IBM DB2 Query Patroller Administration Guide


  • add database wizard (1447)
  • adding users (1026)
  • administration
  • data sources (1041)
  • DB2 Query Patroller (1015)
  • nodes (1044)
  • result destination (1048)
  • system parameters (1062)
  • user profiles (1030)
  • using the QueryAdministrator (1014)
  • administrative user iwm (1000)
  • agent processes (1394)
  • agents (924), (978)
  • applying filters
  • reports (1307)
  • B
  • backup database wizard (1449)
  • books (1419), (1432)
  • C
  • canceling jobs (1174)
  • changing the date and time range (1320)
  • clients
  • configuring (1149)
  • troubleshooting (1402)
  • columns
  • displaying (1022)
  • Job Accounting table (1331)
  • resizing (1023)
  • Columns Hit by User Y Hitting Table X report (1294)
  • Columns Hit in Table X report (1290), (1292)
  • command line interface (930), (1190)
  • commands
  • dqpstart (1008)
  • dqpstop (1009)
  • EXCLUDE (1371)
  • INCLUDE (1370)
  • INTERVAL (1357)
  • iwm_cmd (1188), (1207)
  • iwm_submit (1189), (1201)
  • LOGFILE (1360)
  • MAILTO (1366)
  • common parameters (1208)
  • communication
  • component (961)
  • components (902)
  • agent (925), (986)
  • command line interface (931)
  • communications (962)
  • cost analyzer (910)
  • executor (929), (984), (1056)
  • job scheduler (914), (976)
  • log monitor (923), (1336)
  • node manager (927), (985)
  • notifier (920), (998), (1072), (1330)
  • QueryAdministrator (933)
  • QueryEnabler (937)
  • QueryMonitor (939)
  • request server (907)
  • server (905)
  • Tracker (934)
  • configuration
  • client (1150)
  • data warehouse (1147)
  • estimating and monitoring (1144)
  • monitoring (1146)
  • configuration file
  • example (1350)
  • log monitor (1348)
  • configuration parameters
  • DYN_QUERY_MGMT (1151)
  • JAVA_HEAP_SZ (1152)
  • JDK11_PATH (1153)
  • configure multisite update wizard (1451)
  • configuring DB2 Query Patroller server (1139)
  • connections
  • socket (964)
  • control command (1203)
  • controlling
  • data sources (1231)
  • job execution (1178)
  • job flow (1175)
  • jobs, using iwm_cmd (1219)
  • nodes, using iwm_cmd (1226)
  • system parameters, using iwm_cmd (1259)
  • conventions (899)
  • cost analysis (909), (972)
  • exit (1180)
  • cost analyzer (908)
  • CPU utilization (977), (988)
  • create database wizard (1453)
  • create table space wizard (1457)
  • create table wizard (1455)
  • creating
  • Tracker data (1281)
  • user profiles (1031)
  • customizing columns
  • reports (1309)
  • customizing display
  • reports (1303)
  • D
  • data source administration (1040)
  • data source parameters
  • data source status (1236)
  • job cost limit (1239)
  • job count limit (1242)
  • node CPU limit (1246)
  • node disk limit (1251)
  • data source status (1235)
  • data sources
  • controlling using iwm_command (1232)
  • editing (1043)
  • listing (1042)
  • listing using iwm_command (1233)
  • Data Sources table (954)
  • data warehouse configuration (1148)
  • database replacement (1184)
  • date range (1319)
  • DB2 diagnostic log (1388)
  • DB2 failures (1384)
  • DB2 library
  • books (1418)
  • Information Center (1440)
  • language identifier for books (1423)
  • late-breaking information (1425)
  • online help (1433)
  • ordering printed books (1431)
  • printing PDF books (1428)
  • searching online information (1466)
  • setting up document server (1464)
  • structure of (1417)
