The XDIME presentation elements are in the default namespace and do not require a prefix.
The XDIME presentation elements are in the default namespace and do not require a prefix.
Name | Purpose |
a | Used to create a hypertext link to another place in the same document or to another document. The current document is the source of the link and the value of the href attribute, defines the link target. |
address | Used to supply contact information on a form or other document. |
b | Inline element used to display the content in bold type. |
big | Renders content larger than the surrounding text. If the text is already to the largest size big will have no effect. |
blockquote | Designates a block of text quoted in the current document. |
br | An inline element used to force a new line. |
canvas | Block-level element used to contain pages. |
chart | Refers to a chart policy and defines values for the chart. The values may be defined statically in the data and label attributes or obtained dynamically from a user-defined Java class. Refer to Specifying charts for further information. |
cite | A citation or reference to another information source. |
code | Contains a fragment of inline computer code. |
dd | Contains the definition of a term in a definition list. |
dissectingpane | Used to set dissecting pane link text values from a page. |
div | Provides a way to divide documents into sections. The sections may be styled differently, for example, or conditionally displayed by events and scripting. |
dividehint | Defines locations where MCS should attempt to dissect panes. It has an effect on the following block of text or element, and is cleared when the element closes. |
dl | A list normally used to define individual terms. |
dt | Defines a term in a definition list. |
em | Inline element used to show text emphasis in some way, usually in italic. |
formfragment | Used to set form fragment link text values from the page. |
fragment | Used to set fragment link text values from a page. If the fragment in the name is not in the layout, MCS ignores the element. |
h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 | Defines headings for sections and their relative level in the heading hierarchy. |
hr | Block element used to create a horizontal line (or rule). |
i | Inline element used to display an italic font. |
img | Used to include an image on a canvas. |
include | Used to include XDIME fragments, or dynamic content from the DCI pipeline. If content is not found a processing error is thrown. If the pipeline content is invalid a streaming error is thrown. |
kbd | Inline element used to display input supplied by a user. |
label | Defines a menu label. |
layout | Used to group elements that are used to change the layout associated with a page during execution. |
li | A list item in an ordered or unordered list. |
logo | Used to include a logo on a canvas. |
menu | Used to create a menu incorporating image and text effects. Menus may be nested. You use a theme to set the orientation of the contained menuitem elements. |
menuitem | Specifies one or more menu items in a menu. |
menuitemgroup | Container for menu items used to provide visual grouping of a subset in a single pane. |
meta | Specifies metadata about a page in name/value pairs. For example, it can be used to specify the keywords that search engines can use to index the page. |
nativemarkup | Used to define device specific markup. The content model is xs:any. |
noscript | Used to replace the output of a script element when a device does not support scripting, when no script variant is available, or when the user has disabled scripting. |
ol | Defines an ordered list. |
otherwise | Conditional markup that is only rendered if none of the when elements in the containing select element has been matched. |
p | Defines a paragraph. |
pane | A container for a group of elements in the same pane. Alternatively you can use the pane attribute on a block element to get the same result. |
phonenumber | Defines a phone number. If the target device supports dialing from links, MCS generates a link; otherwise nothing is output. If there is no content, the value of the required fullNumber attribute is output. |
pre | Defines content that is to be rendered with whitespace preserved, and without reformatting. |
region | Specifies a region within a portal canvas. |
samp | Inline element used to display output from a program or script. |
script | Used to contain or refer to a script. |
select | Container for conditional markup elements. The content consists of one or more when elements and an optional otherwise element. |
small | Used to reduce the font size of the element content, compared to the surrounding text. The rendering depends on the browser in use. |
span | Inline element that associates the content with a style or event. |
strong | Inline element used to show additional text emphasis over the em element, usually in bold. |
style | Container for style rules. It must be the first child of the containing canvas element. Rules in this element will override properties set in the theme for the canvas. |
sub | Inline element used to render text as subscript. |
sup | Inline element used to render text as superscript. |
table | Container for a table. |
tbody | Container for a table body rows. |
td | Container for table data. |
tfoot | Container for table footer rows. |
th | Defines a table header cell. |
thead | Container for table header rows. |
timer | Used to time events. |
tr | Defines a row in a table. |
tt | Inline element used to display a monospace font. |
u | Inline element used to display underlined text. |
ul | Defines an unordered list. |
unit | Container for any XDIME element. You can use the unit element as a wrapper for external files to included into the main body without the need for canvas or montage elements to provide a root elements in the fragments. |
when | Container for conditional markup. |
xfaction | Used to create controls that cause specific actions both inside and outside forms. |
xfboolean | Defines a control to set binary values, for example a checkbox on a PC browser or a pair of radio buttons. |
xfcontent | Used to add XDIME content to a form. |
xfform | A block-level element used to define a form that can contain one or more of any of the subelements. |
xfimplicit | Used to contain a value or a variable required for form processing |
xfmuselect | Container for a multiple selection control, for example a group of checkboxes. |
xfoptgroup | Used to group a number xfoption elements. |
xfoption | Used to specify an option item. |
xfsiselect | Container for a single selection control, for example a dropdown menu. |
xftextinput | Defines a text input control that can represent a single line or multiple-line text entry. |
xfupload | Enables the uploading of binary data in a form. The processing of the file upload is the responsibility of the calling application. The element only results in markup on HTML based protocols. |