IBM Books

DB2 Query Patroller Administration Guide

Table of Contents

  • About This Book
  • Who Should Use This Book
  • Conventions
  • Related Documentation

  • DB2 Query Patroller Operations

  • Introduction
  • Syntax Conventions
  • DB2 Query Patroller Components
  • Server
  • Agent
  • Command-Line Interface
  • QueryAdministrator
  • Tracker
  • QueryEnabler
  • QueryMonitor
  • DB2 Query Patroller Tables
  • Connections
  • Job Flow
  • Administration
  • Administration Overview
  • Parameters
  • Environment Variables
  • System Parameters
  • Data Source Parameters
  • Job Queue Parameters
  • User Profile Parameters
  • Administrative Tasks
  • Maintaining Cost Statistics
  • Adding Users
  • Operation
  • Starting and Stopping DB2 Query Patroller
  • Controlling Job Flow and Execution
  • Releasing and Canceling Jobs
  • Monitoring the System
  • The Control Program (iwm)
  • Using the Command-Line Interface
  • Command-Line Interface Environment
  • Submit Command (iwm_submit)
  • Control Command (iwm_cmd)
  • Common Parameters
  • Monitoring Jobs
  • Controlling Jobs
  • Monitoring and Controlling Nodes
  • Listing and Controlling Data Sources
  • Listing and Controlling System Parameters
  • Error Log Monitoring
  • Running the Log Monitor
  • Log Monitor Configuration File
  • INTERVAL Command
  • LOGFILE Command
  • MAILTO Command
  • INCLUDE and EXCLUDE Commands
  • Job Accounting

  • Customizing
  • Exit Analysis
  • Result Destinations
  • Result Destination Variables
  • Piped Result Destinations
  • E-Mail Messages
  • Configuring the DB2 Query Patroller Server
  • Profiling
  • Estimating and Monitoring
  • Modifications
  • Configuring the Data Warehouse
  • Configuring the DB2 Query Patroller Client
  • Configuring QueryEnabler
  • Client Configuration Options

  • The QueryAdministrator Utility

  • QueryAdministrator
  • About QueryAdministrator
  • Starting QueryAdministrator
  • Stopping QueryAdministrator
  • Displaying Columns
  • Resizing Columns
  • Data Source Administration
  • Listing Data Sources
  • Editing a Data Source Definition
  • User Administration
  • Listing User Profiles
  • Creating a User Profile
  • Editing a User Profile
  • Removing a User Profile
  • Node Administration
  • Listing All Nodes
  • Changing the Node Status
  • Job Queue Administration
  • Viewing Job Queues
  • Creating a Job Queue
  • Editing a Job Queue
  • Removing a Job Queue
  • Result Destination Administration
  • Listing Result Destinations
  • Creating a Result Destination
  • Editing a Result Destination
  • Removing a Result Destination
  • System Administration
  • Listing System Parameters
  • Editing System Parameters

  • The Tracker Utility

  • Introduction to Tracker
  • Creating Tracker Data on the Database Server
  • Navigating within Tracker
  • Understanding the Tool Bar
  • Tracker Reports
  • Understanding the Reports
  • Displaying Data as a Count
  • Displaying Data as a Percentage
  • Total Table Hits Report
  • Columns Hit in Table X Report
  • Users That Hit Table X Report
  • Columns Hit by User Y Hitting Table X Report
  • Tables Joined with Table X Report
  • Rows Returned by Table Report
  • Job Activity Over Time Report
  • Using Tracker
  • Starting Tracker
  • Displaying Job History Data
  • Opening a New Report
  • Changing the Date and Time Range
  • Refreshing Data
  • Report Formats
  • Drilling Down for More Information
  • Drilling Up
  • Viewing the Drill Path
  • Zooming and Panning
  • Closing a Tracker Report Window
  • Exiting Tracker

  • Appendixes

  • Appendix A. Troubleshooting the DB2 Query Patroller Server
  • Distinguishing Between DB2 and DB2 Query Patroller Failures
  • syserr.log
  • DB2 Diagnostic Log
  • Processes
  • DB2 Query Patroller Server
  • DB2 Query Patroller Agent
  • Process Failures
  • Common Server Problems
  • Appendix B. Troubleshooting DB2 Query Patroller Clients
  • Troubleshooting QueryEnabler
  • Common QueryEnabler Problems
  • Troubleshooting QueryMonitor and QueryAdministrator
  • Common QueryMonitor and QueryAdministrator Problems
  • Troubleshooting Tracker
  • Common Tracker Problems
  • Appendix C. DB2 Query Patroller Messages
  • Messages
  • Log File
  • Appendix D. Notices
  • Trademarks
  • Trademarks of Other Companies
  • Appendix E. Contacting IBM

  • Index

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