Installing MCS for Microsoft SQL Server

You can install the Multi-Channel Server (MCS) software for Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition SP2 or SQL Server 2008.

Before you begin

About this task

When installing MCS, be aware of the following issues:
  • Use the SQL Server Management Studio when performing this installation procedure.
  • For Multi-Channel Server 6.3.1 to work with the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition SP2 or SQL Server 2008 Database, the following JDBC drivers can be used:

Perform the following steps to install MCS software for Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition SP2 or SQL Server 2008.


  1. Create the MCS database. Run the following command sequence:
    Note: When creating this database, choose Case Insensitive.
    use master;
    create database MCSDB collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS;
  2. Create the login account for the database. Run the following command sequence:
    use master;

    Where password is any valid database password.

  3. Grant access to the database. Run the following command sequence:
    use MCSDB;
    exec sp_grantdbaccess @loginame = 'MCSDBUSR';
    exec sp_addrolemember @rolename = 'db_owner' , @membername = 'MCSDBUSR';
  4. In the create_vm_tables.sql script file, add the prefix MCSDBUSR to all of the table names. For example:
    Note: The create_vm_tables.sql script file is in the wp_root/ directory.

    If the database is installed on a remote server, copy create_vm_tables.sql to this remote database server.

  5. In the create_mdpr_tables.sql script file, add the prefix MCSDBUSR to all of the table names. For example:
    Note: The create_mdpr_tables.sql script file is in the wp_root/ directory.

    If the database is installed on a remote server, copy create_vm_tables.sql to this remote database server.

  6. In the SQL Server Management Studio, right-click MCS Database > Execute Query to run the create_vm_tables.sql script file and create_mdpr_tables.sql script file.
  7. Change your working directory to:wp_profile_root/ConfigEngine
  8. Run the following command:
    ConfigEngine init mcs-deploy-mcs
    • Your particular command can vary depending on your configuration. You must, however, specify mobile-portal as the project name.
    • Use port number is 1433.
    In this example,
    depends on which driver is used; for example, enter jsql for the NetDirect driver or 2005 for the Microsoft 2005 driver
    is the fully qualified host name of the database server
    is the name of the MCS database
    is the user ID of the SqlServer instance user
    is the SqlServer instance password for the MCS database
  9. Edit the repository batch files.
    1. Go to wp_root/
    2. Edit the drManager batch file or shell script to add the JDBC class path.
    3. Add the JDBC driver class path to the ImportPolicies script to add JDBC driver class path.
      For example:
    4. Add the JDBC driver class path to the mcsImport script.
      For example:

      For example, in Windows with an MS-SQL database:

      echo off 
      set CLASSPATH=C:/IBM/WebSphere/PortalServer\\\repository\lib\;. 
      %JAVA_HOME%\bin\java -Xmx512m -Djava.rmi.server.useCodebaseOnly=true -cp %CLASSPATH% com.volantis.devices.repository.manager.cli.DeviceRepositoryManager %DEFAULT_ARGS% %* --jdbc-driver-path c:\sqljdbc4.jar --jdbc-project mobile-portal --jdbc-vendor mssql-2005 --jdbc-host --jdbc-port 1433 --jdbc-source mcs3 --jdbc-user MCSUSR1 --jdbc-password Wemp4you 
      Note: If using the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition SP2 or SQL Server 2008 JDBC driver, replace JSQLConnect with sqljdbc4.
  10. Verify the wp_root/ file for the following settings:
    SET DEFAULT_ARGS=-vendor mssql-jdbcdriver -host hostname -port 1433 -source mcsdb -user mcsusername -password pwd -updateall -enableundo
  11. Import the default device policies from wp_profile_root/ConfigEngine. Run the following command:
    ConfigEngine init mcs-import-devices -DMcsProject=mobile-portal
  12. Verify that the import was successful (open the wp_root/log/ConfigTrace.log to view the results).
  13. Add the location of the JDBC driver to the MCSLib Shared Library:
    1. Log in to the WebSphere® Application Server Integrated Solutions Console.
    2. Click Environments > Shared Libraries > MCSLib.
    3. In the Classpath field, add entries for your JDBC driver.
      An example entry follows.
      Note: If using the Microsoft driver, use the following path: C:\sqlserver\sqljdbc4.jar.
    4. Click Apply.
    5. Save the configuration changes.
  14. Restart the portal server using the following commands:
    wp_profile_root/bin/ server_name -username WAS_admin -password WAS_admin_password_value
    wp_profile_root/bin/ server_name
    wp_profile_root\bin\stopServer server_name -username WAS_admin -password WAS_admin_password_value
    wp_profile_root\bin\startServer server_name

    where server_name is the name of the WebSphere Application Server instance (for example, WebSphere_Portal).

What to do next

After you install MCS on your WebSphere Portal server, proceed to the topic Installing Mobile Portal Accelerator extensions.

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