XDIME aggregator rendering problems

The following information describes how to fix common XDIME aggregator rendering problems.

See <html><body></html> in Mozilla or Unsupported content type in Openwave/real device

This could result from various problems. Check the following:
  1. Check that both the WebSphere® Portal and Multi-Channel Server (MCS) databases are available.
  2. Check logs for any XDIME aggregator JSP compilation errors.
  3. If the WebSphere Portal logs contain exceptions indicating that MCS cannot find a policy, the policy might not have been imported into the MCS database.

    If the error occurred when displaying a portlet, see the topic Portlet Specific Policies in this information center for more details on how to determine if an error occurred importing policies during portlet installation. The topic Importing Policies into the Multi-Channel Server database explains how to manually import policies into the database.

  4. Verify that portlets are rendered properly in the Mobile Portal Toolkit before installing in WebSphere Portal.
  5. Verify that recently modified extended properties and preload notice properties are correct.
  6. Open mwp.properties and check for property values that are not valid. Check for restricted characters in:
    • mwp.tree.indent.value
    • mwp.tree.bullet.value
    • mwp.pda.indent.value
    See the topic Character limitations for more information about restricted characters.

Newly added page, URL, or portlet is not available to users

The most common problem is that users who have already logged into WebSphere Portal, will not see new changes to the navigation until after they log off and log back in.

The wrong navigation view is shown to the device

Verify that the correct markup version for the corresponding navigation view has been configured correctly for the particular client device. See the topic Configuring Mobile Portal Accelerator to support new mobile devices for more information on how to configure the navigation view for a client device.

The user sees navigation links but cannot access them

Verify that the user has the appropriate permissions to access the page, URL, or portlet.

Users encounter navigation problems

Users might observe any of the following problems:
  • No header logo is shown
  • There are no numeric labels for navigation links
  • Icons for navigation links are not displayed
  • Only child links are displayed
  • Shortcut keys do not work

These are specific symptoms of problem with using the pagination feature for the tree navigation view. Pagination is typically enabled for devices with small memory. To check whether pagination is enabled for your device, use the Mobile Portal Toolkit to view the device policies for your particular device.

Find the maxhtmlpage device policy value for the device exhibiting these symptoms. Compare this value to the value of the mwp.tree.pagination.max.buffer.match property within wp_profile_root/PortalServer/wp.mobile/wp.mobile.mwp/shared/app/config/mwp.properties. This property value is the maximum buffer size in bytes that is used to match devices for pagination. If the device maxhtmlpage policy value is equal to or less than this property value, then pagination is enabled for the device.

If you do not want pagination enabled for the device, you can reduce the property value so that it does not match the device maxhtmlpage policy value.

Note: If the mwp.tree.pagination.max.buffer.match property value is changed, it can affect pagination for other devices.

Changes to mwp.properties do not affect the XDIME aggregator

There is a good chance that WebSphere Portal has not been restarted. A restart is required whenever this file is modified. For information about restarting the server, see the WebSphere Portal product documentation.

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