

Container for a multiple selection control, for example a group of checkboxes.

Contained by


Attribute groups


Attribute Description Type Default Options Use
errmsg The error message to be issued if the control fails validation xs:string none    optional 
initial The initial value of the control xs:string none    optional 
name The name of the control and the form variable return to the server xs:string none    required 


You use the mcs-selection-list-style style property to control visual appearance of the selection controls. For instance, if mcs-selection-list-style is set to 'controls', then the list will be displayed as checkboxes.

The mcs-selection-list-option-layout property controls the order of the captions and controls in the display if both occupy the same pane. The possible values are: 'caption-first' and 'control-first'.

For the sake of clarity the style properties are specified using the style attribute. However, it is a good practice to use themes to control styling.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<canvas layoutName="/forms.mlyt" pageTitle="xfmuselect">
  <xfform name="formControls" action="download.jsp">
    <xfmuselect name="select" caption="Choose platform" captionPane="controlCaption1"
      entryPane="controlEntry1" initial="linux"
      style="mcs-selection-list-style: controls;
      mcs-selection-list-option-layout: control-first">
      <xfoption caption="Windows" value="windows"/>
      <xfoption caption="MacOS X" value="mac"/>
      <xfoption caption="Linux" value="linux"/>
    <xfaction type="submit" caption="Download" captionPane="controlCaption2"
    <xfaction type="reset" caption="Reset" captionPane="controlCaption2"

The forms.mlyt layout may have the following structure.


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