  • exporting and importing, overview (2007)
  • exporting to a tag language file (2009)
  • mapping Data Warehouse Center with DB2 OLAP Integration Server (2068)
  • mapping Data Warehouse Center with Information Catalog Manager (2065)
  • mapping with Information Catalog Manager and OLAP server (2066)
  • propagating deleted objects to the information catalog (2023)
  • publishing to an information catalog (2015)
  • setting up environment to publish to information catalog (2017)
  • synchronizing with the Information Catalog Manager (2020)
  • updating in information catalog
  • log files created (2022)
  • updating in the information catalog (2021)
  • metadata grammar (2110)
  • Microsoft Access
  • connectivity requirements (1481)
  • Microsoft Excel
  • connectivity requirements (1483)
  • Microsoft SQL Server connectivity requirements (1477), (1499), (1517)
  • migrating from Visual Warehouse Host Adapters (2151)
  • moving a target table from DataJoiner to remote database (1679)
  • Moving Average transformer (1925)
  • moving data
  • replicating (1798)
  • MTO interface (2086)
  • multidimensional cube
  • loading with data (2045)
  • N
  • nonparametric tests (1914)
  • nonrelational data (2071)
  • nonrelational data mapper (2106)
  • notebook
  • Program
  • Agent sites page (1976)
  • Parameters page (1978)
  • O
  • Object REXX for Windows (1994)
  • ODBC
  • generic driver (1461)
  • ODBC driver (2081)
  • OLAP server
  • metadata mapping with Information Catalog Manager (2067)
  • OLAP Server: Calc with calc rules (ESSCALC2) warehouse program (1949)
  • OLAP Server: Default calc (ESSCALC1) warehouse program (1946)
  • OLAP Server: Free text data load warehouse program (1952)
  • OLAP Server: Load data from a file without using load rules (ESSDATA4) warehouse program (1961)
  • OLAP Server: Load data from file with load rules (ESSDATA2) warehouse program (1955)
  • OLAP Server: Load data from SQL table with load rules (ESSDATA3) warehouse program (1958)
  • OLAP Server: Update outline from file (ESSOTL1) warehouse program (1964)
  • OLAP Server: Update outline from SQL table (ESSOTL2) warehouse program (1967)
  • opening process (1696)
  • operational data (1390)
  • Oracle 7 connectivity requirements (1473), (1495), (1513), (1531)
  • OS/390 client application (2092)
  • OS/390 file connectivity requirements (1467), (1489), (1507), (1525)
  • outer join (1831)
  • outline (1943)
  • output log table (1733)
  • overview of warehousing (1388)
  • overwrite existing log (2148)
  • P
  • P-value (1923)
  • p-value (1898)
  • parameter substitution (1979)
  • password for the control database (2033)
  • Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient (1920)
  • period table (1881)
  • Pivot Data transformer (1889)
  • Point-in-Time step (1809)
  • port number (2125)
  • primary key (1847)
  • privileges
  • DB2 Common Server
  • warehouses (1638)
  • DB2 family
  • source (1541)
  • DB2 for AS/400
  • warehouse (1647)
  • DB2 for EEE
  • warehouse (1664)
  • DB2 for OS/390
  • warehouse (1655)
  • DB2 for VM (1564)
  • DB2 for VSE (1565)
  • DB2 Universal Database for AS/400
  • source (1562)
  • DB2 Universal Database for OS/390 (1563)
  • for DB2 warehouses (1639)
  • process
  • adding
  • sources (1697)
  • targets (1698)
  • defining (1693)
  • opening (1695)
  • process (in warehousing) (1407)
  • program group
  • defining (1971)
  • Program notebook
  • Agent sites page (1975)
  • Parameters page (1977)
