IBM DB2 Query Patroller Administration Guide

System Administration

This section describes the procedures for listing and editing system parameters.

Listing System Parameters

Use the following procedure to list the system parameters:

  1. In the QueryAdministrator main window, select the System Administration tab.
  2. Click on List System Administration to list the system parameters.

Editing System Parameters

Use the following procedure to edit system parameters:

  1. In the QueryAdministrator main window, select the System Administration tab.
  2. Click on List System Administration to list the system parameters.
  3. Click on View / Edit.

    The Detailed Information for System Administration window opens:
    Detailed System Information Window

  4. Enter a value in each of the fields.
  5. Click on OK after all values have been entered.

The following list provides information for each system administration parameter.

Cost Threshold
If the total estimated cost of all running queries is greater than the cost threshold, no more queries will be scheduled to run on any node.

Query Threshold
If the total count of running queries is greater than the query threshold, no more queries will be scheduled to run on any node.

Accounting Status
Indicates whether information is written to the Job Accounting table for use by Tracker tool. Write to Table indicates that accounting is on; Do Not Write to Table indicates that accounting is off.

Days to Keep Jobs
Indicates the number of days to retain an entry in the Job table after the job completes. Use 0 to retain job entries indefinitely.

Days to Keep Results
Indicates the number of days to retain result sets after the job completes. Use 0 to retain result sets indefinitely.

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