Business Intelligence Tutorial

Lesson 9. Testing warehouse steps

In this lesson, you will populate the LOOKUP_MARKET table by running the steps that you created in Lesson 8, Defining data transformation and movement:

You will then verify the results of running them.

Before you run the steps, you must promote them to test mode. Up to this point, the steps you created were in development mode. In development mode, you can change any of the specifications for the step. When you promote the step to test mode, the Data Warehouse Center creates the target table for the step. Therefore, after you promote a step to test mode, you can make only those changes that are not destructive to the target table. For example, you can add columns to a target table when its associated step is in test mode, but you cannot remove columns from the target table.

After you promote the steps to test mode, you will run each step individually. In a later lesson, you will specify that the steps run in sequence.

Testing the Load Demographics Data step

In this exercise, you will promote and run the Load Demographics Data step. Then you will promote the rest of the steps in the process.

To promote the Load Demographics Data step:

  1. From the Process Model window for the Tutorial Market process, right-click the Load Demographics Data step.
  2. Click Mode--> Test.

    A confirmation window asks whether you want to save the process. Click Yes.

    The Data Warehouse Center starts to create the target table, and displays a progress window. Wait until the Data Warehouse Center finishes processing before you start the next procedure.

To verify that the Demographics target table was created:

  1. If the Control Center is not open, click Tools -> Control Center to open the DB2 Control Center from the main Data Warehouse Center window.
  2. Expand the object tree until you see TUTWHS, the warehouse database that you created in Lesson 2, Creating a warehouse database.
  3. Expand the TUTWHS database.
  4. Expand the Tables folder.

    You should see a list of tables in the Contents pane of the window.

  5. Verify that the DEMOGRAPHICS_TARGET table is there.

To test the Load Demographics Data step:

  1. From the Process Model, right-click the Load Demographics Data step.
  2. Click Test.
  3. From the main Data Warehouse Center window, click Data Warehouse Center -->Work in Progress.

    The Work in Progress window opens. You use the Work in Progress window to monitor the progress of all steps in the Data Warehouse Center that are running or scheduled. You should see an entry for the step that is running. While the step is running, it has a status of Populating. When it finishes running, it should have a status of Successful.

    The GEOGRAPHIES SELECT statement on the SQL Statement page.

    For more information about the Work in Progress window, see "Work in Progress--Overview" in the online help.

A confirmation window is displayed after the step stops running.

To verify the results of the step's processing:

  1. From the DB2 Control Center, right-click the DEMOGRAPHICS table.
  2. Click Sample Contents.

    The DB2 Control Center displays a subset of the data in the table.

Repeat the steps in this lesson for the Select Geographies Data step and the Join Market Data step. The target table for the Select Geographies Data step is GEOGRAPHIES_TABLE. The target table for the Join Market Data step is LOOKUP_MARKET.

Promoting the rest of the steps in the star schema (optional)

To create the rest of the tables in the star schema, you must promote the steps that you created in Defining the rest of the star schema (optional). This section is optional, but if you do not complete the steps in this section, you will not be able to do the following lessons:

If you want to skip this section, go to Lesson 10, Scheduling warehouse processes.

To promote the steps, open the process that contains the steps, and follow the procedure in step 1 through 5. You do not have to test the steps as well. However, you can test the steps if you want to test them.

Promote the following steps:
Tutorial Process Tutorial Step Warehouse Database Target Table
Tutorial Product Tutorial Select Product TUTWHS LOOKUP_PRODUCT
Tutorial Time Tutorial Select Time TUTWHS LOOKUP_TIME
Tutorial Scenario Tutorial Select Scenario TUTWHS LOOKUP_SCENARIO
Tutorial Fact Table Tutorial Fact Table Join TUTWHS FACT_TABLE

What you just did

In this lesson, you promoted the Load Demographics Data, Select Geographies Data, and Join Market Data steps to test mode. Then you ran them to test them. In Lesson 10, Scheduling warehouse processes, you will schedule these steps to run automatically.

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