IBM DB2 Query Patroller Administration Guide

Data Source Administration

This section describes the procedures for listing and editing data sources.

Listing Data Sources

Use the following procedure to list data sources:

  1. In the QueryAdministrator main window, select the Data Source Administration tab.
  2. Click on List All Data Sources to list all data sources.

    Each data source is listed in tabular format on the Data Source Administration page.

Note:DB2 Query Patroller only supports a single DB2 data source.

Editing a Data Source Definition

Use the following procedure to edit a data source definition:

  1. On the Data Source Administration page, select a data source.
  2. Click on View / Edit. The Detailed Information for Data Source window opens:
    Data Source window
  3. Edit each field that you want to change. See the list below for a description of each field. For example, if you want to put the data source on hold or make the data source inactive, change the Status field to the appropriate value. Click OK after all new values have been entered.
    Note:Once a data source has been created, you cannot change its name.

The following list provides information for each data source parameter:

Data Source
Provides the name of the data source. Only one data source, IWM, is recognized by DB2 Query Patroller. This field cannot be edited.

Source Status
Provides the status of the data source:

Maximum Jobs
Indicates the maximum number of jobs that can be running simultaneously for this data source. Once this threshold of running jobs is reached, no more jobs will be scheduled for this data source. Maximum Jobs must be greater than or equal to 0. Estimate the number of jobs your data source can handle simultaneously, and modify this value accordingly. This value will vary depending on the performance of your database, the number of users submitting queries, and the average cost of the queries being submitted at any given time.

Cost Threshold
Indicates the total cost threshold for jobs running simultaneously for this data source. Once this cost threshold for running jobs is reached, no more jobs will be scheduled for this data source. Cost Threshold must be greater than 0. Cost Threshold is measured in timeron units. A timeron is a unit of measurement used to give a rough relative estimate of the resources, or cost, required by the database server to execute two plans for the same query. The resources calculated in the estimate include weighted CPU and I/O costs. Refer to the DB2 Administration Guide for more information.

Minimum Disk per Node
If disk utilization is being monitored for a node, jobs will not be scheduled to that node if the number of bytes available is less than this value. Minimum Disk per Node must be greater than or equal to 0.

Maximum CPU per Node
If CPU utilization is being monitored for a node, jobs will not be scheduled to that node if the CPU utilization is greater than this value. Maximum CPU per Node is measured in percentage and must be an integer from 0 to 100.

Maximum Jobs per Node
Indicates the maximum number of jobs that can be simultaneously scheduled on each node. Jobs will not be scheduled to a node if the total number of jobs already scheduled on that node is equal to or greater than maximum. Maximum Jobs per Node must be an integer from 1 to 9999.

Cost Factor
Provides the accounting multiplier for the estimated cost of a job, which is used when writing a job's estimated cost in the accounting table. Since the units for estimated cost are megabytes scanned, the units for the cost factor are dollars per megabyte. Cost Factor must be greater than or equal to 0.

Cost Time Zero
Provides the estimated time (in seconds) for a zero-cost query. If zero is entered, no time estimate is provided for a zero-cost query. Cost Time Zero must be greater than or equal to 0.

Cost Time Slope
If Cost Time Slope is greater than zero, the time estimate in seconds is computed as: static cost * cost time slope + cost time interval. If Cost Time Slope is zero, no time estimate is provided. Cost Time Slope must be greater than or equal to 0.

Cost Time Interval
See the description for Cost Time Slope.

Cost Time Min
Specifies a minimum estimated time. If Cost Time Min is greater than zero and greater than the estimated time, then this minimum is used instead of the estimated time. If Cost Time Min is zero, then the estimated time is set to Cost Time Zero as if the static cost were zero. Cost Time Min must be greater than or equal to zero.

Agent Name
This field is set by default to iwm_sqlexec and cannot be modified. This program is used to execute SQL statements.

Maximum Job Retries
Specifies the maximum number of attempts that will be made to run a query through to completion before the query is cancelled.

Job Retry Interval
Specifies the time interval in seconds between attempts to execute a query against the data source.

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