Installing MCS for DB2 users

The second stage in the process of installing the Multi-Channel Server (MCS) software on WebSphere® Portal for use with DB2® is to install the MCS software.

Before you begin

Make sure that you configured the DB2 database as described in the preceding topic Configuring a DB2 database for MCS.

About this task

Perform the following steps to install MCS on your WebSphere Portal server.


  1. Make sure that the database server and the database listener are running.
    If you are using a remote database server and the DB2 client software is not installed on the WebSphere Portal server, copy the following files from your database server to a directory on the WebSphere Portal server:
    • db_root/db2instance/java/db2jcc.jar (for DB2 version 9.1 (with fix pack 5) or 9.5 (with fix pack 3))
    • db_root/db2instance/java/db2jcc4.jar (for DB2 version 9.7 )
    • db_root/db2instance/java/db2jcc_license_cu.jar
    Note: Later in this procedure, add these files to the CLASSPATH environment variable and to the JDBC_DRIVER parameter in the shell script. At that time, specify the location of the files that you copied onto WebSphere Portal server.
  2. Log in to the WebSphere Portal server as the user who installed WebSphere Portal.
  3. Add the JDBC driver to the Java™ Virtual Machine (JVM) classpath of the WebSphere Portal server as follows.
    1. Log in to the WebSphere Application Server Integrated Solutions Console.
    2. Click Servers > WebSphere application servers.
    3. In the Classpath field, add entries for your JDBC driver.
      Example entries follow.
      • db_root/db2instance/java/db2jcc.jar (for DB2 version 9.1 (with fix pack 5) or 9.5 (with fix pack 3))
      • db_root/db2instance/java/db2jcc4.jar (for DB2 version 9.7 )
      • db_root/db2instance/java/db2jcc_license_cu.jar
      where db2instance is the user ID of the DB2 instance user.
    4. Click Apply.
    5. Save the configuration changes.
  4. Run the following command to ensure that the WebSphere environment is set up correctly:
    Note: There is a space between the period (.) and the rest of the command.
  5. Add the JDBC driver to your current class path environment variable, as illustrated in the following examples:
    (for version 9.1 (with fix pack 5) or 9.5 (with fix pack 3))
    (for version 9.7)
    Note: If DB2 and WebSphere Portal are not installed on the same machine, specify the path to where the files are located on the WebSphere Portal server.
  6. Make sure that the correct values are specified for the following parameters in the file wp_profile_root/ConfigEngine/properties/
    • WasHome
    • WpsInstallLocation
    • NodeName
    • ServerName
    • PortalAdminId
    • PortalAdminPwd
    • WpsHostPort
    • WpsContextRoot

    If WebSphere Application Server security is enabled, you must also specify values for the WasUserid and WasPassword parameters in wp_profile_root/ConfigEngine/properties/

    Note: For security reasons, if you do not want to store the WebSphere Portal admin password and WebSphere Application Server admin password in the file, you can specify the passwords on the portal server command line. For example, when this topic directs you to enter the ConfigEngine script or batch file, you would add parameters to the command to specify the password values as shown here:
    ./ init task_name -DPortalAdminPwd=WP_admin_password_value -DWasPassword=WAS_admin_password_value
    ConfigEngine init task_name -DPortalAdminPwd=WP_admin_password_value -DWasPassword=WAS_admin_password_value
    Note: All of this text, including parameters, is entered on the same command line.
    • task_name is the name of the configuration task being invoked (for example, mcs-deploy-mcs)
    • WP_admin_password_value is the value of the WebSphere Portal admin password
    • WAS_admin_password_value is the value of the WebSphere Application Server admin password if WebSphere Application Server security is enabled
  7. Change your working directory to:wp_profile_root/ConfigEngine
  8. Run the following command:
    ./ init mcs-deploy-mcs -DMcsRepositoryType=odbc -DMcsDbVendor=db_vendor -DMcsDbHost=hostname -DMcsDbPort=port_number -DMcsDbSource=db_name -DMcsDbUser=db2instance -DMcsDbPassword=db2instance_password -DMcsProject=mobile-portal
    ConfigEngine init mcs-deploy-mcs -DMcsRepositoryType=odbc -DMcsDbVendor=db_vendor -DMcsDbHost=hostname -DMcsDbPort=port_number -DMcsDbSource=db_name -DMcsDbUser=db2instance -DMcsDbPassword=db2instance_password -DMcsProject=mobile-portal
    You must specify mobile-portal as the project name. Definitions for the variable parameters follow.
    • db_vendor: db2-type4
    • hostname: the fully qualified host name of the database server.
    • port_number: the port number used by the JDBC applet ("net") driver on the database server for the MCS database. Use 50000 unless another application (including another database instance) is already using that port.
    • db_name: the name of the MCS database
    • db2instance: the user ID of the DB2 instance user.
    • db2instance_password: the DB2 instance password for the MCS database
    Note: It is one command. Enter the entire command on the same command line.

    For example:

    ./ init mcs-deploy-mcs -DMcsRepositoryType=odbc -DMcsDbVendor=db2-type4 -DMcsDbPort=50000 -DMcsDbSource=mcs -DMcsDbUser=DBAdmin -DMcsDbPassword=DBAdmin-Password -DMcsProject=mobile-portal
    ConfigEngine init mcs-deploy-mcs -DMcsRepositoryType=odbc -DMcsDbVendor=db2-type4 -DMcsDbPort=50000 -DMcsDbSource=mcs -DMcsDbUser=DBAdmin -DMcsDbPassword=DBAdmin-Password -DMcsProject=mobile-portal
  9. Edit the repository batch files in a text editor.
    1. Go to wp_root/
    2. After installation of MCS, modify the drManager tool with the appropriate database-related information.
    3. Add the JBDC class path to the drManager batch file or shell script.
      Note: For DB2 version 9.7 Fix Pack 3, jdbc driver is db2jcc4.jar.

      For example, in the drManager.bat file:

      --jdbc-driver-path C:\db2jars\db2jcc4.jar

      For example, in the file:

      --jdbc-driver-path /usr/IBM/dbdriver/db2jcc4.jar

      For DB2 version 9.1 (with fix pack 5) Fix Pack 10, 9.5 (with fix pack 3) Fix Pack 7 the jdbc driver is db2jcc.jar.

    4. Add the JDBC driver class path to the ImportPolicies script to add JDBC driver class path

      For example:

      Windows For ImportPolicies.bat, use:

      AIXLinuxSolaris For, use:


      Windows For drManager.bat use:

      AIXLinuxSolaris For use:

    5. Add the JDBC driver class path to the mcsImport script.
      For example:
  10. To import default device policies, run the following command:
    ./ init mcs-import-devices -DMcsProject=mobile-portal
    ConfigEngine init mcs-import-devices -DMcsProject=mobile-portal
    Note: You must specify mobile-portal as the project name.

    The results of the import operation are displayed by the task and also written to the wp_profile_root/ConfigEngine/log/ConfigTrace.log file. Verify that the import was successful before continuing.

What to do next

After you install MCS on your WebSphere Portal server, proceed to the topic Installing Mobile Portal Accelerator extensions.

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