DB2 Connect User's Guide

Monitoring Connections for Remote Clients

You can use the Database System Monitor with DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition to monitor the remote client connections. To monitor clients that are local to the DB2 Connect server, that are running on the server itself, you will need to set the following environment variable:


For example, when an error occurs at the host or AS/400 system, the system administrator can determine if the problem was on the DB2 Connect workstation. The database system monitor correlates:

This information shows which DB2 Connect connection caused the problem, which allows the system administrator to force the individual client application from the system without affecting the other clients using the DB2 Connect connection.

Turning on Monitor Switches for DB2 Connect

The system monitor is always active. However, if you want to get more detail in GET SNAPSHOT output, you should turn on the corresponding monitor switches. The monitor switches relevant to DB2 Connect are STATEMENT (for statement-level information), and UOW (for transaction-level information).

To change monitor switches, use the db2 update monitor switches command. Refer to the Command Reference for the syntax of this command. Here is an example, which creates DB2 System Monitor statistics for Units of Work (UOW):

   db2 update monitor switches using uow on

Listing the Status of Monitor Switches

To list the status of monitor switches, use the db2 get monitor switches command.

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