DB2 Connect User's Guide

Collecting Information

Appendix B, Directory Customization Worksheet shows the information that you need to collect. You may find it convenient to make a copy of the worksheet and enter your system values.

Node Directory

You can specify the following information in the node directory:

Node name
A nickname for the host or AS/400 database server system on which the remote database resides. This name is user-defined. Write the same node name in both the Node Directory Parameters table and the System Database Directory Parameters table.

Format: 1-8 single-byte alphanumeric characters, including the number sign (#), at sign (@), dollar sign ($), and underscore (_). It cannot begin with an underscore or a number.

Can be APPC or TCPIP.

Symbolic destination name
When defining an APPC node, use the symbolic destination name that was specified in the CPI Communications Side Information Table (for example, the name of the CPI-C Symbolic Destination Properties when using Microsoft SNA Server). You should get this value from the person who either installed and/or configured SNA. The symbolic destination name is case sensitive (you may encounter an SQL1338 return code if there is a mismatch between upper and lower case names).

Security type
The type of security checking that will be done. For APPC nodes, the valid options are SAME, PROGRAM, and NONE. For TCP/IP nodes, SECURITY SOCKS is an option which specifies that the node will be SOCKS-enabled, in which case the SOCKS_NS and SOCKS_SERVER environment variables are mandatory and must be set to enable SOCKS. For more information, see Security, and refer to the Command Reference.

TCP/IP remote hostname or IP address
When defining a TCP/IP node, either the remote TCP/IP hostname, or the remote TCP/IP address. If a hostname is specified, then it must be resolved at the DB2 Connect workstation, either through Domain Name Server (DNS) lookup, or by an entry in the local TCP/IP hosts file.

For DB2 for OS/390 remote hosts, the hostname appears in the DSNL004I message (DOMAIN=hostname) when the Distributed Data Facility (DDF) is started.

TCP/IP service name or port number
When defining a TCP/IP node, either the remote TCP/IP service name or port number. This must be defined to TCP/IP at the remote host. Port number 446 has been registered as the default port number for DRDA.

For DB2 for OS/390 remote hosts, the port number is defined in the Boot Strap Data Set (BSDS) as PORT and is also provided in the DSNL004I message (TCPPORT=portnumber) when the Distributed Data Facility (DDF) is started.
Note:A second port used for two-phase commit resynchronization operations over TCP/IP connections is assigned by the server. For example, the DB2 Universal Database for OS/390 bootstrap dataset assigns a port number (RESPORT) to be used for resynchronization for inbound connections to DB2 Universal Database for OS/390 only. No service name need be defined for this.

DCS Directory

You can specify the following information in the DCS directory:

Database name
A user-defined nickname for the host or AS/400 database server. Use the same database name in both the DCS Directory Parameters table and the System Database Directory Parameters table.

Format: 1-8 single-byte alphanumeric characters, including the number sign (#), at sign (@), dollar sign ($), and underscore (_). It cannot begin with an underscore or a number.

Target database name
The database on the host or AS/400 database server system, as follows:

A DB2 Universal Database for OS/390 subsystem identified by its LOCATION NAME.

The LOCATION NAME can be determined by logging in to TSO and issuing the following SQL query using one of the available query tools:

   select current server from sysibm.sysdummy1

LOCATION NAME is also defined in the MVS/ESA Boot Strap Data Set (BSDS) as well as the DSNL004I message (LOCATION=location), which is written when the Distributed Data Facility (DDF) is started.

A DB2 Universal Database for OS/390 subsystem identified by its LOCATION NAME.

The LOCATION NAME can be determined by logging in to TSO and issuing the following SQL query using one of the available query tools:

   select current server from sysibm.sysdummy1

LOCATION NAME is also defined in the Boot Strap Data Set (BSDS) as well as the DSNL004I message (LOCATION=location), which is written when the Distributed Data Facility (DDF) is started.

The database name (DBNAME)

The relational database name (RDBNAME)

For OS/2, Windows NT, Windows 2000, and UNIX-based systems, the database alias found in the database directory.

Application requester name
The name of the application requester that forwards SQL requests to DRDA application servers. The application requester handles requests on behalf of an application program.

Format: AR <application_requester_name>

The default is the DB2 Connect application requester.

Parameter string
If you want to change the defaults, specify any or all the following parameters in the following order. The parameter string cannot be set using the Client Configuration Assistant, and that when using the CLP the parameter string must be enclosed in either single quotes (for example, on OS/2 or Windows NT), or in double quotes (for example, on AIX):

The name of an SQLCODE mapping file that overrides the default SQLCODE mapping. To turn off SQLCODE mapping, specify NOMAP. For more information, see SQLCODE Mapping.

This is the second positional parameter. If it is specified the application will disconnect from the host or AS/400 database server database when one of the following SQLCODES is returned:

When the disconnect parameter ,D is not specified, a disconnect will be performed only when the following SQLCODEs are returned:


For explanations of these codes, refer to the Message Reference.
Note:If DB2 Connect disconnects due to an error, a rollback will be done automatically.

