DB2 Connect User's Guide


Special Characters
Special Characters
  • SQLCODE mapping file
  • syntax (1718)
  • && in SQLCODE mapping file (1713)
  • " (double quote) in CLP for AIX (1640)
  • * (asterisk) in CLP for AIX (1641)
  • , (comma) in parameter string (1563)
  • ,, (comma comma) in parameter string (1566)
  • \ (back slash) in OS/2 (1877)
  • Numerics
  • 64-bit integer (BIGINT) data type
  • supported by DB2 Connect Version 7 (1370)
  • A
  • access RDB command (1885) See also ACCRDB command
  • accounting string (1498)
  • accounting string fields (1501)
  • ACCRDB command (1883), (1900)
  • ACCRDBRM command (1889), (1906)
  • ACCSEC (1902)
  • ACQUIRE statement (1470)
  • administration utilities (1245)
  • AGENTPRI parameter (1791)
  • ambiguous cursors (1399)
  • ampersand, double (&&) in SQLCODE mapping file (1714)
  • API
  • updating database directories (1591)
  • APPC
  • symbolic destination name (1929)
  • Appl. Handle (1620)
  • application development (1325), (1745)
  • using DB2 Application Development Client (1288)
  • using ODBC (1289), (1511)
  • application name (monitor) (1619)
  • application performance
  • CLISCHEMA keyword (1999)
  • application requester name (1556)
  • application requesters
  • DRDA definition (1259)
  • parameters (1936)
  • application servers
  • configuration (1311)
  • DB2 Connect support (1310)
  • deployment (1312)
  • DRDA definition (1260)
  • overview (1309)
  • applications
  • binding (1593)
  • AR name (1557)
  • ARI (DB2 for VSE & VM) (1384)
  • AS target database name (1553)
  • AS/400
  • DRDA (1255)
  • mixed-byte data (1357)
  • sort order (1426)
  • ATOMIC compound SQL
  • not supported (1462)
  • not supported in DB2 Connect (1748)
  • authentication (1590), (1941)
  • validation (1662)
  • AUTHENTICATION parameter (1664)
  • authentication types
  • CLIENT (1668)
  • DCE (1678)
  • DCE Directory Services (1982)
  • DCS (1674)
  • DCS_ENCRYPT (1676)
  • default (1665)
  • SERVER (1670)
  • authority needed for binding (1601)
  • authorization ID (monitor) (1618)
  • B
  • benchmarking
  • performance (1734)
  • BIDI parameter (1581)
  • Bidirectional CCSID Support (1583)
  • bidirectional language support (1954)
  • BIND command
  • syntax (1608)
  • bind list (1595), (1992)
  • BINDADD privilege (1602)
  • binding
  • authority needed (1600)
  • packages (1606)
  • utilities (1510)
  • utilities and applications (1592)
  • bldschem (2007)
  • syntax (2012)
  • block size (1782)
  • blocking (1398)
  • data (1753)
  • Boostrap dataset on DB2 for MVS/ESA or DB2 Universal Database for OS/390
  • BSDS parameters (1538), (1547)
  • bottlenecks
  • transaction (1732)
  • C
  • cached directory information (1786)
  • CALL statements
  • different platforms (1454)
  • CALL USING DESCRIPTOR statement (OS/400) (1458)
  • cascade (1436)
  • CCSID (1953)
  • CGI programming
  • advantages (1296)
  • limitations (1297)
  • CHAR data type (1829)
  • Character Data Representation Architecture (CDRA) (1264)
  • character translation (1360)
  • charge-back accounting
  • DB2 Universal Database for OS/390 (1497)
  • definition (1496)
  • CHGPWD_SDN parameter (1578)
  • CICS (1333)
  • CLI
  • utilities (2011)
  • CLI/ODBC application performance
  • application performance (1996)
  • CLI/ODBC applications
  • client application ID (monitor) (1624)
  • CLIENT authentication type (1667)
