

Defines a phone number. If the target device supports dialing from links, MCS generates a link; otherwise nothing is output. If there is no content, the value of the required fullNumber attribute is output.


In XDIME 2, the href attribute with the tel: prefix defines a dial link. Refer to Hypertext attributes for further information.

Contained by


Attribute Description Type Default Options Use
fullNumber Specifies the full number to be dialed xs:string none    required 

Attribute groups


The welcome.mlyt layout can be found in the MCS/repository/xml-repository directory.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<canvas layoutName="/welcome.mlyt" pageTitle="phonenumber">
  <pane name="background">
    <phonenumber fullNumber="+44 0800 442442">
      Call for special offer prices!

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