Variable names used in the information center for user supplied information

Refer to this section for a list of variable names that are used in the information center, and their associated directory paths.

Because IBM® Mobile Portal Accelerator supports a variety of operating systems and databases, the following variables are used in the information center to map directory path information to the specific operating system or application.

Tables list the variable names used to identify resources for the following products:

WebSphere Portal

Variable Operating system - application Directory path location
wp_root IBM AIX /usr/IBM/WebSphere/PortalServer
wp_root Linux  Sun Solaris /opt/IBM/WebSphere/PortalServer
wp_root Microsoft Windows C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\PortalServer
wp_root Microsoft Windows - Mobile Portal Toolkit The directory where WebSphere® Portal is installed.
wp_profile_root IBM AIX /usr/IBM/WebSphere/wp_profile
wp_profile_root Linux  Sun Solaris /opt/IBM/WebSphere/wp_profile
wp_profile_root Microsoft Windows C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\wp_profile
portal_update_installer_dir All systems The directory where the WebSphere Portal update installer is installed.

WebSphere Application Server

Variable Operating system - application Directory path location
was_root IBM AIX /usr/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer
was_root Linux  Sun Solaris /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer
was_root Microsoft Windows C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer
was_root Microsoft Windows - Mobile Portal Toolkit The directory where you installed the WebSphere Application Server test environment that is used with WebSphere Portal.
was_profile_root IBM AIX /usr/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/profile_name
was_profile_root Linux  Sun Solaris /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/profile_name
was_profile_root Microsoft Windows C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer/profiles/profile_name
cell_name All systems The name of the application server cell in which the Mobile Portal Accelerator product is installed. If the product is installed on a stand-alone server, the cell name is normally the host name. In a clustered environment, it is the name of the cell created by network deployment manager.
profile_name All systems The name of the mobile device profile within the WebSphere Application Server root directory (was_root).

WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment

Variable Operating system Directory path location
nd_root All systems The directory where WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment is installed.

IBM Mobile Portal Accelerator

Variable Operating system Directory path location
mwp_root All systems WebSphere Portal automatically determines the mwp_root starting point using the following criteria:
  1. The first page found by portal that supports XDIME.
  2. The user must be entitled to view that page.

Mobile Portal Toolkit

Variable Operating system Directory path location
toolkit_home Microsoft Windows The directory where the Mobile Portal Toolkit is installed.

DB2 Enterprise Server Edition

Variable Application Directory path location
db2instance db2 The DB2® instance user.
db_root db2 The value specified for the home directory selected during installation. See the DB2 install documentation for more information.

Oracle Database

Variable Application Directory path location
oracle_driver_path oracle The directory path to the Oracle 11g JDBC driver on your WebSphere Portal server.
db_root oracle The value of the ORACLE_HOME environment variable set in Configuring an Oracle database for Multi-Channel Server.

Microsoft SQL Server

Variable Application Directory path location
mssql_driver_path Microsoft SQL Server The directory path to the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition SP2 or SQL Server 2008 JDBC driver on your WebSphere Portal server.
ms_jnetdirect_path Microsoft SQL Server The directory path to the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition SP2 or SQL Server 2008 JNetDirect driver on your WebSphere Portal server.

Rational Application Developer

Variable Operating system Directory path location
rad_home Microsoft Windows The directory where the Rational® Application Developer product is installed.

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