  • client DB alias (monitor) (1626)
  • client NNAME (monitor) (1627)
  • client product ID (monitor) (1628)
  • client sequence no (monitor) (1625)
  • CLISCHEMA keyword (2002), (2006), (2015), (2017), (2019)
  • code page (1943)
  • conversion exceptions (1950)
  • in SQLERRMC field of SQLCA (1389)
  • code page ID (monitor) (1629)
  • code set
  • in SQLERRMC field of SQLCA (1391)
  • Coded Character Set Identifier (CCSID) (1944)
  • collating sequence
  • EBCDIC and ASCII (1424)
  • collection ID attribute
  • DB2 Universal Database for AS/400 (1415)
  • package (1414)
  • collections (1416)
  • comma comma in parameter string (1565)
  • comma in parameter string (1562)
  • Command Line Processor (CLP) (1244), (1634)
  • performance (1778)
  • REBIND PACKAGE command (1610)
  • commands
  • ACCRDB (1884), (1901)
  • ACCRDBRM (1890), (1907)
  • BIND (1609)
  • commit (1915)
  • EXCSAT (1887)
  • EXCSATRD (1892), (1909)
  • EXCSQLSTT (1480)
  • FORCE (1394)
  • quit (1639)
  • terminate (1636)
  • commit command (1916)
  • COMMIT statement
  • statically bound (1772)
  • not supported (1483)
  • common SQL (1241)
  • compound SQL
  • NOT ATOMIC (1463), (1749)
  • configuration considerations
  • password change (1705)
  • configuring
  • DB2 Connect (1238)
  • ODBC driver (1517), (1518)
  • connect
  • CONNECT RESET statement (1376)
  • CONNECT TO statement (1375)
  • implicit connect (1378)
  • null CONNECT (1377)
  • connection concentrator
  • configuration parameters (1797)
  • connection overhead (1796)
  • examples (1810)
  • overview (1795)
  • restrictions (1812)
  • XA transaction support (1806)
  • connection pooling
  • overview (1299)
  • connections to DRDA hosts
  • direct to DRDA host (1287)
  • connectivity servers
  • DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition (1293)
  • contention for system resources (1842)
  • conversion of data (1820)
  • core file (1861)
  • country code
  • in SQLERRMC field of SQLCA (1388)
  • country code page support (1945)
  • CPU usage tools (1738)
  • CREATE STORGROUP statement
  • support (1338)
  • support (1340)
  • creator attributes
  • package (1413)
  • cursor stability (1442)
  • cursors
  • ambiguous (1401)
  • dynamic (1405)
  • unambiguous (1402)
  • D
  • D (disconnect) parameter (1564)
  • data blocking (1754)
  • data control language (DCL) (1372)
  • data conversion (1818)
  • CCSIDs (1946)
  • character substitution (1951)
  • code pages (1947)
  • double-byte characters (1952)
  • exceptions (1949)
  • data definition language (DDL) (1336)
  • data flow (1261), (1731)
  • data manipulation language (DML) (1343)
  • data source (1272)
  • data transfer
  • between host and workstation (1646)
  • data transfer rate (1730)
  • performance (1837)
  • data types
  • CHAR (1830)
  • conversion (1819)
  • floating point (1828)
  • integer (1826)
  • numeric (1353)
  • packed decimal (1822)
  • VARCHAR (1831)
  • zoned decimal (1824)
  • database
  • name (1934)
  • alias (1939)
  • grouping requests (1751)
  • locator object (1957)
  • name (1938)
  • object (1956)
  • performance tools (1742)
  • tuning (1815)
  • database alias (1588)
  • database connection services (DCS) directory (1525)
  • database directories
  • updating (1521)
  • database directory
  • database connection services (DCS) (1526)
  • node (1524)
  • system database (1528)
