IBM Books

Release Notes

Table of Contents

Welcome to DB2 Universal Database Version 6.1!

1.0 Special Notes

  • 1.1 Supported Netscape Versions for the Control Center
  • 1.2 PostScript Books Now on a Separate CD
  • 1.3 IBM DB2 Query Patroller Released in English Only
  • 1.4 IBM Professional Certification Program for DB2 Universal Database
  • 1.5 Running DB2 for AIX on an SMP Box
  • 1.6 OS/2 Warp3 SMP Must Have IP08529 Applied for DB2 to Work
  • 1.7 SUNLINK Version 9.1 Patches for Solaris DRDA Application Server
  • 1.8 Other Solaris Patches
  • 1.9 SQL2043N on Solaris
  • 1.10 Traditional Chinese big5 Locale on Solaris
  • 1.11 ODBC Driver Manager and ODBC DLL Levels Shipped with DB2 UDB Version 6.1 Windows 32 (NT/95/98)
  • 1.12 Refresh GUI Resources if Modified by Multiple Sources
  • 1.13 Error When Attempting to Allocate a Session with VTAM While Using Integrated SNA Support, Personal Communications (PCOMM), or Communications Server (CS)
  • 1.14 Error When Attempting to Create a Japanese Sample Database with Code Set 954 from the DB2 Installer (Japanese TurboLinux 3.0 or Japanese TurboLinux Server 1.0)
  • 1.15 Code Page Restriction for DBCS File Names
  • 1.16 Database Administration Server (DAS) Instance Migration
  • 1.17 License Management and Tracking is Not Supported on DB2 Gateway Configurations Using DCE Encryption
  • 1.18 Limitations on Response File Install
  • 1.19 The SNA Stack Must be Installed Before the CAE (Administration Client)
  • 1.20 Updatable Keyset Cursor Restrictions
  • 1.21 Increasing the Number of File Descriptors on UNIX Based Systems
  • 1.22 LIBPATH Must List \sqllib\dll\odbc.dll as the First odbc.dll (OS/2 Only)
  • 1.23 Using DB2 UDB with OS/2 JFS Filesystem
  • 1.24 IBM JDK Does Not Work With SQLJ
  • 2.0 Administration Guide

  • 2.1 Version 1 Clients Are Not Supported in Version 6
  • 2.2 Federated Server Functionality Not Available
  • 2.3 Design and Implementation: Implementing Your Design
  • 2.4 Design and Implementation: Incompatibilities Between Releases
  • 2.5 Performance: System Catalog Statistics
  • 2.6 Performance: SQL Explain Facility
  • 2.7 Configuring DB2 in the IBM LDAP Environment (Windows Only)
  • 2.7.1 Creating an LDAP User
  • 2.7.2 Configuring the LDAP User for DB2 Applications
  • 2.8 Design and Implementation: Configuring DB2
  • 2.9 INTRA_PARALLEL Database Manager Configuration Parameter
  • 2.10 NUM_POOLAGENTS Database Manager Configuration Parameter (Agent Pool Size)
  • 2.11 TP_MON_NAME Database Manager Configuration Parameter (Transaction Processor Monitor Name)
  • 2.12 MAXAPPLS Database Configuration Parameter
  • 2.13 BUFFPAGE Database Configuration Parameter
  • 2.14 Performance: DB2 Registry and Environment Variables
  • 2.15 DB2_NUM_FAILOVER_NODES (A New DB2 Registry Variable)
  • 2.16 Design and Implementation: National Language Support (NLS)
  • 2.17 Problems When Adding Nodes to Partitioned Databases
  • 2.18 SCSI Tape Drive Support in Linux
  • 3.0 Administrative API Reference

  • 3.1 How the API Descriptions are Organized/C API Syntax
  • 3.2 db2LoadQuery - Load Query
  • 3.3 sqlarbnd - Rebind
  • 3.4 Compound=x File Type Modifier (sqluimpr - Import)
  • 3.5 SQLFUPD
  • 3.6 SQLOPT
  • 3.7 SQLULOAD-IN Data Structure
  • 3.8 Transaction Manager Log Records
  • 4.0 Application Building Guide