  • viewing online information (1435)
  • wizards (1443)
  • DB2 Query Patroller
  • components (904)
  • failures (1383)
  • starting (1007), (1013)
  • stopping (1006), (1012)
  • system architecture (901)
  • tables (941)
  • DB2DBDFT (1080), (1114)
  • DB2_ABORTRESULT (1112)
  • diagnostic log (1387)
  • disk space monitoring (1084), (1250)
  • displaying columns (1021)
  • displaying job history data (1298), (1312)
  • DQPLOG (1353), (1358)
  • dqpnodes.cfg (1002)
  • DQP_DISKMON (1082)
  • DQP_EXIT_AN (1085), (1182)
  • DQP_INTERVAL (1088), (1168)
  • DQP_LAST_RESULT_DEST (1116), (1160)
  • DQP_LOG (1092)
  • DQP_LOGMON (1342)
  • DQP_MAIL (1094)
  • DQP_NET (1098), (1118), (1192)
  • DQP_NOEXPLAIN (1102)
  • DQP_NO_CPU (1100)
  • DQP_NTIER (1120), (1162)
  • DQP_RES_TBLSPC (1106)
  • DQP_RUNTIME (1108), (1122), (1191), (1352), (1361)
  • DQP_SERVER (1110)
  • DQP_SHARE (1124), (1164)
  • DQP_STARTUP (1136)
  • DQP_TRACEFILE (1126), (1166)
  • DYN_QUERY_MGMT (1154)
  • E
  • e-mail (919), (997), (1067), (1076), (1097) , (1338), (1367)
  • e-mail message format (1069)
  • e-mail notification on UNIX (1066)
  • e-mail notification on Windows (1075)
  • editing profiles (1035)
  • effective user profile (1039)
  • environment variables
  • DQP_EXIT_AN (1183)
  • DQP_NET (1195)
  • DQP_RUNTIME (1193)
  • PATH (1194)
  • estimating system configuration (1143)
  • example configuration file (1349)
  • EXCLUDE command (1369)
  • executor (928), (983), (1055)
  • exit analysis (1179)
  • exiting Tracker (1322)
  • F
  • failures (1382)
  • DB2 (1380)
  • DB2 Query Patroller (1381)
  • process (1395)
  • filters
  • NUM (1375)
  • PGM (1377)
  • SEV (1373)
  • formatting e-mail (1070)
  • G
  • generating a trace file (1398)
  • H
  • highlighting conventions (900)
  • HTML
  • sample programs (1422)
  • I
  • INCLUDE command (1368)
  • index wizard (1459)
  • Information Center (1441)
  • installing
  • Netscape browser (1438)
  • INTERVAL command (1356)
  • iwm account (1001), (1086)
  • iwm_cmd (1187), (1206)
  • controlling data sources (1229)
  • controlling jobs (1218)
  • controlling nodes (1225)
  • controlling system parameters (1256)
  • listing data sources (1228)
  • listing system parameters (1257)
  • monitoring jobs (1213)
  • monitoring nodes (1224)
  • iwm_net (1392)
  • iwm_nodemgr (1391)
  • iwm_submit (1186), (1200)
  • J
  • JAVA_HEAP_SZ (1155)
  • JDK11_PATH (1156)
  • job accounting
  • status (1278), (1329)
  • table (917), (958), (994), (1279), (1324)
  • table columns (1333)
  • Job Activity over Time report (1295)
  • job cost limit (1238), (1269)
  • job count limit (1241), (1271)
  • job execution
  • controlling (1177)
  • job flow (968)
  • controlling (1176)
  • cost analysis (971)
  • job execution (981)
  • job notification (995)
  • job scheduling (974)
  • job submission (969)
  • job history data (1297), (1311)
  • job purge days (1274)
  • Job Queues table (956)
  • job scheduler (913), (973)
  • Job table (943)
  • jobs
  • accounting (1325)
  • canceling (1172)
  • controlling (1204), (1217)
  • controlling using iwm_cmd (1216)
  • execution (982)
  • flow (967)
  • managing (1169)
  • monitoring (1205), (1212)
  • monitoring using iwm_cmd (1211)
  • processing (966)
  • releasing (1173)
  • scheduling (975)
  • submission (970)
  • L
  • language identifier
  • books (1424)
  • late-breaking information (1426)
  • listing
  • data sources, using iwm_cmd (1230)
