IBM DB2 Query Patroller Administration Guide

Starting and Stopping DB2 Query Patroller

To start DB2 Query Patroller across all nodes, log on as the administrative user iwm and enter the following command:


To stop DB2 Query Patroller across all nodes, log on as the administrative user iwm and enter the following command:


If you have DB2 Query Patroller installed on a system that is running DB2 Universal Database Enterprise-Extended Edition, you likely have the DB2 Query Patroller server installed on one node, and the DB2 Query Patroller agent distributed across other nodes that are participating in the database instance. In this case, you have the option of starting or stopping a DB2 Query Patroller server or agent on a specific node.

To start a DB2 Query Patroller server or agent on a specific node, log on as the administrative user iwm and enter the following command:

    dqpstart nodenum node_number 

where node_number is the DB2 Query Patroller server or agent node number as defined in the dqpnodes.cfg file.

To stop a server or agent on a specific node, log on as the administrative user iwm and enter the following command:

    dqpstop nodenum node_number

If you specify the node_number option, you must be aware of the order in which to stop and start the DB2 Query Patroller server and agents.

On a system running DB2 Universal Database Enterprise-Extended Edition, the dqpstart and dqpstop commands can be issued from any node participating in the instance, even nodes that do not have a DB2 Query Patroller server or agent installed.


If you experience an error attempting to start or stop DB2 Query Patroller, check the log files for the db2start and db2stop commands. These files are located in the following path on UNIX operating systems:

Windows operating systems:


where db2_instance is the path or directory of the DB2 instance, and timestamp is the time the log file was created.

Starting and Stopping DB2 Query Patroller as a Service on Windows

Starting and stopping the DB2 Query Patroller server and agents on the Windows operating system can be done using the preceding instructions or by starting and stopping the DB2 Query Patroller service in the Windows Services window. The service name for DB2 Query Patroller is DB2QP. Before starting DB2 Query Patroller on Windows, ensure that you have set the DQP_STARTUP profile variable for each node. For more information refer to DB2 Profile Variables.

To start the DB2 Query Patroller service on Windows you must open the Windows Services window on the node where the DB2 Query Patroller server or agent is installed, select the DB2 Query Patroller service (DB2QP) to highlight it, and click on the Start push button. To stop the DB2QP service, select the started DB2QP service to highlight it and click on the Stop push button.

If you start DB2 Query Patroller as a service on Windows, and you have DB2 Query Patroller installed on a DB2 Enterprise-Extended Edition system, you must start the DB2 Query Patroller service on the server node first, and then start the service on the agent nodes. When stopping DB2 Query Patroller, you must stop the service on the agent nodes first, then stop the service on the server node.

The dqpstart and dqpstop commands use the dqpnodes.cfg file to ensure the proper start and stop sequence and allow you to start or stop the entire DB2 Query Patroller system from a single node. This is the recommended method for starting and stopping DB2 Query Patroller.

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