  • program step (1413)
  • project planning
  • choosing warehouses (1630)
  • selecting sources (1458)
  • promoting step
  • production mode (1744)
  • test mode (1725)
  • pseudo-relational data (2078)
  • Q
  • query processor (2094)
  • R
  • recovery
  • backing up Data Warehouse Center (2003)
  • using log files to recover (2051)
  • region controller (2085)
  • Regression transformer (1933)
  • regression, backward (1938)
  • regression, full-model (1937)
  • relational queries (2074)
  • replicating tables (1796)
  • response time out (2143)
  • right outer join (1837)
  • rolling sum (1928)
  • Run FTP Command File warehouse program (1789)
  • running subtotal (1908)
  • S
  • sample data
  • viewing
  • source table (1588)
  • target table (1689)
  • scheduling step (1740)
  • security (1455)
  • SELECT statement (1983)
  • selecting data (1753)
  • selecting sources (1459)
  • server schedule mode (2032)
  • setting
  • log directory (2061)
  • setting the database catalog options (2137), (2139)
  • setting up a warehouse (1424)
  • simple moving average (1926)
  • SNA protocol (2118)
  • source (1449)
  • DB2
  • defining (1584)
  • file
  • defining (1589)
  • IMS (1603)
  • Informix
  • OS/2 (1615)
  • UNIX (1607)
  • Windows NT (1591)
  • linking to steps (1706)
  • Microsoft Access (1599)
  • Microsoft Excel (1601)
  • Microsoft SQL Server
  • UNIX (1613)
  • Windows NT (1597)
  • non-DB2
  • defining (1621)
  • Oracle
  • OS/2 (1619)
  • UNIX (1611)
  • Windows NT (1595)
  • replicating (1797)
  • replication (1800)
  • Sybase
  • OS/2 (1617)
  • UNIX (1609)
  • Windows NT (1593)
  • types (1460)
  • VSAM (1605)
  • source columns
  • mapping to target columns (1709)
  • sources
  • adding (1699)
  • DB2 family products (1537)
  • DB2 for VM (1552)
  • DB2 for VSE (1553)
  • DB2 Universal Database for AS/400 (1550)
  • DB2 Universal Database for OS/390 (1551)
  • IMS (1464), (1486), (1504), (1522)
  • Informix 7.2 (1476), (1498), (1516), (1534)
  • LAN file (1480), (1502), (1520), (1536)
  • Microsoft Access
  • connectivity requirements (1482)
  • Microsoft Excel
  • connectivity requirements (1484)
  • Microsoft SQL server (1478), (1500), (1518)
  • non-DB2, connectivity (1590)
  • Oracle 7 (1474), (1496), (1514), (1532)
  • OS/390 (1468), (1490), (1508), (1526)
  • setting up
  • access (1457)
  • DB2 Connect gateway site (1567)
  • Sybase (1472), (1494), (1512), (1530)
  • VM file (1470), (1492), (1510), (1528)
  • VSAM (1466), (1488), (1506), (1524)
  • SQL
  • aggregation functions (1862)
  • CASE statement (1830)
  • GROUP BY clause (1863)
  • JOIN clause (1828)
  • OUTER JOIN keyword (1833)
  • SELECT statement (1985)
  • SUM function (1864)
  • WHERE clause (1855)
  • WHERE clause and data cleansing (1819)
  • SQL codes (1732)
  • SQL step (1411)
  • Staging Table step (1816)
  • standard configuration files (2122)
  • star join (1841)
  • star schema (1423), (1843)
  • creating (2037)
  • description of (2038)
  • starting
  • warehouse agent daemon
  • AS/400 (1435)
  • OS/2 (1433)
  • OS/390 (1438)
  • Windows NT (1431)
  • starting Data Warehouse Center
  • administrative interface (1442)
  • logger (1429)
  • server (1428)
  • statistical transformers
  • ANOVA transformer (1893)
  • Calculate Statistics transformer (1901)
  • Calculate Subtotals transformer (1906)
  • Chi-square transformer (1911)
  • Correlation transformer (1916)
  • Moving Average transformer (1924)
  • Regression transformer (1932)
