IBM DB2 Query Patroller Administration Guide

DB2 Profile Variables

DB2 Query Patroller profile variables are stored in the DB2 Profile Registry. The system administrator can set profile variables to alter the behavior of DB2 Query Patroller. Because DB2 Query Patroller profile variables are located in the DB2 Profile Registry, the system does not require rebooting after a change is made. Many of the following profile variables are set during installation.

Registry information is stored in files containing variable names and values. However these files should not be edited directly. To update registry values, use the db2set command. For example, to set the default database value for your database instance, you would enter the following command in a DB2 command window:

db2set DB2DBDFT=default_database -i instance    

Where default_database is the name of the default database, and instance is the name of the DB2 instance containing the target database. For additional information and the complete syntax of the db2set command, refer to the Command Reference.

Server Profile Variables

Set the DB2DBDFT profile variable to the target database name. Queries submitted through DB2 Query Patroller that do not specify a database name will run against this default database.

Set the DQP_DISKMON profile variable to a valid file system path where the result sets are created. Each agent node can monitor the space available in a different file system. When available disk space goes below a system threshold, no more jobs will be submitted to that node. If DQP_DISKMON is not set, disk space is not monitored and creation of result tables will fail when the file system becomes full.

DB2 Query Patroller invokes the exit analysis program if you set DQP_EXIT_AN to the path name of the executable program before starting the server processes. The exit can be a shell script or any other executable. DB2 Query Patroller invokes the exit under the iwm user ID.

On UNIX, DB2 Query Patroller passes the job owner's user ID as the only argument to the exit. On Windows, additional arguments, -9 handleNumber, are passed and the exit program must close the passed handle before the SQL statement can be read from STDIN. If the exit routine terminates with an exit code of zero, and without having written anything to STDOUT, DB2 Query Patroller continues to process the job normally.

If the exit routine terminates with a non-zero exit code or writes anything to STDOUT, the job ends abnormally and sends a message to STDOUT. For more information about exit analysis, see Exit Analysis.

Set the DQP_INTERVAL profile variable to the number of seconds that each server and agent process sleeps between searches for work. The default value is 20, which can be appropriate on a system with a moderate load. On a system with a light load, use a smaller value, such as 5, so DB2 Query Patroller will be more responsive to new requests.

By default, when you start the DB2 Query Patroller system using dqpstart, or start the DB2 Query Patroller service on Windows, five iwm_local processes are started. If a different number of iwm_local processes is required, set the DQP_LOCAL_SERVANTS profile variable to that number. The new number of processes will be realized when the DB2 Query Patroller system is restarted. To increase system performance, you may want to increase the number of processes.

Set the DQP_LOG profile variable to the directory into which DB2 Query Patroller writes its log files. The default value on UNIX is DQP_RUNTIME/log, where DQP_RUNTIME is the installation path for DB2 Query Patroller. On Windows, the default is instance_directory\log. For more information about log monitoring, see Log Monitoring.

If you set DQP_LOGMON, the log monitor will start when the DB2 Query Patroller server processes are started, and will stop when the DB2 Query Patroller server processes are stopped. The DQP_LOGMON profile variable should be set to the path name of the log monitor configuration file. For more information about log monitoring, see Log Monitoring.

You can set DQP_MAIL to cause the notifier component to use the program named to format e-mail messages. If you do not set this variable DB2 Query Patroller uses DQP_RUNTIME/bin/ This option is not available on Windows.

DQP_NET must be set to the local host TCP/IP address and port. Use the format address:port, where address represents either the dotted notation for the address or a name resolvable in the hosts file or through DNS, and port represents either the port number or a name resolvable in the services file. DQP_NET must be defined on each node and cannot be set to the same value as DQP_SERVER. Using the same port number across all nodes is recommended. The port defined will be used for communication between processes residing on a single node. On the server node, this port will be used to listen for connections from processes running on other nodes in the system.

If this profile variable is set, DB2 Query Patroller will not gather CPU utilization statistics. You may want to set this parameter to reduce the system load.

If you want to ensure that all jobs run and that none are disqualified due to their estimated cost, disable cost analysis for all DB2 Query Patroller jobs by setting the DQP_NOEXPLAIN profile variable to any non-null value. Setting this variable prevents DB2 Query Patroller from performing a cost analysis on queries.

If DQP_PURGEHOURS is set to Y, this will cause the value of the Job Purge Days system parameter to be read as hours causing jobs to be purged from the Job table in hours rather than days. For more information on setting the Job Purge Days system parameter, see System Administration.

Set the DQP_RES_TBLSPC profile variable to the name of the tablespace that will hold result tables. Each node may specify a different name, or multiple nodes may share a name. If this variable is not set, the result tables will be placed into tablespaces determined by DB2.

DQP_RUNTIME profile variable is set to the path where the DB2 Query Patroller software is installed. This parameter is set during installation.

Set the DQP_SERVER profile variable to the TCP port and IP address of the DB2 Query Patroller server component. DQP_SERVER must be set to the same value across all DB2 Query Patroller nodes. Use the format address:port. The address represents either the dotted notation for the address or a name resolvable in the hosts file or through the Domain Name Server (DNS). The port represents either the port number or a name resolvable in the services file. DQP_SERVER must be defined on each DB2 Query Patroller node and cannot be set to the same value as DQP_NET. The port defined will be used for communication across DB2 Query Patroller nodes.

Client Profile Variables

If set to Y, result sets that exceed the value provided for the Maximum Result Rows parameter as defined in the User profile table will be aborted. No result set will be returned. To define the Maximum Result Rows parameter for a user or group, see User Administration. If DQP_ABORTRESULT is not set, the result set will be truncated once the row count reaches the defined number of rows specified by the Maximum Result Rows parameter.

Set the DB2DBDFT profile variable to the target database name. Queries submitted through DB2 Query Patroller that do not specify a database name will run against this default database.

If DQP_NTIER variable is set to RUN or CHECK, DQP_LAST_RESULT_DEST may be set to the name of a valid result destination. Result destinations are defined using the Result Set Administration page of the QueryAdministrator tool. If the DQP_NTIER variable is set, and DQP_LAST_RESULT_DEST is not set, the result destination will be a table determined by DB2.

DQP_NET must be set to the local host TCP/IP address and port. Use the format address:port, where address represents either the dotted notation for the address or a name resolvable in the hosts file or through DNS, and port represents either the port number or a name resolvable in the services file. DQP_NET must be defined on each node and cannot be set to the same value as DQP_SERVER. Using the same port number across all nodes is recommended. The port defined will be used for communication between processes residing on a single node. On the server node, this port will be used to listen for connections from processes running on other nodes in the system.

This option is provided to allow queries to be posted to the DB2 Query Patroller server without requiring user intervention. This profile variable can be set to one of the following values:

DQP_RUNTIME profile variable is set to the path where the DB2 Query Patroller software is installed. This parameter is set during installation.

The DQP_SHARE profile variable only requires setting if the DQP_NTIER profile variable is set. Otherwise, the option to share results sets is specified using the QueryEnabler interface. Set the value of this profile variable to Y to have the user's result tables granted public access. If the DQP_NTIER profile variable is set, and DQP_SHARE is not, only the submitting user and system administrator will have access to the user's result sets.

This profile variable specifies a file name for the QueryEnabler Java Trace file. Set this profile variable on the DB2 Query Patroller client.

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