  • database name (1550), (1587)
  • database system monitor (1614)
  • database system monitor utility (1248)
  • DataPropagator (2004)
  • date and time zone support (1576)
  • DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition
  • as a connectivity server (1294)
  • DB2 Connect RQRIOBLK size (1853)
  • DB2 Connect Version 5.0
  • enhancements (1922)
  • DB2 Connect Version 5.2
  • enhancements (1920)
  • DB2 Connect Version 6.1
  • enhancements (1918)
  • DB2 for MVS/ESA or DB2 Universal Database for OS/390
  • bootstrap dataset (1537), (1546)
  • DOMAIN (1536)
  • RESPORT (1545)
  • TCPPORT (1544)
  • DB2 Universal Database for OS/390
  • TCP/IP already verified (1696)
  • DB2ACCOUNT environment variable (1503)
  • db2cli.exe utility (2008)
  • db2cli.ini file
  • tuning ODBC and JDBC application performance (2003)
  • DB2CONNECT_IN_APP_PROCESS environment variable (1616)
  • db2ocat
  • catalog optimizer utility (2022)
  • DBALIAS keyword (2021)
  • DB_Authentication parameter (1967)
  • DB_Communication_Protocol parameter (1975)
  • DB_Communication_Protocol paramter (1971)
  • DB_Database_Protocol parameter (1965)
  • DB_Native_Database_Name parameter (1963)
  • DB_Object_Type parameter (1959), (1973)
  • DB_Principal parameter (1969)
  • DB_Product_Name parameter (1961)
  • DB_Target_Database_Info parameter (1977)
  • DCE
  • authentication type (1677)
  • directory services (1955)
  • security (1658)
  • setup information (1659)
  • software prerequisites (1660)
  • DCL (data control language) (1371)
  • DCS
  • authentication type (1673)
  • DCS directory (1549)
  • application requester name (1559)
  • AR name (1558)
  • AS target database name (1554)
  • BIDI parameter (1580)
  • CHGPWD_SDN parameter (1577)
  • database name (1551)
  • LOCALDATE parameter (1572)
  • specifying the parameter string (1584)
  • SYSPLEX parameter (1569)
  • target database name (1555)
  • dcs1ari.map file (1711)
  • dcs1dsn.map file (1710)
  • dcs1qsq.map file (1712)
  • DCS_ENCRYPT authentication type (1675)
  • DDCS Version 2.3
  • enhancements (1926)
  • DDCS Version 2.4
  • enhancements (1924)
  • ddcs400.lst file (1599)
  • ddcsmvs.lst file (1596)
  • ddcstrc utility (1864)
  • output (1882)
  • output file (1867)
  • syntax (1875)
  • ddcstrc.dmp file (1880)
  • ddcsvm.lst file (1598)
  • ddcsvse.lst file (1597)
  • DDL (data definition language) (1335)
  • DECLARE PROCEDURE statement (OS/400) (1457)
  • DECLARE statement (1472)
  • support (1485)
  • support (1350)
  • DESCRIBE statement (1476), (1768)
  • support (1487)
  • design of applications (1746)
  • DFT_ACCOUNT_STR configuration parameter (1505)
  • diagnostic tools (1857)
  • differences between different DB2 products (1334)
  • differences between host or AS/400 server and workstation (1469), (1482)
  • differences in SQLCODEs and SQLSTATEs (1444)
  • direct connection
  • to host databases (1285)
  • direct database access (1284)
  • DIR_CACHE parameter (1784)
  • distributed data management (1874)
  • Distributed Data Management (DDM) (1265)
  • distributed environment (1327)
  • Distributed Relational Database Architecture (DRDA)
  • application requester (1258)
  • application server (1257)
  • architectures used by (1263)
  • concepts (1249)
  • data flow (1262)
  • publications (1282)
  • distributed request (1271)
  • DML (data manipulation language) (1342)