  • statistics, calculating (1904)
  • step
  • adding (1701)
  • ANOVA transformer (1896)
  • Base Aggregate (1807)
  • Calculate Statistics transformer (1905)
  • Calculate Subtotals transformer (1910)
  • Change Aggregate (1812)
  • Chi-square transformer (1915)
  • Clean Data (1866)
  • code transformation (1826)
  • Copy File using FTP (1787)
  • Correlation transformer (1918)
  • Data export with ODBC to file (1767)
  • DB2 for AS/400 Data Load Insert (1775)
  • DB2 for AS/400 Data Load Replace (1779)
  • DB2 for OS/390 Load (1783)
  • DB2 Universal Database export (1763)
  • DB2 Universal Database load (1771)
  • developing (1716)
  • externally populated (1741)
  • Generate Key Table (1871)
  • Generate Period Table (1877)
  • Invert Data (1882)
  • linking to sources and targets (1705)
  • mapping source columns to target columns (1708)
  • mode
  • definition (1715)
  • development (1718)
  • test (1722)
  • Moving Average transformer (1931)
  • OLAP Server: Calc with calc rules (ESSCALC2) warehouse program (1951)
  • OLAP Server: Default calc (ESSCALC1) warehouse program (1948)
  • OLAP Server: Free text data load warehouse program (1954)
  • OLAP Server: Load data from a file without using load rules (ESSDATA4) warehouse program (1963)
  • OLAP Server: Load data from file with load rules (ESSDATA2) warehouse program (1957)
  • OLAP Server: Load data from SQL table with load rules (ESSDATA3) warehouse program (1960)
  • OLAP Server: Update outline from file (ESSOTL1) warehouse program (1966)
  • OLAP Server: Update outline from SQL table (ESSOTL2) warehouse program (1969)
  • Pivot Data (1886)
  • Point-in-Time (1806)
  • promoting
  • production mode (1743)
  • test mode (1724)
  • Regression transformer (1934)
  • Run FTP Command File (1791)
  • running (1714)
  • scheduling (1739)
  • SQL
  • selecting and inserting data (1758)
  • Staging Table (1815)
  • starting from outside the Data Warehouse Center (1745)
  • status
  • and user-defined program feedback (2000)
  • Submit OS/390 JCL jobstream (1795)
  • subtypes (1704)
  • summarization (1861)
  • testing (1720), (1726)
  • use of user-defined program (1987)
  • used to filter source data (1854)
  • User Copy (1805)
  • step (in warehousing) (1409)
  • stored procedure (1995)
  • subject area (1396)
  • Submit OS/390 JCL jobstream warehouse program (1793)
  • subsystem interfaces (2096)
  • subtotal, calculating (1909)
  • summarization (1860)
  • Sybase connectivity requirements (1471), (1493), (1511), (1529)
  • system process (1736)
  • T
  • T-value (1922)
  • table space name (2060)
  • tag language file (2008)
  • target (1450)
  • linking to steps (1707)
  • target columns
  • mapping to source columns (1710)
  • target database, export considerations (2010)
  • target table
  • creating with DataJoiner (1678)
  • moving (1681)
  • updating existing table in a remote database (1684)
  • targets
  • adding (1700)
  • tasks
  • warehousing (1419)
  • TCP/IP
  • configuration example (2128)
  • configuration information (2161)
  • configuration worksheet (2127)
  • protocol (2119)
  • test mode (1723)
  • testing
  • step (1721)
  • user-defined program (1989)
  • testing step (1727)
  • time-series analysis (1929)
  • token (1981)
  • trace
  • directory (2035)
  • file name (2150)
  • level (2146)
  • levels (2031)
  • transformer step (1415)
  • transformers, setting up (1703)
  • transforming
  • code (1827)
  • data (1818)
  • U
  • updating an existing table in a remote database (1682)
