The who-when changes made by Administrative users is recorded and made available on the Audit page (System > Audit under the Security menu). When running an Audit, search using a combination of user(s) and date(s).
The audit will return information regarding changes that:
Created a new field, including the date, time, user name, and description (in blue).
Modified an existing field, including the date, time, user name, and description (in salmon).
Deleted an existing field, including the date, time, user name, and description (in pink).
Results are returned from oldest to newest, and are searchable using the navigation menu. Selecting a cell in the table expands the item and provides details regarding the change.
Go to System > Audit under the Security menu.
On the Audit page, give the criteria.
User. Select a user from the drop-down menu. If no user is selected, the Audit will return results for all users with Administrative permissions.
Start Time. Give the beginning start data in the format: 2008-02-31 (e.g., February 31, 2008). If no start date is set, the Audit will return results for all dates unless an end date is set.
End Time. Give the ending start date in the format: 2008-05-09 (e.g., May 9, 2008). If no end date is set, the Audit will return results for all dates unless a start date is set.
Click Search.
To view the details of a particular item, click the appropriate cell. To collapse an expanded item, click the colored cell again. (Deleted items cannot be expanded.)
Select Expand All to view details for every item. To collapse all expanded items, select Collapse All. To view other pages: use Previous Button and Next Button, select a page from the navigation menu, or click First to go back to the beginning and Last to go to the final page.
Click Done.