User's Guide and Reference
- Disk space requirements
- Spatial functions and operations
- Rules for index exploitation
- DB2 Spatial Extender sample program
- Input parameters for the db2gse.gse_disable_autogc stored procedure.
- Output parameters for the db2gse.gse_disable_autogc stored procedure.
- Output parameters for the db2gse.gse_disable_db stored procedure.
- Input parameter for the db2gse.gse_disable_sref stored procedure.
- Output parameters for the db2gse.gse_disable_sref stored procedure.
- Input parameters for the db2gse.gse_enable_autogc stored procedure.
- Output parameters for the db2gse.gse_enable_autogc stored procedure.
- Output parameters for the db2gse.gse_enable_db stored procedure.
- Input parameters for the db2gse.gse_enable_idx stored procedure.
- Output parameters for the db2gse.gse_enable_idx stored procedure.
- Input parameters for the db2gse.gse_enable_sref stored procedure.
- Output parameters for the db2gse.gse_enable_sref stored procedure.
- Input parameters for the db2gse.gse_export_shape stored procedure.
- Output parameters for the db2gse.gse_export_shape stored procedure.
- Input parameters for the db2gse.gse_import_sde stored procedure.
- Output parameters for the db2gse.gse_import_sde stored procedure.
- Input parameters for the db2gse.gse_import_shape stored procedure.
- Output parameters for the db2gse.gse_import_shape stored procedure.
- Input parameters for the db2gse.gse_register_gc stored procedure.
- Output parameters for the db2gse.gse_register_gc stored procedure.
- Input parameters for the db2gse.gse_register_layer stored procedure.
- Output parameters for the db2gse.gse_register_layer stored procedure.
- Input parameters for the db2gse.gse_run_gc stored procedure.
- Output parameters for the db2gse.gse_run_gc stored procedure.
- Input parameter for the db2gse.gse_unregist_gc stored procedure.
- Output parameters for the db2gse.gse_unregist_gc stored procedure.
- Input parameters for the db2gse.gse_unregist_layer stored procedure.
- Output parameters for the db2gse.gse_unregist_layer stored procedure.
- Columns in the DB2GSE.COORD_REF_SYS catalog view
- Columns in the DB2GSE.GEOMETRY_COLUMNS catalog view
- Columns in the DB2GSE.SPATIAL_GEOCODER catalog view
- Columns in the DB2GSE.SPATIAL_REF_SYS catalog view
- The 10.0e0 grid cell entries for the example geometries
- The intersections of the geometries in the three-tiered index
- Matrix for ST_Within
- Matrix for equality
- Matrix for ST_Disjoint
- Matrix for ST_Intersects (1)
- Matrix for ST_Intersects (2)
- Matrix for ST_Intersects (3)
- Matrix for ST_Intersects (4)
- Matrix for ST_Touches (1)
- Matrix for ST_Touches (2)
- Matrix for ST_Touches (3)
- Matrix for ST_Overlaps (1)
- Matrix for ST_Overlaps (2)
- Matrix for ST_Crosses (1)
- Matrix for ST_Crosses (2)
- Matrix for ST_Within
- Matrix for ST_Contains
- Equals pattern matrix
- Supported geodetic datums
- Conic projections
- Map projection parameters
- Geometry types and their text representations
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