IBM Books

Release Notes

15.0 DB2 Replication Guide and Reference

15.1 About this book

For the most up-to-date version of the data replication scenario (Chapter 3) and other information, go to the DB2 DataPropagator Web page (, click the "Library" link, then go to the section titled "Hints, Tips, and Documentation Corrections."

15.2 Part 2. Administration: Planning for Replication/Deciding What to Replicate/Replicating Large Objects

Replication is not supported for DB2 Extenders for Text, Audio, Video and Image, or other extenders where additional control files associated with the extender's LOB column data are maintained outside of the database.

15.3 Part 2. Administration: Replication Restrictions for DB2 UDB Enterprise - Extended Edition

DB2 UDB EEE is supported for replication with the following restrictions:

15.4 Cold-starting the Capture Program with CCD Targets

In the case of NonCondensed, NonComplete CCD, a gap will be detected if you bring down the Capture program and cold start it again. It's not recommended that you bring down the Capture program and cold start again with this kind of target type. To recover, set SYNCHPOINT, SYNCHTIME, and LASTSUCCESS to NULL in the subscription set table. Then cold start the Capture program, and start the Apply program. Data integrity could be lost, in which case you would need to manually insert the missing rows into the target table.

15.5 Key Update Restrictions

A particular form of key update, using the syntax SET KEYCOL = KEYCOL + n, cannot be replicated correctly with respect to condensed copies. In such a case, a different column must be used as the subscription key. If no suitable alternate key exists in the source table, then, before defining the table as a replication source, the table needs to be altered to include a new column. Existing source table rows must have unique values assigned to the new column. Thereafter, unique key values must be assigned to the new column whenever rows are inserted into the source table. This new column must be included in the subscription of any condensed copy (user copy, point in time, condensed CCD, replica), all of which require a unique key.

15.6 Informix Logging and DJRA

It is recommended that you enable transaction logging for Informix databases involved in replication.

15.7 Replicating Large Objects

Replication is not supported for DB2 Extenders for Text, Audio, Video, Image, or other extenders where additional control files associated with the extender's LOB column data are maintained outside of the database.

15.8 Part 3. Operations: New Invocation Parameter for the Apply Program

The ERRWAIT(n) Apply program invocation parameter enables you to control the number of seconds that the Apply program waits before attempting to retry after an error condition occurs. The default wait period is 5 minutes (300 seconds). UNIX example:

   asnapply aplqual1 errwait(600)

In this example, aplqual1 is the Apply qualifier, and 600 specifies that the Apply program wait 600 seconds (10 minutes) before retrying after it encounters an error condition.


  1. The ERRWAIT(n) invocation parameter is not available on DPROPR/400.

  2. If you specify a number that is too small for 'n,' and do not correct the error in a timely manner, the Apply program runs almost continuously, and therefore generates many rows in the Apply trail table.

15.9 Chapter 9. Capture and Apply for AS/400: Connecting to an AS/400 Server

Before you begin:

To connect to an AS/400 server from DB2 for Windows NT:

  1. Determine the name of the relational database on the AS/400 server:

    1. Log on to the AS/400 server that you want to connect to.

    2. Submit a dsprdbdire command and then specify local for *LOCAL.

    3. Locate the name of the database in the output. In the following output example, the database name is DB2400e:
         Relational            Remote         
         Option  Database      Location       
             RCHASDPD            RCHASDPD       
             DB2400E             *LOCAL         
             RCHASLJN            RCHASLJN       

  2. Catalog the AS/400 database on DB2 for Windows NT:

    1. From your Windows NT workstation, click Start -> Programs -> DB2 for Windows NT -> Command Window. The DB2 CLP command window opens.

    2. In the command window, enter the following three commands in order:
         db2 catalog tcpip node server_name remote server_name server 446 
            system server_name ostype OS400
         db2 catalog dcs database rdb_name AS rdb_name
         db2 catalog database rdb_name AS rdb_name at node server_name
            authentication dcs

      where server_name is the name of the AS/400 system, and rdb_name is the name of the AS/400 relational database that you found in step 1.

  3. Stop DB2 for Windows NT. Close all the Control Centers and any other DB2 tools, and type db2stop and db2admin stop in one of the command windows.

  4. Ensure that the AS/400 User Profile that you will use to log on uses CCSID 37:

    1. Log on to the AS/400 system.

    2. Enter the following command:

      where SINN is the user profile.

  5. Ensure that the DDM server is started on the AS/400 system by entering:

  6. On Windows NT, start the DB2 Control Center or the DataJoiner Replication Administration tool (DJRA), and connect to the AS/400 database.


DPROPR/400 allows 5769DP2 users to run Version 1 registration/subscription pairs concurrently with Version 5 replication source/target pairs. However, MAX_SYNCH_MINUTES support is not available in such an environment. Do not specify MAX_SYNCH_MINUTES in a subscription set if Version 1 and Version 5 pairs will coexist.

15.11 CRTSQLPKG Command

You must use the Create SQL Package (CRTSQLPKG) command to create the packages necessary to use Apply for AS/400 with remote systems on platforms other than AS/400. For example:


See "DB2 for AS/400 SQL Programming V4R3 (SC41-5611-02)" for more information about the CRTSQLPKG command.

15.12 Chapter 10. Capture and Apply for UNIX Platforms/Starting Capture for UNIX Platforms

AIX example:

   export LIBPATH=db2instance_home_directory/sqllib/lib:/usr/lib:/lib
   export LANG=en_US

HP-UX example:

   export SHLIB_PATH=db2instance_home_directory/sqllib/lib:/usr/lib:/lib
   export LANG=en_US

Solaris example:

   export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=instanceowner/sqllib/lib:/usr/lib:/lib
   export LANG=en_US
   export NLS_PATH=~/usr/lib/locale/%L/%N:/instanceowner/sqllib/msg/en_US/%N

15.13 Part 5. The DataJoiner Replication Administration Tool

IBM has changed the default installation directory for DJRA: it is now SQLLIB\DJRA\djra.exe.

15.14 Part 6. Reference Information/Chapter 21. Table Structures: Consistent-change-data-tables (CCD)

For CCD tables:

15.15 Chapter 23. Capture and Apply Messages

Apply program message ASN1069E:

   The Apply program has detected a referential integrity violation
   and compensated the rejected transactions. See the unit-of-work
   table for details. The error code is %1.
   Explanation: A referential integrity violation was detected when
   replicating data from the replica to the user table.
   User Response: See the unit-of-work table for details.

Apply program message ASN1071:

   The Apply program could not reposition the work file.
   The error code is %1.
   Explanation: The Apply program has detected an error while
   reading the temporary work file.
   User Response: Contact your IBM Service representative.

15.16 Appendix A. How the DB2 library is Structured

For late-breaking information that could not be included in the DB2 books:

Printing the PostScript books (on UNIX-based platforms):

   Step 3: Decompress and print the manual you require using the following
   command for Linux:
   zcat <filename> | lpr -P PSPrinter_queue

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