Portlet-specific policies

There are certain guidelines that you should follow regarding portlet-specific policies.

If a policy is used by a single portlet only, place the policy into the portlet's project in Mobile Portal Toolkit. Each portlet's policies must be packaged in the mcs-policies directory of the portlet's WAR file.
Note: When the portlet has been created using the Mobile Portal Toolkit, everything under the WebContent directory of the portlet project will be included in the portlet's WAR file. Create a mcs-policies directory under the portlet project's WebContent directory and create your policies in that directory.
When policies in a portlet project are imported into the MCS database, the (JDBC) PROJECT name in the database will be the portlet application unique ID (uid) value from the portlet-app element in the portlet's portlet.xml file. See the bold highlighted text in the following code example.
<portlet-app uid="com.ibm.mwp.portlets.MWPweather:2" major-version="1" minor-version="0">
Note: This unique ID is guaranteed to be unique. You cannot install a portlet into WebSphere® Portal if its unique ID conflicts with an already installed portlet.
The policies in a portlet's WAR file will be imported into the MCS database when the portlet is installed into WebSphere Portal. The portlet install code will look for the mcs-policies directory in the portlet's WAR file and automatically import any policies it finds under that directory. Open the WebSphere Portal log file and look at the most recent log entries in that file. The following message displays:
2004.01.01 12:00:00.000 I com.ibm.mwp.util.MWPPPIPortletListener importPortletPolicies
  CWMPU0005I: The results for importing MyPortlet application portlet policies are:
Commencing Transfer...
Transfering image component policies...
Commiting changes...
Transfer Complete.
The CWMPU0005I message and the "Transfer Complete" output indicate a successful import of the portlet policies. If the import fails, an error is logged (message CWMPU0006E) in the latest WebSphere Portal log file and the portlet's policies need to be imported manually. The Importing policies into the Multi-Channel Server database topic in this information center describes how to import the policies.
Note: Put policy files into the mcs-policies directory only.

When you test the portlet in the Mobile Portal Toolkit test environment, the portlet policies do not need to be imported in a MCS database. MCS is configured to use a XML repository and is able to find the portlet policies in the portlet's mcs-policies directory without any action required on your part.

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