  • DSN (DB2 Universal Database for OS/390) (1383)
  • DSS type (trace) (1873)
  • dynamic cursors (1404)
  • Dynamic SQL
  • dynamic SQL (1240), (1761)
  • DB2 Connect support (1331)
  • E
  • mixed-byte data (1356)
  • sort order (1425)
  • embedded SQL (1276)
  • end unit of work reply message (ENDUOWRM) (1913)
  • ENDUOWRM message (1914)
  • enhancements
  • DB2 Connect Version 5.0 (1921)
  • DB2 Connect Version 5.2 (1919)
  • DB2 Connect Version 6.1 (1917)
  • DDCS Version 2.3 (1925)
  • DDCS Version 2.4 (1923)
  • environment variables
  • DB2ACCOUNT (1504)
  • errors (1856)
  • escape character (1585)
  • events
  • trace (1878), (1879)
  • examples
  • connection concentrator (1809)
  • XA concentrator (1808)
  • exchange server attributes command (1888) See also EXCSAT command
  • EXCSAT command (1886)
  • EXCSATRD command (1891), (1908)
  • EXCSQLSTT command (1479)
  • EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement (1776)
  • expansion of data on the host or AS/400 server (1359)
  • export
  • restrictions (1650)
  • export utilities
  • general description (1645)
  • extended dynamic SQL statements
  • not supported (1495)
  • EXTNAM object (1894)
  • F
  • first failure service log (1858)
  • flavors of SQL (1243)
  • floating point data type (1827)
  • FOR FETCH ONLY on SELECT statement (1757)
  • FORCE command (1393), (1621)
  • foreign key (1434)
  • Formatted Data Object Content Architecture (FD:OCA) (1266)
  • G
  • GRANT statement
  • security (1692), (1988)
  • GROUP BY clause
  • sort order (1428)
  • grouping requests
  • database (1750)
  • H
  • hardware
  • network performance (1835)
  • Host Application ID (monitor) (1622)
  • host database name (monitor) (1631)
  • host product ID (monitor) (1632)
  • I
  • IBM SQL (1242)
  • IBM WebSphere
  • overview (1304)
  • implicit connect (1379)
  • import
  • restrictions (1649)
  • import utilities
  • general description (1644)
  • INSERT statement
  • support (1346), (1364)
  • installing
  • DB2 Connect (1237)
  • integer data type (1825)
  • interactive input mode (CLP) (1637)
  • INTERRUPT_ENABLED (disconnect) parameter (1567)
  • ISO/ANS SQL92 (1418)
  • isolation level (1451)
  • isolation levels (1452)
  • J
  • Java
  • application server
  • using DB2 Connect (1300)
  • running programs (1520)
  • JDBC
  • application performance (1998)
  • catalog optimizer utility (2025)
  • running programs (1519)
  • K
  • keys
  • foreign (1433)
  • primary (1432)
  • keywords
  • CLISCHEMA (2001), (2005), (2014), (2016), (2018)
  • DBALIAS (2020)
  • L
  • LABEL ON statement (1474)
  • LANGLEVEL SQL92E precompile option (1417)
  • LIST DCS APPLICATIONS command (1617)
  • LOB data type
  • supported by DB2 Connect Version 7 (1366)
  • LOCALDATE parameter (1574)
  • locking
  • page-level (1437)
  • row-level (1438)
  • timeout (1439)
  • long fields (1363)
  • M
  • mapping SQLCODEs (1707)
  • MAXAGENTS parameter (1793), (1798)
  • MAXDARI parameter (1787)
  • MAX_COORDAGENTS parameter (1800)
  • memory usage tools (1740)
  • Microsoft ODBC Driver Manager (1514)
  • Microsoft Windows applications (1291)
  • mixed-byte data (1354)
  • export (1652)
  • import (1651)
  • monitoring
  • connections on a DB2 Connect gateway (1615)
  • multisite update
  • support (1467)
  • multisite update wizard (1280)
  • multisite updates (1273)
