

Used to replace the output of a script element when a device does not support scripting, when no script variant is available, or when the user has disabled scripting.


MCS outputs the content of the XDIME noscript element to all devices. If the device is known to handle JavaScript, then the content is placed in an HTML noscript element.

Contained by


Attribute Description Type Default Options Use
idref The identifier of the script element to be replaced xs:string none    optional 

Attribute groups


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<canvas layoutName="/welcome.mlyt" pageTitle="noscript">
  <pane name="background">
    <script id="scripttest" src="{/script123.mscr}"/>
    <noscript idref="scripttest">
      <p>We're sorry, but something went wrong!</p>

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