<%@ page isELIgnored="true" %> <%@ taglib uri="cms" prefix="cms" %> Server Settings

Server Settings

Before you begin changing any server settings, make sure you have full access to the System > Server menu. If you are changing any communication settings, make sure you already have an agent installed, configured, and online -- this will make troubleshooting any problems easier if an agent has already been able to successfully connect to the server. Server settings are broken-up into a few categories as follows:

  • Network. The system-level network settings used to configure communication between the AnthillPro server and agents. See Server Network Settings.

  • Security. The system-level security settings used to configure access to the Anthill server settings for configuration and artifact management. See Server Security.

  • Misc. The system-level miscellaneous settings include options for repository cache, dependency conflicts, and server logging. See Server Miscellaneous Settings and Server Logging Options.

  • Views. Disable or enable the views for all AnthillPro users. See Server-wide User Views.

In addition, you can set system (formerly server) properties. See System Properties.

Server Network Settings

Configure the system-level network settings used to configure communication between the AnthillPro server and agents.

  1. Go to System > Server Settings under the Server menu and click Edit.

  2. Select the Network tab and click Edit.

  3. Configure settings:

    • Bind to IP. During the installation process, the External IP address where the agent can be reached was set. If no specific IP address was specified, then AnthillPro will use and bind to all available addresses (this is recommended).

      If a specific IP was designated during agent installation, select it. Server-agent communication will then only occur on the bound IP, and any agent with a different IP will not communicate with the server.

      Restart the server if a new IP is chosen.

    • Server IP. Give the IP address used to connect to the AnthillPro server for remoting (if using remote scripts) and/or the Distributed web (if using Distributed Servers).

    • External URL. Enter the URL used to access AnthillPro (e.g., http://anthillserver/). The external URL is used for notifications and to access AnthillPro from remote sites, and may include http(s):// or any non-standard ports.

    • Agent External URL. Enter the URL agents use to access the web application to return log files and upload reports to the server. This includes http(s):// and any non-standard ports (e.g., http://myserver/ or http://myserver:8080/). The same external URL may be used for both agents and other external access. If AnthillPro is running behind a web server or a firewall, using a different external URL for the agents will provide greater security, etc.

    • Keystore Password. Reset the keystore password.

    • Use SSL Between Server and Agents. See Server-Agent SSL before changing this option.

      Restart the server if SSL is changed.

      • Enforce Mutual Authentication. See Server-Agent SSL before changing this option.

        Restart the server if Mutual Authentication is changed.

  4. Click Save. Click Done if not configuring other server settings.

Server Security

Set the system-level security settings used to determine access to the AnthillPro server settings for configuration and artifact management.

  1. Go to System > Server Settings under the Server menu.

  2. Select the Security tab and click Edit.

  3. Configure settings:

    • Digest Algorithm. Choose a digest algorithm from the drop-down menu. AnthillPro uses either an SHA or MD cryptographic hash function to protect the build and deployment artifacts. If none is chosen, no digest algorithm will be used.

      If you are using the Transfer Only Changed Files option for your Resolve Artifact step, a digest algorithm must be selected. AnthillPro will use the generated file checksums for the resolve, and skip the Codestation caching on the agent. See also Create a Deployment Job.
    • Audit User Transactions. Check the box to log all user transactions and changes in the database. When enabled, the log is accessible by going to System > Audit. See Perform Audits.

    • Allow Multiple Sessions Per User. Check the box to allow any AnthillPro user to be concurrently logged in from multiple computers and/or browsers. If left blank, when a user logs on to AnthillPro using a different browser or machine, the current session will automatically expire.

    • Allow Use of Login Cookie. Check the box allow users to login via a cookie based on prior login with the same computer and browser.

    • Allow Auto-Complete Feature in Web Browsers. Check the box to allow web browsers to use their auto-complete feature in forms. Auto complete is disabled where higher security is considered.

    • Allow Anonymous Guest Access. See Set Up and Manage Guest Users.

    • Show Error Trace in UI. Check the box to show server errors in the UI. To hide error traces in the UI, leave this field blank.

    • Secure Artifact Sets. By default, any user with access to a workflow can download/resolve the artifacts. If you want to change this functionality, please see Securing Artifact Sets and Configuring Default Permissions if you have not already done so.

      Before you change this setting, ensure the Default Permissions are correctly setup for artifact sets. Once you enable this setting, every existing artifact set will inherit the Default Permissions. In addition, each newly created artifact set will also inherit the default permissions.

      See also Artifact Set Security for information on securing individual artifact sets at the Life-Cycle-Model level.

  4. Click Save.

  5. Click Done if not configuring other server settings. To configure other settings, see Server Settings.

Server Miscellaneous Settings

Set system-level miscellaneous settings include options for repository cache, dependencies, server logging, etc.

  1. Go to System > Server Settings under the Server menu.

  2. Select the Misc tab and click Edit.

  3. Configure settings:

    • Repository Event Cache Time. Set the length of time in minutes between the oldest and latest repository events that AnthillPro caches. The set-time must be greater than any quiet period plus the longest time required to obtain a revision log.

