

A block-level element used to define a form that can contain one or more of any of the subelements.



Attribute Description Type Default Options Use
action The URL of the application that will process the input collected from the form xs:string none    required 
class Assigns a class name to an element. xs:NMTOKEN none    optional 
expr An MCS expression xs:string none    optional 
help Form level help xs:string none    optional 
id Assigns an identifier to an element. xs:ID none    optional 
method The HTTP method will be used to submit the form data set xs:string none  get, post  optional 
name The name of the form xs:string none    required 
onreset The script policy to execute when the Reset button is clicked xs:string none    optional 
onsubmit The script policy to execute when the Submit button is clicked xs:string none    optional 
prompt Form level prompt xs:string none    optional 

The segment in a montage where the form should be displayed.


The segment attribute is not supported by Mobile Portal Accelerator.

xs:string none    optional 


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<canvas layoutName="/forms.mlyt" pageTitle="xfform">
  <xfform name="formControls" action="download.jsp">
    <xfsiselect name="select" caption="Choose platform" captionPane="controlCaption1"
      entryPane="controlEntry1" initial="linux">
      <xfoption caption="Windows" value="windows"/>
      <xfoption caption="MacOS X" value="mac"/>
      <xfoption caption="Linux" value="linux"/>
    <xfaction type="submit" caption="Download" captionPane="controlCaption2"

For the purpose of this demonstration submitted data will be processed by a simple JSP.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
String platform = request.getParameter("select");
<canvas layoutName="/welcome.mlyt" pageTitle="Forms in XDIME 1">
  <pane name="background">
    <p>You've chosen <%=platform%>!</p>

The forms.mlyt layout may have the following structure.


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