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Resource Model Reference

Resource Models for UNIX/Linux

Partial Table-of-Contents

  • CPU Resource Model
  • Overview
  • Indications and Events
  • High CPU Overload
  • High CPU Usage by System
  • Thresholds
  • Logging
  • File Resource Model
  • Overview
  • Indications and Events
  • File Changed
  • File Attributes Changed
  • File not Present
  • Parameters
  • Logging
  • File System Resource Model
  • Overview
  • Indications and Events
  • Low Space Available
  • Fragmented File System
  • Low Percentage of Available I-nodes
  • Thresholds
  • Logging
  • Memory Resource Model
  • Overview
  • Indications and Events
  • Low Storage Space
  • Low Swap Space
  • System Thrashing
  • Thresholds
  • Logging
  • Network Interface Resource Model
  • Overview
  • Indications and Events
  • High Input Packets in Error
  • High Output Packets in Error
  • High Percentage Packet Collisions
  • Interface Not Enabled
  • Interface Not Operational
  • Network Interface Card Not Supported
  • Unknown Interface Status
  • Thresholds
  • Logging
  • Network RPC-NFS Resource Model
  • Overview
  • Indications and Events
  • High NFS Buffer Size
  • High NFS Server Get-attribute Operations
  • High NFS Server Read Operations
  • High NFS Server Readlink Operations
  • High NFS Server Write Operations
  • High Duplicate RPC Server Calls
  • High Retransmitted Calls
  • High RPC Bad Calls
  • High Timeouts and Badxids
  • High Network Traffic
  • Slow Network
  • Thresholds
  • Logging
  • Process Resource Model
  • Overview
  • Indications and Events
  • High Number of Zombie Processes
  • Process Consuming High CPU
  • Process Killed or Nonexistent
  • Process Stopped
  • Thresholds
  • Parameters
  • Logging
  • Security Resource Model
  • Overview
  • Indications and Events
  • Duplicate Account
  • Nonexistent File
  • High Log-in Number for User
  • Illegal Group
  • Illegal Owner
  • Account not Valid for Root
  • Null Password
  • Suspect Supergroup
  • Suspect Superuser
  • Wrong File Mode
  • Parameters
  • Logging
  • Server Performance Prediction Resource Model
  • Overview
  • Parameters
  • Logging

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