      For example, if the longest quiet period for any project is set to 5 minutes and the longest time it takes to obtain the necessary revision logs for any project is 3 minutes, the Repository Event Cache Time must be greater than 8 minutes (i.e., at least 9 minutes). Otherwise, AnthillPro will not accurately detect changes when building dependent projects.

      The time it takes AnthillPro to get the revision logs can vary significantly, depending on server load and the complexity of the dependency relationships. Unless experiencing performance issues because the Repository Event Cache Time is too long, it is advisable to use the default.

    • Preserve Artifact Time Stamps. Check the box to preserve file time stamps when transferring artifacts between the server and agents when using the resolve and deliver artifact steps.

    • Include Artifact Directories and Symlinks. Select this option to include empty directories and symbolic links (and soft links for Unix) when publishing or resolving artifacts. This allows you to publish a link, and not the actual artifacts if desired. Symlinks can only be published or resolved on Unix agents.

      Including a symlink in your working directory that points to your root directory may result in the deletion of your root directory when AnthillPro's cleanup process executes.

      To use this feature, add the link/directory as part of your include pattern. See Capture and Deliver Build Artifacts and Edit the Dependency Workflow.

    • Include Permissions. Select this option to include permissions when publishing or resolving artifacts. Note that permissions can only be published or resolved on Unix agents.

    • Dependency Conflicts. Select either to detect all dependency conflicts even if the dependencies remain unresolved or to only detect resolved conflicts.

      DETECT ALL allows AnthillPro to detect all dependency conflicts that are not resolved by AnthillPro, in addition to those AnthillPro resolves. For example, if using a separate tool to resolve dependencies, this option allows you to view those dependencies.

      DETECT RESOLVED only detects dependency conflicts that are resolved by AnthillPro.

    • Cascade Properties to Dependencies. By default, AnthillPro does not cascade properties to any requests made because of a dependency relationship. If you need AnthillPro to cascade properties from a request to a created dependency request, check the box. This only applies to requests created from pull and push dependencies. This sets the default value, and may be overridden when configuring dependencies.

    • Explicit Dependency Artifact Resolve and Verify. Select here if you want AnthillPro to download and verify dependencies in separate commands with a command for each artifact set download and each verify. The default is to not check this and do the download and verify in one command on the agent. Checking this can cause dependency resolution to take longer.

    • Default Dependency Type. Select the default dependency relationship for newly configured dependencies. The user creating the dependency will be able to change the dependency type, but if they forget, this will be the default setting.

    • Default Quiet-period Type. Select the default project quiet period type for newly configured projects. The user creating the project will be able to change the quiet period type, but if they forget, this will be the default setting. Before changing the defaults, see Use Agent Filters and Quiet Periods and Workflow Triggers and Scheduled Builds if you are unfamiliar with quiet periods and triggers. You can choose:

      • Changelog.

      • Repository.

      • None.

    • Logging Level. Check the logging level for the server. The log is available at System > Server Settings > Log and System > Server Settings > Error. See Server Logging Options.

      ALLLogs all server events. Because this option produces a large log file, it is recommend for use only when tracing errors.
      DEBUGUsed temporarily for debugging server events. Because this option produces a large log file, it is recommend for use only when tracing errors.
      INFOProvides basic information regarding server activity. Recommended for day-to-day use.
      WARNLogs any warnings that are thrown by the server. Recommended for day-to-day use.
      ERRORLogs any errors that are thrown by the server.
      FATALLogs all fatal errors that may occur.
      OFFNever logs server events.
  4. Click Save.

  5. Click Done if not configuring other server settings. To configure other settings, see Server Settings and Server Logging Options.

Server-wide User Views

Disable or enable the views for all AnthillPro users. By default, the Source Activity, Build Activity, and Average Test Success graphs are enabled. You may elect to disable all graphs (on the Main, Project, and Workflow pages), or a combination of the three. Once disabled, no AnthillPro user will be able to view the graph.

If the graphs are enabled, individual users may elect to turn them off (see Configure User Profile); however, once a graph has been disabled at the System level, no AnthillPro user will be able to view the graph until it is enabled here.

  1. Go to System > Server Settings under the Server menu.

  2. Select the Views tab and click Edit.

  3. Configure settings:

    • Main Dashboard Graphs. Select Yes to have the Total Source Activity, Build Activity, and Average Test Success graphs displayed on the Main page; or No to disable them.

    • Project Dashboard Graphs. Select Yes to have the Source Activity, Build Activity, and Average Test Success graphs displayed on the Project page; or No to disable them.

    • Workflow Dashboard Graphs. Select Yes to have the Source Activity, Build Activity, and Average Test Success graphs displayed on the Workflow page; or No to disable them.

  4. Click Save.

  5. Click Done if not configuring other server settings. To configure other settings, see Server Settings.