  • 4.1 Introduction
  • 4.2 Setup
  • 4.3 Building Java Applets and Applications
  • 4.4 Building AIX Applications
  • 4.4.1 Micro Focus COBOL
  • 4.4.2 REXX
  • 4.5 Building HP-UX Applications
  • 4.6 Building OS/2 Applications
  • 4.7 Building Silicon Graphics IRIX Applications
  • 4.7.1 MIPSpro C
  • 4.7.2 MIPSpro C++
  • 4.8 Building Applications for Windows 32-bit Operating Systems
  • 4.9 Building OS/2 Programs - Java - Building SQLJ Programs
  • 5.0 Application Development Guide

  • 5.1 Federated Server Functionality Not Available
  • 5.2 SQLJ Programming
  • 5.3 JDBC Version 2.0 Support
  • 5.4 DB2 UDB Integration into the Visual Studio Development Environment
  • 5.5 SQL Statements in Stored Procedures
  • 5.6 Writing Stored Procedures
  • 5.7 Debugging Java Stored Procedures/Distributed Debugger
  • 5.8 PARAMETER STYLE JAVA Stored Procedures
  • 5.9 Installing, Removing, and Replacing JAR Files
  • 6.0 CLI Guide and Reference

  • 6.1 How to Bind the DB2 CLI/ODBC Driver to the Database
  • 6.2 New CLI/ODBC Configuration Keyword
  • 6.2.1 CLIPKG
  • 6.3 SQLSetStmtAttr() change for SQL_ATTR_QUERY_TIMEOUT
  • 6.4 Using Reference Types
  • 6.5 Errors Rebinding Version 5.2 CLI (IBM DB2 ODBC Driver) Packages
  • 7.0 Command Reference

  • 7.1 db2advis - DB2 Index Advisor
  • 7.2 db2batch - Benchmark Tool
  • 7.3 db2jstrt - DB2 JDBC Applet Server (New Command)
  • 7.4 db2look - DB2 Statistics Extraction Tool
  • 7.5 db2move - Database Movement Tool
  • 7.6 db2rbind - Rebind all Packages
  • 7.7 db2sql92 - SQL92 Compliant SQL Statement Processor
  • 7.8 Issuing Commands from the MS-DOS Prompt in Command Line Mode (Windows 95)
  • 7.10 BIND
  • 7.12 Compound=x File Type Modifier (Import)
  • 7.15 REBIND
  • 7.16 RECONCILE
  • 7.18 REORGCHK
  • 7.20 RUNSTATS
  • 7.21 Using Command Line SQL Statements
  • 8.0 Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference

  • 8.1 Compound=x File Type Modifier (Import)
  • 8.2 Checking for Constraints Violations (Load)
  • 8.3 SQLULOAD-IN Data Structure
  • 8.4 Example Load Sessions/API Examples/tload.sqc Sample Program
  • 8.5 db2LoadQuery - Load Query API
  • 8.6 AutoLoader Options (SPLIT_ONLY)
  • 9.0 Installation and Configuration Supplement

  • 9.1 Federated Server Functionality Not Available
  • 9.2 Setting Up Server Communications
  • 9.3 Using The Command Line Processor to Configure Server Communications - Configuring APPC on the Server
  • 9.4 Accessing DB2 Universal Database Servers from Host and AS/400 Application - Supported Clients
  • 9.5 APPC Connections (SNA)
  • 9.6 Using the DB2 Universal Database Server from Host and AS/400 Clients
  • 10.0 Message Reference

  • 10.1 Federated Server Functionality Not Available
  • 10.2 SQL0109N (Addition to Explanation)
  • 10.3 SQL0112N (Changed Message)
  • 10.4 SQL0120N (Changed Message)
  • 10.5 SQL0206N (Changed Message)
  • 10.6 SQL1179W (New Message)
  • 10.7 SQL1592N (Changed Message)
  • 10.8 SQL1596N (New Message)
  • 10.9 SQL1704N (New Reason Codes)
  • 10.10 SQL2554N (New Reason Codes)
  • 10.11 SQL3604N
  • 10.12 SQL4304N (New Reason Codes)
  • 10.13 SQLSTATE: 01639 (New)
  • 10.14 SQLSTATE: 42903 (Changed)
  • 10.15 SQLSTATE: 42928 (New)
  • 11.0 DB2 Query Patroller Administration Guide

