User's Guide and Reference
- Table row that represents a geographic feature; table row whose address data represents a geographic feature
- Tables with spatial columns added
- Tables that include spatial data derived from source data
- Table that includes new spatial data derived from existing spatial data
- Client-server setup
- Hierarchy of spatial data types
- Application of a 10.0e0 grid level
- Effect of adding grid levels 30.0e0 and 60.0e0
- Hierarchy of geometries supported by DB2 Spatial Extender
- Linestring objects
- Polygons
- Multilinestrings
- Multipolygons
- ST_Equals
- ST_Disjoint
- ST_Touches
- ST_Overlaps
- Within
- ST_Contains
- Minimum distance between two cities
- ST_Intersection
- ST_Difference
- ST_Union
- ST_Buffer
- LocateAlong
- LocateBetween
- ST_ConvexHull
- Using area to find a building footprint
- A buffer with a five-mile radius is applied to a point
- Using ST_Contains to ensure that all buildings are contained within their lots
- Using ST_Crosses to find the waterways that pass through a hazardous waste area
- Using ST_Disjoint to find the buildings that do not lie within (intersect) any hazardous waste area
- Using ST_ExteriorRing to determine the length of an island shore line
- Using ST_InteriorRingN to determine the length of the lakeshores within each island
- Using ST_Intersection to determine how large an area in each of the buildings might be affected by hazardous waste
- Using ST_Length to determine the total length of the waterways in a county
- Using ST_Overlaps to determine the buildings that are at least partially within of a hazardous waste area
- Using ST_SymmetricDiff to determine the hazardous waste areas that do not contain sensitive areas (inhabited buildings)
- Representation in NDR format
- A polygon with a hole and eight vertices
- Contents of the polygon byte stream
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