For this lesson, you must have the Warehouse Manager package to install the Information Catalog Manager, which runs on Windows NT, Windows 95, and Windows 98. You also must have defined the dimension tables and fact table in Defining the rest of the star schema (optional).
In this lesson, you will catalog the data in your data warehouse for use by end users. You catalog the data by publishing Data Warehouse Center metadata in an information catalog. An information catalog is the set of tables managed by the Information Catalog Manager that contains business metadata that helps users identify and locate data and information available to them in the organization. Users can search the information catalog to find the tables that contain the data that they need to query.
Publishing metadata is the process of transferring metadata from the Data Warehouse Center to the Information Catalog Manager. In this lesson, you will publish the metadata for the Market process that you created in Lesson 8, Defining data transformation and movement. When you publish the process, you will publish the metadata for the following objects that are contained in the process:
First, you will create the information catalog in which you will publish metadata.
To create the information catalog:
The Initialize Information Catalog window opens.
The Define Catalog on DB2 UDB window opens.
Accept the default value, -, in the Not-applicable symbol field.
Accept the default for the rest of the selections. For more information about these fields, see "Define Catalog on DB2 UDB" in the online help.
The Connect to information catalog window opens.
The Information Catalog Manager creates the information catalog.
To select the metadata that you want to publish:
The Publish Metadata window opens.
The Publish Data Warehouse Center Metadata notebook opens.
The TBC Tutorial subject area moves to the Selected objects list.
The TBC_MD database contains sample metadata, which includes a sample information catalog. You will add metadata about the Market process to the existing metadata.
The other option you can select is At the column level to map source tables and target tables at the column level. The information catalog will indicate that there is a mapping between each column in the source table and its corresponding column in the target table. However, if there are many columns, the mappings in the information catalog can be quite complex.
Accept the rest of the default values on this page. For more information about the fields on this page, see "Publishing Data Warehouse Center metadata" in the online help.
A status indicator is displayed until the publication of the objects is complete. When the publication is complete, the Publication Information window opens and displays the contents of a log file that lists which metadata objects were published successfully.
The window closes, and the log file is deleted. The Publish Metadata window opens listing your information catalog name in the List of publications.
After you publish metadata, you need to update it periodically to capture the changes that have been made in the Data Warehouse Center. To transfer updates of the Data Warehouse Center metadata to the information catalog, you run the step for the publication in the same way that you run any other steps in the Data Warehouse Center.
To update published metadata:
The Work in Progress window opens. You should see an entry for the step that is running. While the step is running, it has a status of Populating. When it finishes running, it should have a status of Successful.
For more information about the Work in Progress window, see "Work in Progress--Overview" in the online help.
In this lesson, you published the Data Warehouse Center metadata that you created in the tutorial to the information catalog. You ran the publication to update the metadata that you published. In the next lesson, you will view the metadata in the information catalog.