IBM DB2 Query Patroller Administration Guide

E-mail Notification on Windows

DB2 Query Patroller will send e-mail notification on Windows using the Windows Message Application Programming Interface (MAPI). When DB2 Query Patroller sends e-mail notification, it will look for the DQP_MAPI_PROFILE variable in the DB2 Profile Registry. The DQP_MAPI_PROFILE should be set to the name of the MAPI profile for your e-mail application. Refer to DB2 Profile Variables for information on setting profile variables. E-mail applications such as Microsoft Internet Mail and Microsoft Exchange Server are MAPI-compliant service providers. Mail notification is only sent from the server component of DB2 Query Patroller. DB2 Query Patroller agent components do not require configuration for e-mail notification.

DB2 Query Patroller runs as a service on Windows. There are specific restrictions associated with the Windows Message API and Windows services which may prevent some mail services from being used with DB2 Query Patroller. Specifically, DB2 Query Patroller will only be able to send mail notification if the message store and transport provider is able to directly route mail without assistance from the MAPI spooler. This is referred to as a tightly-coupled mail service. For additional information, refer to Microsoft documentation on MAPI and your mail service provider documentation.
Note:Lotus Notes is not supported as a MAPI-compliant mail service provider.

Configuring E-mail Notification on Windows

To set up mail notification on Windows, perform the following steps:

  1. Ensure that MAPI has been installed on the server where DB2 Query Patroller resides. This should be done prior to installing a mail service client to ensure that the mail service will be registered with the Windows messaging subsystem.
  2. Create a MAPI mail profile. To create this profile, you must be logged on as user iwm on the server where the DB2 Query Patroller server component resides. The iwm user account must be associated with the DB2 Query Patroller service, and if using a mail program such as Microsoft Exchange, the iwm user account must also have access to the domain where the Microsoft Exchange server resides. Only specify one mail service provider in the mail profile. For more information on how to define a MAPI profile, refer to your mail service provider documentation.
  3. Configure DB2 Query Patroller to use a MAPI mail profile when sending e-mail notification. This requires setting one or more of the following profile variables. Refer to DB2 Profile Variables for information on setting profile variables.
  4. Specify the target e-mail address in the DB2 Query Patroller User Profile. Specifying an e-mail address can be done on the User Administration page of the QueryAdministrator tool. The e-mail address must be in a form recognizable by your mail application.

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