  • system parameters, using iwm_cmd (1258)
  • log file (921), (1345)
  • log file monitoring (1346)
  • log monitor (922), (1335)
  • configuration file (1347)
  • example configuration file (1351)
  • running (1343)
  • LOGFILE (1359)
  • M
  • mail (918), (996), (1068), (1095), (1337) , (1364)
  • MAILTO (1365)
  • management threshold (1033)
  • managing jobs (1170)
  • monitoring
  • CPU utilization (987), (1245)
  • disk space (1249)
  • jobs, using iwm command (1210)
  • jobs, using the control command (1202)
  • log file (1334)
  • nodes, using iwm_cmd (1223)
  • monitoring system configuration (1142), (1145)
  • N
  • navigation
  • report (1301)
  • Netscape browser
  • installing (1439)
  • node administration (1045)
  • node CPU limit (1244)
  • node disk limit (1248)
  • Node Information table (947)
  • node manager (926), (979)
  • nodes
  • controlling, using iwm_cmd (1222)
  • listing (1046)
  • monitoring, using iwm_cmd (1221)
  • notification (993), (1065), (1073)
  • notifier (915), (992), (1071), (1328)
  • NUM filter (1374)
  • O
  • online help (1434)
  • online information
  • searching (1468)
  • viewing (1437)
  • P
  • parameters
  • common for iwm_cmd (1209)
  • data source status (1234)
  • data source, for iwm_cmd (1227)
  • iwm_submit (1198)
  • job control, for iwm_cmd (1215)
  • job cost limit (1237), (1266)
  • job count limit (1240), (1267)
  • job monitoring for iwm_cmd (1214)
  • job purge days (1265)
  • mode disk limit (1247)
  • node control and monitoring, for iwm_cmd (1220)
  • node CPU limit (1243)
  • results purge days (1264)
  • system, for iwm_cmd (1255)
  • PATH (1196)
  • PDF (1429)
  • performance configuration wizard (1461)
  • PGM filter (1376)
  • printing PDF books (1430)
  • problems
  • QueryAdministrator (1411)
  • QueryEnabler (1406)
  • server (1399)
  • process failures (1396)
  • processes
  • agent (1393)
  • server (1389)
  • processing jobs (965)
  • profile variables (1077), (1079)
  • DB2DBDFT (1081), (1115)
  • DB2_ABORTRESULT (1113)
  • DQPLOG (1354), (1363)
  • DQP_DISKMON (1083)
  • DQP_EXIT_AN (1087)
  • DQP_INTERVAL (1089), (1167)
  • DQP_LAST_RESULT_DEST (1117), (1159)
  • DQP_LOG (1093)
  • DQP_LOGMON (1344)
  • DQP_MAIL (1096)
  • DQP_NET (1099), (1119)
  • DQP_NOEXPLAIN (1103)
  • DQP_NO_CPU (1101)
  • DQP_NTIER (1121), (1161)
  • DQP_RES_TBLSPC (1107)
  • DQP_RUNTIME (1109), (1123), (1355), (1362)
  • DQP_server (1111)
  • DQP_SHARE (1125), (1163)
  • DQP_STARTUP (1137)
  • DQP_TRACEFILE (1127), (1165)
  • Windows (1129)
  • profiling queries (1141)
  • purging (1273)
  • jobs (990), (1263)
  • result tables (991)
  • purging, result tables (1262)
  • Q
  • queries
  • profiling (1140)
  • QueryAdministrator (932)
  • common problems (1412)
  • starting (1017)
  • stopping (1019)
  • QueryEnabler (936)
  • problems (1407)
  • troubleshooting (1404)
  • QueryMonitor (938)
  • common problems (1410)
  • troubleshooting (1408)
  • R
  • release notes (1427)
  • releasing jobs (1171)
  • replacing the database (1185)
  • reports
  • applying filters (1308)
  • changing the date and time range (1321)
  • Columns Hit by User Y Hitting Table X (1293)
  • Columns Hit in Table X (1289)
  • customizing columns (1310)
  • customizing display (1304)
  • date range (1316)
  • displaying (1283)
  • Job Activity over Time (1286), (1296)
  • navigation (1302)
  • Rows Returned by Table (1285)
  • sorting data (1306)
  • time range (1317)
  • Total Table Hits (1284)
