User's Guide and Reference


  1. Table row that represents a geographic feature; table row whose address data represents a geographic feature
  2. Tables with spatial columns added
  3. Tables that include spatial data derived from source data
  4. Table that includes new spatial data derived from existing spatial data
  5. Client-server setup
  6. Hierarchy of spatial data types
  7. Application of a 10.0e0 grid level
  8. Effect of adding grid levels 30.0e0 and 60.0e0
  9. Hierarchy of geometries supported by DB2 Spatial Extender
  10. Linestring objects
  11. Polygons
  12. Multilinestrings
  13. Multipolygons
  14. ST_Equals
  15. ST_Disjoint
  16. ST_Touches
  17. ST_Overlaps
  18. Within
  19. ST_Contains
  20. Minimum distance between two cities
  21. ST_Intersection
  22. ST_Difference
  23. ST_Union
  24. ST_Buffer
  25. LocateAlong
  26. LocateBetween
  27. ST_ConvexHull
  28. Using area to find a building footprint
  29. A buffer with a five-mile radius is applied to a point
  30. Using ST_Contains to ensure that all buildings are contained within their lots
  31. Using ST_Crosses to find the waterways that pass through a hazardous waste area
  32. Using ST_Disjoint to find the buildings that do not lie within (intersect) any hazardous waste area
  33. Using ST_ExteriorRing to determine the length of an island shore line
  34. Using ST_InteriorRingN to determine the length of the lakeshores within each island
  35. Using ST_Intersection to determine how large an area in each of the buildings might be affected by hazardous waste
  36. Using ST_Length to determine the total length of the waterways in a county
  37. Using ST_Overlaps to determine the buildings that are at least partially within of a hazardous waste area
  38. Using ST_SymmetricDiff to determine the hazardous waste areas that do not contain sensitive areas (inhabited buildings)
  39. Representation in NDR format
  40. A polygon with a hole and eight vertices
  41. Contents of the polygon byte stream

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