    12.0 DB2 Query Patroller Installation Guide

    13.0 Quick Beginnings

  • 13.1 Multiple Network Adapters and the db2nchg Command
  • 13.2 Reapply the Service Pack if Any New Windows NT Components Have Been Installed
  • 13.3 Connecting to Windows NT DB2 UDB Server with IBM CS/NT Version 6
  • 13.4 Syntax Error in the Migration Section
  • 13.5 Error in the Migrating Instances Section
  • 13.6 Windows NT and OS/2 Migration Information
  • 13.7 UNIX Platform Migration Information
  • 13.8 Migration Recommendation Relating to DMS File Table Spaces
  • 13.9 Administering Instances and Databases with the DB2 Administration Tools
  • 13.10 Monitoring Partitioned Databases
  • 13.11 Installing DB2 on NEC PC98 Machines Running Windows 95
  • 13.12 Uninstalling DB2 on NEC PC98 Machines Running Windows 95
  • 13.13 db2start on Windows NT Not Returning Correct Message
  • 13.14 Prerequisite for APPC on AIX
  • 13.15 Memory Windows for HP-UX 11
  • 13.16 DB2 Driver Error with Lotus Domino Go Webserver
  • 13.17 CCA Cannot Detect PCOMM on Windows NT with IBM PCI Token-Ring Adapter
  • 13.18 Restarting a Failed Database Partition Server
  • 13.19 Workload Transfer in the Event of Hardware or Software Failure
  • 13.20 Disk Requirements for Clients
  • 13.21 Estimating Fixed Disk Requirements for Servers
  • 13.22 DB2CKMIG Reporting Potential Views that May or May Not Work After Database Migration
  • 13.23 Changes to SNA Configuration During Migration from DB2 Version 5.x to DB2 Version 6.1 When Using IBM eNetwork Communications Server for AIX (CS/AIX)
  • 13.24 Single-User Install of DB2 for Windows NT
  • 13.25 Planning for Installation
  • 13.25.1 NetFinity Support Program Service Must Be Stopped Before Installing DB2 UDB EEE - Windows NT
  • 13.25.2 Recommended Fix Level for ADSM on AIX
  • 13.25.3 Recommended Windows NT Level
  • 13.26 Other Installation and Configuration Tasks
  • 13.26.1 Problem Affecting NIS Users on AIX Versions 4.2 or Later
  • 13.27 Setting up the CCA and the Control Center in a Partitioned Database Environment (DB2 Universal Database Enterprise - Extended Edition for AIX)
  • 13.28 Considerations for Remotely Administering Clusters Using the Control Center
  • 13.29 DB2 SNMP Subagent
  • 13.30 ADSM Client Setup for EEE on Solaris - Use db2profile
  • 13.31 Configuring NetBIOS on Windows NT Servers
  • 13.32 IBM DB2 Stored Procedure Builder
  • 13.32.1 Configuring DB2 UDB for Stored Procedure Builder
  • 13.32.2 Obtaining authorization to create stored procedures
  • 13.32.3 Known problems with Stored Procedure Builder
  • 13.32.4 Unsupported items
  • 13.32.5 Late usability information
  • Running Stored Procedure Builder
  • SQL Assistant
  • Searching in the Project window
  • Filtering stored procedures
  • Creating stored procedures that contain static SQL (SQLJ)
  • Returning result sets
  • Building stored procedures that contain static SQL (SQLJ)
  • Stopping a build or run process
  • Printing from Stored Procedure Builder
  • DB2SPB.INI file additions
  • 13.32.6 Remote debugging with Stored Procedure Builder
  • Setting up DB2 UDB to debug stored procedures
  • Debugger availability
  • Debugger requirements
  • 13.32.7 Running Stored Procedure Builder as an add-in from another development application
  • Setting Stored Procedure Builder to run as an add-in in Microsoft Visual Basic
  • Setting Stored Procedure Builder to run as an add-in in Microsoft Visual C++
  • 14.0 DB2 Data Links Manager Quick Beginnings

  • 14.1 HTML Version Not Available
  • 14.2 Windows NT Prerequisite
  • 14.3 Case Sensitivity of Instance Name When Connecting to DLFM
  • 14.4 Using NFS to Access a Remote DLFS File System
  • 14.5 DLFM Migration and Environment Variables
  • 14.6 DB2 Data Links Manager System Setup and Backup Recommendations
  • 14.7 DB2 Data Links Manager Recovery Scenarios
  • 14.8 Recovery with DLFM
  • 14.9 Implications of Changing the DLFM_BACKUP_DIR_NAME Registry Value
  • 14.10 Recovering from a Crash on the Data Links Server
  • 15.0 DB2 Replication Guide and Reference

