Diagnostic checks

You should verify that the system has been installed and is running correctly by perform the various basic diagnostic checks.

Validating the correct installation

Perform the following basic diagnostic checks to verify that the system has been installed and is running correctly.

  1. Check that the correct database connection parameters are present in the following files:
    The database driver files should also be included on the JDBC_DRIVER= line in the ImportPolicies script or batch file.
    Note: For the correct parameters to use for installing Multi-Channel Server (MCS), refer to the Installing Multi-Channel Server topic for your environment. If the correct parameters were not specified, see the topic Troubleshooting install, configuration, and uninstall problems for recovery information.
  2. Check that wp_profile_root/ConfigEngine/properties/wkplc.properties has the correct property values.
    Note: See the topic Installing Mobile Portal Accelerator extensions for the required property values.
  3. Check that WebSphere® Portal is running.
    Note: See the topic Verifying and launching WebSphere Portal in the WebSphere Portal product documentation for more information.
  4. Check that the database is running. See your database documentation for details.
  5. Check that the database connectivity is configured properly.

    DB2 Ensure that the db2profile is sourced before the WebSphere Portal server is started, by adding the appropriate classpath entry either in the setupCmdLine script (or batch file) or in the .profile file of the root.

    Oracle If the data source connection is up but XA Connect exceptions are being logged, delete the wp_profile_root/tranlog/node_name/cell_name/WebSphere_Portal/transaction/tranlog and wp_profile_root/wstemp directories and restart the WebSphere Portal server.

  6. Check for errors in all logs. Search for exceptions and any logged error messages. See the topic Message logging and trace information for details on where to find the log files.
  7. Check that MCS policies were imported successfully.
    1. During the installation of MCS and Mobile Portal Accelerator extensions, check the wp_profile_root/ConfigEngine/log/ConfigTrace.log for errors during policy import.
    2. During portlet installation, check the wp_profile_root/logs/WebSphere_Portal/SystemOut.log for error messages concerning policy import. See the topic Portlet Specific Policies for more details on how to determine if an error occurred importing policies during portlet installation.

    If the policies did not import successfully when MCS or Mobile Portal Accelerator extensions were installed, see the topic Troubleshooting install, configuration, and uninstall problems for recovery information.

    If policies were not imported successfully when a portlet was installed, see the topic Importing Policies into the Multi-Channel Server database for details on how to manually import the portlet's policies.

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