Configuring Mobile Portal Accelerator to support new mobile devices

You can create a client in WebSphere® Portal for each class of mobile devices you want to support.

WebSphere Portal matches the user agent from the request header of a device against user agent patterns configured in the list of supported clients. If a match is found, WebSphere Portal uses the markup configured for the matching client definition to determine which aggregator handles requests from the device.

To support a new device whose user agent does not match a user agent pattern of the supported clients, you must create a client definition. If you want IBM® Mobile Portal Accelerator to handle the device, you must also configure the client to use the XDIME markup.
Note: When you add a client, you must make sure that the Multi-Channel Server device repository supports the new device.

By default, the tree navigation view of the XDIME aggregator is used for the device. To use a different navigation view for the device, specify the navigation view name. You can use for example, iconview, pdaview or smartphone, in the markup version field of the client definition.

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