  • 15.1 About this book
  • 15.2 Part 2. Administration: Planning for Replication/Deciding What to Replicate/Replicating Large Objects
  • 15.3 Part 2. Administration: Replication Restrictions for DB2 UDB Enterprise - Extended Edition
  • 15.4 Cold-starting the Capture Program with CCD Targets
  • 15.5 Key Update Restrictions
  • 15.6 Informix Logging and DJRA
  • 15.7 Replicating Large Objects
  • 15.8 Part 3. Operations: New Invocation Parameter for the Apply Program
  • 15.9 Chapter 9. Capture and Apply for AS/400: Connecting to an AS/400 Server
  • 15.10 MAX_SYNCH_MINUTES Support
  • 15.11 CRTSQLPKG Command
  • 15.12 Chapter 10. Capture and Apply for UNIX Platforms/Starting Capture for UNIX Platforms
  • 15.13 Part 5. The DataJoiner Replication Administration Tool
  • 15.14 Part 6. Reference Information/Chapter 21. Table Structures: Consistent-change-data-tables (CCD)
  • 15.15 Chapter 23. Capture and Apply Messages
  • 15.16 Appendix A. How the DB2 library is Structured
  • 16.0 SQL Reference

  • 16.1 Federated Server Functionality Not Available
  • 16.2 OLAP Function
  • 16.3 Supported Functions
  • 16.4 Changes to CREATE PROCEDURE
  • 16.5 Missing Restriction from the Description of CREATE TABLE
  • 16.6 Changes Related to CREATE TABLE Pertaining to the Inheritance of Defaults
  • 16.7 Changes to PREPARE, Untyped Parameter Marker Usage Table
  • 16.9 Changes to UPDATE
  • 17.0 System Monitor Guide

  • 17.1 Changes to Statement Operation
  • 17.2 Information Available from Event Monitors
  • 18.0 Troubleshooting Guide

    19.0 Client Configuration Assistant (CCA)

  • 19.1 Using Configuration Profiles Generated by the GUI Tools
  • 19.2 CLI/ODBC Settings Notebook
  • 19.3 Tab Truncation in CCA SmartGuide (OS/2)
  • 19.4 Current Limitations on Client Configuration Export/Import Functionality
  • 20.0 Control Center

  • 20.1 Starting the Control Center
  • 20.2 No Help on Windows 95 If the url.dll File Is Not in the \windows\system Directory
  • 20.3 No Access to DB2 for OS/390 Version 5 through the Control Center
  • 20.4 Infopops
  • 20.5 Entry Field Input Method for Korean Characters in the Control Center
  • 20.6 JDK Problem When Running the Control Center in Simplified Chinese on UNIX Based Systems
  • 20.7 JDK Problem When Running the Control Center in Simplified Chinese or Korean on HP-UX
  • 20.8 Decimal Separator Problem for Some Locales When Running the Control Center on Netscape Version 4.5
  • 20.9 Java Exception When Running the Control Center on Netscape Version 4.5
  • 20.10 Control Center/Web Administration Problem on Netscape Version 4.5 (Simplified Chinese)
  • 20.11 Special Character Problem for Some Locales When Running the Control Center on Netscape Version 4.5
  • 20.12 Typing Characters in the Control Center Using the AltGr Key
  • 20.13 Running the Control Center on the Hummingbird Exceed X Window Server
  • 20.14 Running the Control Center as an Applet
  • 20.15 Online Help Not Coming Up on OS/2
  • 20.16 Online Help Not Coming Up on UNIX Based Systems
  • 20.17 Browser Opens Blank After Pressing the Help Button on Linux
  • 20.18 Federated Database System
  • 20.19 Locate Notebook
  • 20.20 TCP/IP Bug on the Linux 2.2.2 Kernel that Causes Search Discovery to Fail
  • 20.21 Use the Database Administration Server (DAS) When Cataloging a Communication Node on a Remote DB2 Server
  • 20.22 Performance Monitor
  • 20.23 Opening the Event Analyzer Window
  • 20.24 Summary Tables
  • 20.25 Web Administration
  • 20.26 Log File Size (logfilsiz) Database Configuration Parameter
  • 20.27 Web Control Center Monitoring
  • 20.28 Help for the Statement Termination Character Field (Satellite Administration Center)
  • 20.29 Promote Source and Promote Subscription Windows (Satellite Administration Center)
  • 20.30 Create and Edit Authentication Help (Satellite Administration Center)
  • 21.0 Tivoli-ready Support

    22.0 Miscellaneous

  • 22.1 DB2 Family Newsletter

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