IBM DB2 Query Patroller Administration Guide

User Administration

This section provides information on creating user or group profiles (adding users) for the DB2 Query Patroller system, editing user profiles, and steps for removing user profiles. In order for a user's queries to be managed by DB2 Query Patroller, the user must be defined in the DB2 User Profile table, or belong to a group that has a profile in the User Profile table. The task of adding user or group profiles is performed using the QueryAdministrator tool.

Adding Users

In order to be added to the DB2 Query Patroller system, a user must have a system account on the target database server system with the CONNECT database privilege for DB2. Because DB2 Query Patroller for DB2 UDB Version 7 offers group support, a user may also belong to a group that has been granted the CONNECT privilege. For information on creating DB2 users and groups and granting the CONNECT privilege, refer to the DB2 Administration Guide.

Once the user has a system account on the target database server with the CONNECT privilege, or belongs to a group with the CONNECT privilege, you can add the user or group to the DB2 Query Patroller system using the User Administration page of the QueryAdministrator tool. When a user or group is added using the DB2 QueryAdminstrator tool, the information provided for the user or group is added to the User Profile table.

How User Profiles are Resolved

If a user belongs to more than one group defined in the DB2 Query Patroller User Profile table, the authorities for the two profiles will be merged, and the highest authorities will be granted to the user. For example, user jsmith belongs to Group A and Group B. If the Group A profile specifies that jsmith can run a maximum of 20 queries simultaneously, and the Group B profile specifies that the maximum is 30, jsmith will have the authority to run 30 queries simultaneously. The same logic applies for a user who is defined as both an individual user and as part of a group.

For the Management Threshold parameter, the highest value is considered to have the greatest authority. The Management Threshold parameter value determines whether or not a query will be intercepted by the QueryEnabler tool for user intervention. If a query does not meet this threshold value, the query will not be intercepted by the QueryEnabler tool, and will execute against the data source immediately, without user intervention.

If a user that belongs to more than one group, and a value for either the e-mail address parameter or User ID parameter is not provided in one group, the user's groups will be searched in alphabetical order by group name for the first non-null parameter value. See Creating a User Profile for more information about user profile parameters.

To query the effective user profile for a user that belongs to more than one group, or for a user that is defined individually, and as part of a group, you can use the Query button on the User Administration page of the QueryAdministrator tool. For more information, see Querying for the Effective User Profile.

Creating a User Profile

Use the following procedure to create a user profile:

  1. In the QueryAdministrator main window, select the User Administration tab.
  2. Click on Create User.

    A user profile window opens:
    Create User Profile window

  3. Enter a value in each of the fields and click on OK when finished.

The following list provides information for each user profile parameter:

User ID
Provides the ID for the user or group.

Indicates whether the profile is for a user or a group.

Cost Analysis
Provides a setting for cost analysis:

Authority Level
Provides the authority level for the user or group:

Maximum Queries
Indicates the maximum number of jobs that a user is able to run simultaneously. Maximum Queries must be an integer from 0 to 99. When creating a group profile, note that the value set for this parameter applies to each user. If this value were set to 10 for Group A, each user belonging to Group A has the authority to run 10 jobs simultaneously.

Low Priority
Provides the priority assigned to a job when the job is submitted on low priority. Low Priority must be an integer from 0 to 999.

Normal Priority
Provides the priority assigned to a job when the job is submitted on normal priority. Normal Priority must be an integer from 0 to 999.

High Priority
Provides the priority assigned to a job when the job is submitted on high priority. High Priority must be an integer from 0 to 999.

User Threshold
Provides the threshold, which if exceeded by a job, causes the job to be placed on hold. User threshold is measured in timeron units. A timeron is a unit of measurement used to give a rough relative estimate of the resources, or cost, required by the database server to execute two plans for the same query. The resources calculated in the estimate include weighted CPU and I/O costs. Refer to the DB2 Administration Guide for more information.

Management Threshold
This value determines whether or not a dynamic SQL query will be trapped by the QueryEnabler component. If the cost of the query does not exceed the set value, the query will not be trapped by the QueryEnabler and will execute without user intervention. Query cost is measured in timeron units. A timeron is a unit of measurement used to give a rough relative estimate of the resources, or cost, required by the database server to execute two plans for the same query. The resources calculated in the estimate include weighted CPU and I/O costs. Refer to the DB2 Administration Guide for more information.

Maximum Elapsed Time
This option specifies the maximum number of seconds the query will be permitted to run against the DB2 Query Patroller server. If this value is set to 0 or -1 the query will always run to completion.

Maximum Result Rows
This option specifies the maximum number of rows that will be returned in the answer set. If this value is set to 0, the complete answer set will be returned.

Account ID
Provides a user-defined accounting ID that is written in the Job Accounting table.

Email Address
Provides an address for notification when a job completes. If Email Address is null, the user ID is used as the e-mail address. For more information on e-mail notification, refer to DB2 Query Patroller E-Mail Notification.

Editing a User or Group Profile

Use the following procedure to edit a user profile:

  1. In the QueryAdminstrator main window, select the User Administration tab.
  2. Click on List All Users to list all user profiles.
  3. Select a profile.
  4. Click on View / Edit. The Detailed User Profile window opens.
  5. Edit each field that you want to change.
    Note:Once a profile has been created, you cannot change the User ID or Type.
  6. Click on OK after all new values have been entered.

Removing a User or Group Profile

Use the following procedure to remove a user profile:

  1. On the User Administration page, select a profile.
  2. Click on Remove.
  3. Click on Yes to verify that you want to remove the selected user profile.
    Note:User iwm cannot be deleted.

Querying for the Effective User Profile

To query the effective user profile for a user, you can use the Query button on the User Administration page of the QueryAdministrator tool. Perform the following steps:

  1. Click the Query button on the User Administration page.
  2. Enter a User ID and click Apply. The different profiles for the user will be merged providing an effective user profile, which combines the highest authorities from each of the user's profiles. For information on how an effective user profile is resolved when more than one profile exists for a user, see How User Profiles are Resolved.

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