

Provides a way to divide documents into sections. The sections may be styled differently, for example, or conditionally displayed by events and scripting.

Authors can also use keepTogether to define blocks of markup that must not be split during dissecting, if that can be avoided.


Attribute Description Type Default Options Use
keepTogether If set to 'true', specifies that the body of the div element should not be split when dissecting. xs:boolean false    optional 

Attribute groups


The welcome.mlyt layout can be found in the MCS/repository/xml-repository directory.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<canvas layoutName="/welcome.mlyt" pageTitle="div">
  <pane name="background">
    <div class="meta" id="metadata">
          <td>Controlling stylesheet generation</td>
          <td>Administration, CSS</td>

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