IBM DB2 Query Patroller Administration Guide

Node Administration

This section describes the procedures for listing nodes and changing node status.

Listing All Nodes

Use the following procedure to list all nodes:

  1. In the QueryAdministrator main window, select the Node Administration tab.
  2. Click on List All Nodes. Each node is listed in tabular format on the Node Administration page.

Changing the Node Status

Use the following procedure to change the node status:

  1. On the Node Administration page, select a node.
  2. Click on View / Edit.

    The Detailed Information for Node window opens.
    Node Information Window

  3. Select the new status in the Status Requested field.
    Note:Status Requested is the only field in the Detailed Information for Node window that can be changed; all other fields display values that have been supplied by DB2 Query Patroller.
  4. Click on OK.

The following list provides information for each node parameter:

Node ID
Provides the ID for the node.

Node Status
Contains the current node status

Status Requested
Indicates what the node status will be changed to:

Date/Time Last Status
Indicates the date and time node status was last changed.

Scheduled Jobs
Provides the number of jobs scheduled to run plus the number of jobs running on this node.

CPU Utilization
Provides the CPU utilization of the node as a percentage (0 - 100). If CPU utilization information is not being collected, the value is -1.

Disk Available
Indicates the bytes available in the file system where results are created. If disk utilization is not being monitored, the value is -1.

Node Manager PID
Indicates the process ID of the node manager process.

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