  • Control Center (1278)
  • testing (1281)
  • MVS
  • DRDA (1250)
  • N
  • national language support (NLS)
  • considerations (1942)
  • converting character data (1948)
  • mixed-byte data (1355), (1653)
  • Net.Data
  • features (1302)
  • overview (1301)
  • network
  • adapter or communication controller (1838)
  • reliability (1841)
  • topology (1839)
  • traffic (1840)
  • tuning (1833)
  • network performance tools (1743)
  • node directory (1523), (1529)
  • node name (1530), (1589), (1927), (1940)
  • NOMAP parameter (1560), (1709)
  • NONE security type (1686), (1688)
  • NOT ATOMIC compound SQL (1461), (1747)
  • NULLID for OS/400 (1604)
  • NUMDB parameter (1789)
  • numeric conversion overflows (1450)
  • numeric data types (1352)
  • NUM_INITAGENTS parameter (1804)
  • NUM_POOLAGENTS parameter (1802)
  • O
  • ODBC
  • application performance (1997)
  • interface (1292)
  • registering the driver manager (1516)
  • running programs (1512)
  • ODBC applications
  • catalog optimizer utility (2024)
  • odbcad32.exe (1513)
  • ORDER BY clause
  • sort order (1427)
  • OS/390
  • DRDA (1251)
  • OS/400
  • DRDA (1254)
  • outbound sequence no (monitor) (1630)
  • owner attributes
  • package (1412)
  • P
  • package
  • attributes (1406)
  • created on host or AS/400 database server (1605)
  • package attributes
  • creator (1409)
  • owner (1408)
  • qualifier (1407)
  • packed decimal data type (1821)
  • page-level locking (1440)
  • paging
  • block size (1783)
  • parameter string (1937)
  • parameters
  • AGENTPRI (1792)
  • BIDI (1582)
  • DB_Authentication (1968)
  • DB_Communication_Protocol (1972), (1976)
  • DB_Database_Protocol (1966)
  • DB_Native_Database_Name (1964)
  • DB_Object_Type (1960), (1974)
  • DB_Principal (1970)
  • DB_Product_Name (1962)
  • DB_Target_Database_Info (1978)
  • DFT_ACCOUNT_STR (1506)
  • DIR_CACHE (1785)
  • INTERRUPT_ENABLED (disconnect) (1568)
  • LOCALDATE (1573)
  • MAXAGENTS (1794), (1799)
  • MAXDARI (1788)
  • NOMAP (1561)
  • NUMDB (1790)
  • PRDDTA (1500)
  • PRDID (1912)
  • RQRIOBLK (1781)
  • SYSPLEX (1570)
  • Password Expiration Management (PEM) (1579)
  • passwords
  • DCE Directory Services (1980)
  • PC/IXF file format (1647)
  • performance
  • benchmarking (1735)
  • bottlenecks (1733)
  • CLI applications (1995)
  • CLISCHEMA keyword (1994)
  • Command Line Processor (1779)
  • DB2 for OS/390 (1816)
  • general (1726)
  • network hardware (1836)
  • network tools (1744)
  • PIU size (1849)
  • RU size (1848)
  • SNA tuning criteria (1847)
  • SNA tuning tips (1846)
  • tools (1736)
  • troubleshooting (1844)
  • tuning (1817)
  • tuning ODBC and JDBC application performance (1993)
  • PIU (1851)
  • porting applications (1328)
  • PRDDTA parameter (DRDA) (1499)
  • PRDID parameter (1911)
  • precompiler
  • DB2 Connect support (1396)
  • support (1337)
  • predicate logic (1752)
  • PREPARE statement (1765), (1770)
  • support (1489)
  • prerequisites
  • DCE (1661)
  • primary key (1431)
  • problem determination (1855)
  • process status utility (1860), (1898)
  • PROGRAM security type (1684)
  • programming considerations (1329)
  • in a host or AS/400 environment (1326)
  • programming information (1324)
  • ps (process status) utility (1859), (1895)
  • publications for porting (1507)
  • PUT statement
  • not supported (1491)
  • Q