This is the third positional parameter. If INTERRUPT_ENABLED is configured in the DCS directory at the DB2 Connect workstation, and a client application issues an interrupt while connected to the host or AS/400 database server, DB2 Connect will perform the interrupt by dropping the connection and rolling back the unit of work. This interrupt behavior is supported on AIX, OS/2, Windows NT, and Windows 2000.

The application will receive sqlcode (-30081) indicating that the connection to the server has been terminated. The application must then establish a new connection with the host or AS/400 database server, in order to process additional database requests. On platforms other than AIX V4.1 and later, SNA Server V3.1 and later, OS/2, Windows NT and Windows 2000, DB2 Connect does not support the option of automatically disconnecting when an application using it receives an interrupt request.
Note:This support works for TCP/IP connections on any platforms. The client may kill the socket, but - depending on the server implementation - there may or may not be an outstanding receive. DB2 Universal Database for OS/390 utilizes asynchronous socket calls and therefore is able to detect the loss of the connection and roll back any long-running SQL statements that are in progress.

This parameter, the 6th positional parameter, can be used to explicitly enable DB2 Connect SYSPLEX support for a particular database.

A new profile (environment or registry) variable has also been introduced, called DB2SYSPLEX_SERVER, and it can be used to disable the SYSPLEX support at the workstation level.

This parameter, the seventh positional parameter, is used to enable DB2 Connect date formatting support. This is implemented using a date mask for the <value> as follows:

Suppose you issue the following CLP (command line processor) statements:

   catalog appc node nynode remote nycpic security program 
   catalog dcs database nydb1 as new_york
   catalog database nydb1 as newyork1 at node nynode 
        authentication dcs

The database alias newyork1 is to be used for accessing a host database without date transformation because no date mask has been specified.

However, with the new date formatting support, you can now use the following CLP commands. In this case, because the CLP is being used, and the parameter string is itself being specified using double quotes, the LOCALDATE value has to be specified inside two pairs of double quotes. Note the use of the operating system escape character "\" (backslash) to ensure that the double quotes are not stripped from the LOCALDATE specification. See also Specifying the Parameter String.

   catalog dcs database nydb2 as new_york
        parms \",,,,,,LOCALDATE=\"\"YYYYMMDD\"\"\"
   catalog database nydb2 as newyork2 at node nynode
        authentication dcs

The database alias "newyork2" gives you access to the same host database but, in addition, it has a date format mask specified. This example illustrates that the date format mask is specified using the keyword LOCALDATE and is the seventh positional parameter in the PARMS field of a DCS directory entry.

For the date mask to be valid, ALL of the following must be true:

  1. There can only be at most one sequence each of Y's, M's, and D's where Y is a year digit, M is a month digit, and D is a day digit.
  2. The maximum number of Y's in a sequence is 4.
  3. The maximum number of M's in a sequence is 2.
  4. The maximum number of D's in a sequence is 2.

For instance, the following are all valid date masks:

   "YYyyMmDd"   - Y, M, and D digits are case-insensitive
   "MM+DD+YYYY" - OK to have a mask longer than 10 bytes
                  and to have characters other than Y, M,
                  and D in the mask
   "abcYY+MM"   - OK not to have a sequence of D's

The following are all invalid date masks:

   "YYYYyMMDD"  - invalid there are 5 Y's in a sequence
   "YYYYMDDM"   - invalid there are 2 sequences of M's

If a date format mask is invalid, no error will be issued. It will just be ignored. Just because a date mask is valid does not mean it will be used. Date format transformation based on a valid date mask will only be performed if ALL of the following are true:

  1. There is no SQL error.
  2. The output is a date value in ISO-like (ISO and JIS) format.
  3. The output data area is at least 10 bytes long. This is the minimum size of an output data area in order for a data value to be stored there even if NO date format transformation is to be performed. This requirement applies even if the date format mask ends up being shorter than 10 bytes.
  4. There is a valid date format mask specified in the DCS directory entry and this mask fits in the output data area.

This parameter, the eighth positional parameter, is used to specify the symbolic destination name to be used for Password Expiration Management (PEM). The value specified for <name> is case sensitive.

Changing Your MVS Password shows an example of cataloging a dcs database directory using CHGPWD_SDN, as follows:

   catalog dcs database db1 as dsn_db_1 parms 

This parameter, the ninth positional parameter, is used to specify the Bidirectional (BiDi) CCSID to be used to override the default server database BiDi CCSID. For example:

where xyz represents the CCSID override (see (BIDI_NOTE1)).

For a list of what BiDi CCSIDs are supported along with their string types, refer to the Administration Guide.

The following BiDi attributes are required for correct handling of BiDi data on different platforms:

Since defaults on different platforms are not the same, problems appear when DB2 data is sent from one platform to another. For example, Windows platforms use LOGICAL UNSHAPED data, while data on MVS and OS/390 is usually in SHAPED VISUAL format. Therefore, without any support for BiDi attributes, data sent from DB2 for MVS or OS/390 to DB2 Connect on Windows displays incorrectly.