  • Total Table Hits report (1288)
  • Users That Hit Table X (1291)
  • zooming on a time chart (1314)
  • request server (906)
  • resizing columns` (1024)
  • resolving user profiles (1027)
  • restore wizard (1463)
  • result destination variables (1053)
  • result destinations (951), (1051)
  • creating (1058)
  • editing (1059)
  • listing (1057)
  • piped (1054)
  • removing (1060)
  • Result Destinations table (952), (1050)
  • result tables (960), (980)
  • purging (999), (1261)
  • results purge days (1260)
  • running the log monitor (1341)
  • S
  • sample programs
  • cross-platform (1421)
  • HTML (1420)
  • searching
  • online information (1442), (1467)
  • server (903)
  • common problems (1401)
  • troubleshooting (1378)
  • server problems (1400)
  • server processes (1390)
  • server, configuring (1138)
  • setting up document server (1465)
  • SEV filter (1372)
  • SmartGuides
  • wizards (1444)
  • socket connections (963)
  • sorting data
  • reports (1305)
  • starting
  • DB2 Query Patroller (1004)
  • DB2 Query Patroller on Windows (1010)
  • log monitor (1340)
  • Tracker (1299)
  • starting QueryAdministrator (1018)
  • stopping
  • DB2 Query Patroller (1005)
  • DB2 Query Patroller on Windows (1011)
  • log monitor (1339)
  • QueryAdministrator (1020)
  • submit command (1197)
  • submitting (1199)
  • syserr.log (1385)
  • system administration (1061)
  • system error log (1386)
  • System Parameters
  • system parameters (1254)
  • controlling using iwm_cmd (1253)
  • editing (1064)
  • job accounting status (1277), (1327)
  • job cost limit (1268)
  • job count limit (1270)
  • job purge days (1272)
  • listing (1063)
  • listing using iwm_cmd (1252)
  • results purge days (1275)
  • table (949)
  • T
  • tables
  • Data Sources (953)
  • DB2 Query Patroller (940)
  • Job (942)
  • Job Accounting (916), (957), (989), (1276), (1326) , (1332)
  • Job Queues (955)
  • Node Information (946)
  • Result Destinations (950), (1049)
  • Results (959)
  • System Parameters (948)
  • User Profile (911), (945)
  • time chart, zooming (1313)
  • time range (1318)
  • Total Table Hits report (1287)
  • trace file
  • generating (1397)
  • Tracker (935)
  • common problems (1415)
  • creating data (1280)
  • exiting (1323)
  • starting (1300)
  • troubleshooting (1413)
  • Tracker problems (1416)
  • Tracker reports (1282)
  • troubleshooting
  • DB2 Query Patroller clients (1403)
  • DB2 Query Patroller server (1379)
  • QueryEnabler (1405)
  • QueryMonitor (1409)
  • Tracker (1414)
  • U
  • updating dqpnodes.cfg (1003)
  • user administration (1025), (1029)
  • user exits (1181)
  • User Profile table (912), (944)
  • user profiles
  • changing node status (1047)
  • creating (1032)
  • editing (1034), (1036)
  • effective (1038)
  • removing (1037)
  • resolving (1028)
  • using QueryAdministrator (1016)
  • V
  • variables
  • profile (1078)
  • variables, result destination (1052)
  • viewing
  • online information (1436)
  • W
  • Windows
  • e-mail notification (1074)
  • profile variables (1128)
  • wizards
  • add database (1446)
  • backup database (1448)
  • completing tasks (1445)
  • configure multisite update (1450)
  • create database (1452)
  • create table (1454)
  • create table space (1456)
  • index (1458)
  • performance configuration (1460)
  • restore database (1462)
  • Z
  • zooming on a time chart (1315)

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