  • QSQ (DB2 Universal Database for AS/400) (1385)
  • qualifier attributes
  • different platforms (1411)
  • package (1410)
  • quit command (CLP) (1638)
  • R
  • RACF (1985)
  • RDBNAM object (1899)
  • REBIND PACKAGE command (CLP) (1612)
  • receive buffer (trace) (1869)
  • referential integrity (1430)
  • registering
  • ODBC driver manager (1515)
  • remote unit of work (1269)
  • resource access control facility (RACF) (1690), (1987)
  • response time (1727)
  • restrictions
  • connection concentrator (1813)
  • import and export (1648)
  • REVOKE statement
  • security (1695), (1990)
  • statement (1374)
  • ROLLBACK command
  • statically bound (1775)
  • ROLLBACK statement (1392)
  • not supported (1492)
  • routing information object (1958)
  • routing requests (1268)
  • row-level locking (1441)
  • ROWID data type
  • supported by DB2 Connect Version 7 (1368)
  • RQRIOBLK field (1403)
  • RQRIOBLK parameter (1780)
  • RQRIOBLK size (1852)
  • RU size (1850)
  • running applications
  • database client (1508)
  • S
  • SAME security type (1682)
  • SECCHK (1903)
  • section number (1478)
  • security (1979)
  • APPC (1681)
  • considerations (1656)
  • DCE (1657)
  • GRANT (1989)
  • GRANT statement (1693)
  • NONE (1687), (1689)
  • PROGRAM (1685)
  • REVOKE (1991)
  • REVOKE statement (1694)
  • SAME (1683)
  • type (1679), (1933)
  • types (1534), (1983)
  • SELECT statement (1755), (1763)
  • support (1344)
  • self-referencing tables (1435)
  • send buffer (trace) (1868)
  • SERVER authentication type (1669)
  • SERVER_ENCRYPT authentication type (1672)
  • SET CURRENT statement
  • support (1493)
  • setting up
  • DB2 Connect (1236)
  • shift-out and shift-in characters (1358), (1654)
  • SHOW DETAIL monitor option (1623)
  • SNA Management Services Architecture (MSA) (1267)
  • SNA performance
  • tuning tips (1845)
  • mandatory environment variables (1533)
  • solving problems (1854)
  • numeric conversion overflows (1449)
  • sort order
  • collating sequence (1423)
  • defining (1422)
  • SQL
  • dynamic (1762)
  • static (1760)
  • SQL statements
  • categories (1332)
  • embedded (1277)
  • support (1468), (1481)
  • SQL/DS
  • DRDA (1256)
  • SQL1338 return code (1531)
  • SQL92 (1419)
  • buffers of data (1872)
  • SQLCODE field (1871)
  • SQLERRMC field (1386), (1464)
  • SQLERRP field (1382)
  • field in SQLCA (1870)
  • mapping (1706)
  • platform differences (1445)
  • standalone (1420)
  • SQLCODE mapping file
  • * (asterisk) (1716)
  • asterisk (1715)
  • cc (1722)
  • i (1725)
  • P (1720)
  • s (1723), (1724)
  • U (1719)
  • W (1717)
  • SQLDA, best size to allocate (1767)
  • SQLERRMC field of SQLCA (1387), (1465)
  • SQLERRP field of SQLCA (1381)
  • sqlesact API (1502)
  • class codes (1721)
  • differences (1446)
  • in SQLERRMC field of SQLCA (1466)
  • standalone (1421)
  • SRVNAM object (1893)
  • statements
  • ACQUIRE (1471)
  • call (1455)
  • COMMIT (1773)
  • connect (1380)
  • DECLARE (1473), (1486)
  • DELETE (1351)
  • DESCRIBE (1477), (1488), (1769)
  • FOR FETCH ONLY (1758)
  • GRANT (1373)
  • INSERT (1347), (1365)
  • LABEL ON (1475)
  • PREPARE (1490), (1766), (1771)
  • ROLLBACK (1395), (1774)
  • SELECT (1345), (1756), (1764)
  • SET CURRENT (1494)
  • UPDATE (1349)
  • static SQL (1239), (1759)
  • DB2 Connect support (1330)
  • Stored Procedure Builder
  • features (1460)