  • updating environment variables (2156)
  • User Copy step (1808)
  • user process (1737)
  • user-defined function (1891)
  • user-defined program
  • and SELECT statement (1984)
  • and step status (2001)
  • changing agent to user process (1738)
  • defining (1973)
  • definition (1970)
  • feedback (1998)
  • Object REXX for Windows (1993)
  • parameters (1996)
  • return code (1997)
  • testing (1988)
  • writing (1990)
  • user-defined program step (1417)
  • V
  • variables (2153)
  • environment (2154)
  • verifying communication (1439)
  • VM file connectivity requirements (1469), (1491), (1509), (1527)
  • VSAM
  • interface (2099)
  • logical table (2072)
  • VSAM connectivity requirements (1465), (1487), (1505), (1523)
  • W
  • warehouse (1394)
  • choosing (1632)
  • DB2 Common Server products (1634), (1635)
  • DB2 EEE
  • privileges (1661)
  • DB2 for AS/400
  • DB2 Connect gateway site (1648)
  • privileges (1644)
  • DB2 for OS/390
  • privileges (1652)
  • mapping to source data (1711)
  • program
  • definition (1692)
  • for data cleansing (1822)
  • setting up (1425)
  • setting up access (1628), (1629)
  • supported databases (1687)
  • warehouse agent (1399)
  • warehouse agent daemon
  • AS/400
  • starting (1434)
  • verifying activity (1436)
  • OS/2
  • starting (1432)
  • OS/390
  • starting (1437)
  • stopping (1440)
  • Windows NT
  • starting (1430)
  • warehouse agent, local (1401)
  • warehouse agent, remote (1402)
  • warehouse process (1406)
  • warehouse program
  • OLAP Server (1939)
  • Copy File using FTP (1786)
  • Data export with ODBC to file (1766)
  • DB2 for AS/400 Data Load Insert (1774)
  • DB2 for AS/400 Data Load Replace (1778)
  • DB2 for OS/390 Load (1782)
  • DB2 Universal Database export (1762)
  • DB2 Universal Database load (1770)
  • OLAP Server: Calc with calc rules (ESSCALC2) (1950)
  • OLAP Server: Default calc (ESSCALC1) (1947)
  • OLAP Server: Free text data load (1953)
  • OLAP Server: Load data from a file without using load rules (ESSDATA4) (1962)
  • OLAP Server: Load data from file with load rules (ESSDATA2) (1956)
  • OLAP Server: Load data from SQL table with load rules (ESSDATA3) (1959)
  • OLAP Server: Update outline from file (ESSOTL1) (1965)
  • OLAP Server: Update outline from SQL table (ESSOTL2) (1968)
  • parameters (1980)
  • Run FTP Command File (1790)
  • Submit OS/390 JCL jobstream (1794)
  • use in steps (1986)
  • warehouse schema
  • adding tables and views (2040)
  • autojoining tables (2041)
  • defining (2039)
  • exporting to the DB2 OLAP Integration Server (2043)
  • joining tables (2042)
  • publishing metadata about (2049)
  • working with in DB2 OLAP Integration Server (2044)
  • warehouse source (1397)
  • defining (1585)
  • warehouse step (1408)
  • program (1412)
  • SQL (1410)
  • transformer (1414)
  • user-defined program (1416)
  • warehouse target (1398)
  • defining (1686)
  • warehouse transformers
  • Clean Data (1868)
  • Generate Key Table (1873)
  • Generate Period Table (1879)
  • Invert Data (1884)
  • Pivot Data (1888)
  • warehousing
  • objects (1395)
  • overview (1387)
  • tasks (1418)
  • warning messages (1731)
  • WHERE clause (1857)
  • WHERE clause, use in data cleansing (1820)
  • window
  • Logon (1444)
  • Windows NT
  • event viewer (2053)
  • WLM initialization service (2090)
  • writing
  • user-defined program (1991)
  • X
  • XTClient
  • syntax (1748)

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