When data is exchanged between DB2 Connect and a database on a server, it is usually the receiver that performs conversion on the incoming data. The same convention would normally apply to BiDi layout transformation also, which is in addition to the usual code page conversion. However, currently no host DB2 product supports BiDi-specific CCSIDs or BiDi layout transformation. Therefore, DB2 Connect has been enhanced with the optional ability to perform BiDi layout transformation on data it is about to send to the server database in addition to data received from the server database.

For DB2 Connect to perform BiDi layout transformation on outgoing data to a server database, the BiDi CCSID of the server database will have to be overridden (see (BIDI_NOTE2)). This is accomplished through the use of the BIDI parameter in the PARMS field of the DCS database directory entry for the server database.

The use of this feature is best illustrated with an example.

Consider a Hebrew DB2 client running CCSID 62213 (BiDi string type 5) and you would like to access a DB2 host database running CCSID 424 (BiDi string type 4). However, you know that the data contained in the DB2 host database is instead based on CCSID 8616 (BiDi string type 6).

There are two problems in this situation. The first is that the DB2 host database does not know the difference between the BiDi string types with CCSIDs 424 and 8616. The second problem is that the DB2 host database does not recognize the DB2 client CCSID of 62213. It only supports CCSID 862, which is based on the same code page as CCSID 62213.

You will need to make sure that data sent to the DB2 host database is in BiDi string type 6 format to begin with and also let DB2 Connect know that it has to perform BiDi layout transformation on data it receives from the DB2 host database. You will use the following cataloging for the DB2 host database:

   catalog dcs database nydb1 as TELAVIV parms ",,,,,,,,BIDI=8616"

This tells DB2 Connect to override the DB2 host database CCSID of 424 with 8616. This override includes the following processing:

  1. DB2 Connect will connect to the DB2 host database using CCSID 862.
  2. DB2 Connect will perform BiDi layout transformation on data it is about to send to the DB2 host database from CCSID 62213 (BiDi string type 5) to CCSID 62221 (BiDi string type 6).
  3. DB2 Connect will perform BiDi layout transformation on data it receives from the DB2 host database from CCSID 8616 (BiDi string type 6) to CCSID 62213 (BiDi string type 5).


  1. The environment variable or registry value DB2BIDI has to be set to YES in order for the BIDI parameter to take effect.

  2. If you would like DB2 Connect to perform layout transformation on data it is about to send to the DB2 host database even though you do not have to override its CCSID, you still have to add the BIDI parameter in the DCS database directory PARMS field. In this case, the CCSID that you should provide would be the default DB2 host database CCSID.

  3. In some cases, use of a bidirectional CCSID may cause the SQL query itself to be modified such that it is not recognized by the DB2 server. Specifically, you should try to avoid using IMPLICIT CONTEXTUAL and IMPLICIT RIGHT-TO-LEFT CCSIDs when a different string type can be used. CONTEXTUAL CCSIDs can produce unpredictable results if the SQL query contains quoted strings. Avoid using quoted strings in SQL statements, and use host variables instead when possible.

    If a specific bidirectional CCSID is causing problems which cannot be rectified by following these recommendations, then you should set the environment variable or registry value DB2BIDI to NO.

Specifying the Parameter String

Here are examples of some parameter strings you could specify.

For example, you could specify any of the following where "\" (backslash) is the operating system escape character:



On OS/2, Windows NT, or Windows 2000:


Alternatively you can accept the defaults by not specifying a parameter string.
Note:Because of the need to specify two pairs of double quotes when specifying the LOCALDATE mask in the parameter string, you must use the operating system escape character "\" (backslash), for example:
   db2 catalog dcs db x as y parms \",,,,,,LOCALDATE=\"\"YYMMDD\"\"\"
This results in the following DCS directory entry:
   DCS 1 entry:
    Local database name                = X
    Target database name               = Y
    Application requestor name         =
    DCS parameters                     = ,,,,,,LOCALDATE="YYMMDD"
    Comment                            =
    DCS directory release level        = 0x0100

System Database Directory

You can specify the following information in the system database directory:

Database name
The same value that you wrote in the DCS Directory Parameters table.

Database alias
An alias for the host or AS/400 database server. This name will be used by any application program that accesses the database. By default, the value that you specify for Database name is used.

Format: 1-8 single-byte alphanumeric characters, including the number sign (#), at sign (@), dollar sign ($), and underscore (_). It cannot begin with an underscore or a number.

Node name
The same value that you wrote in the Node Directory Parameters table.

Specifies where the validation of the user's name and password will be done. The valid options are: SERVER, SERVER_ENCRYPT, CLIENT, DCE, DCS, and DCS_ENCRYPT. For more information, see Security.

Defining Multiple Entries for the Same Database

For each database, you must define at least one entry in each of the three directories (node directory, DCS directory, and system database directory). In some cases, you might want to define more than one entry for the database.

For example, you might want to turn off SQLCODE mapping for applications that were ported from the host or AS/400 database server but accept the default mapping for applications that were developed for the client/server environment. You would do this as follows:

Both aliases access the same database, one with SQLCODE mapping and the other without SQLCODE mapping.

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