  • overview (1459)
  • stored procedures
  • general (1453)
  • overview (1298)
  • symbolic destination name (1928)
  • case sensitivity (1532)
  • syntax
  • bldschem (2013)
  • SYSIBM.SYSPROCEDURES catalog (OS/390) (1456)
  • SYSPLEX parameter (1571)
  • system catalog
  • using (1447)
  • system database directory (1527), (1586)
  • system resources
  • contention (1843)
  • T
  • target database name (1552), (1935)
  • TCP/IP
  • ACCSEC (1904)
  • configuring host connections (1286)
  • DOMAIN (1535)
  • hostname (1931)
  • remote hostname (1539), (1930)
  • RESPORT (1541)
  • resynch port (1543)
  • SECCHK (1905)
  • security already verified (1697)
  • service name (1540)
  • service name or port number (1932)
  • TCPPORT (1542)
  • terminate command (CLP) (1635)
  • territory
  • in SQLERRMC field of SQLCA (1390)
  • throughput
  • transaction (1729)
  • time zone support (1575)
  • timeout on a lock (1443)
  • tokens and SQLCODEs (1708)
  • tools
  • CPU usage (1739)
  • memory usage (1741)
  • performance (1737)
  • trace utility (1863)
  • output (1881)
  • output file (1866)
  • syntax (1876)
  • transaction
  • throughput (1728)
  • transaction processing
  • characteristics (1314)
  • transaction processor monitors
  • examples (1315)
  • translation
  • character (1361)
  • tuning
  • application performance (2000)
  • database (1814)
  • network performance (1834)
  • Tuxedo
  • with DB2 Connect (1317)
  • two-phase commit (1274)
  • resynch port used by TCP/IP connections (1548)
  • types
  • authentication (1666)
  • ROWID (1369)
  • security (1680)
  • U
  • unambiguous cursors (1400)
  • unit of work
  • distributed (1275)
  • remote (1270)
  • UPDATE statement
  • support (1348)
  • updating database directories (1522)
  • user defined types
  • supported by DB2 Connect (1367)
  • user name (1981)
  • user-defined collating sequence (1429)
  • using DB2 Connect
  • scenarios (1283)
  • Tuxedo (1316)
  • with an XA compliant transaction manager (1323)
  • with transaction processing monitors (1313)
  • utilities
  • administration (1246), (1633)
  • binding (1509), (1594)
  • bldschem (2010)
  • database system monitor (1247)
  • db2cli (2009)
  • db2ocat (2023)
  • ddcspkgn (1607), (1613)
  • ddcstrc (1865)
  • export (1643)
  • import (1642)
  • process status (1897)
  • ps (1896)
  • trace (1862)
  • V
  • DB2 Connect support (1397)
  • VALNSPRM value (1910)
  • VARCHAR data type (1832)
  • variable-length character columns (1655)
  • variable-length strings (1362)
  • views
  • system catalogs (1448)
  • virtual telecommunications access method (VTAM) (1691), (1986)
  • VM
  • DRDA (1253)
  • VSE
  • DRDA (1252)
  • VTAM (1984)
  • W
  • web applications
  • overview (1295)
  • WebSphere
  • advanced edition (1307)
  • enterprise edition (1308)
  • features (1305)
  • overview (1303)
  • standard edition (1306)
  • Windows applications (1290)
  • wizards
  • multisite update (1279)
  • X
  • X/Open Distributed Transaction Processing (DTP) model
  • overview (1318)
  • XA compliant Transaction Manager
  • definition (1320), (1322)
  • XA compliant Resource Manager (1321)
  • XA concentrator
  • examples (1811)
  • XA interface
  • definition (1319)
  • XA transaction support
  • connection concentrator (1807)
  • Z
  • zoned decimal data type (1823)

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