English Netscape 4.5 and higher is the only supported browser for the Control Center running as an applet.
All of the DB2 Version 6.1 documentation in PostScript format can be found on a separate CD that is shipped with the product.
IBM DB2 Query Patroller for AIX, Version 6.1, and IBM DB2 Query Patroller for the Solaris Operating Environment, Version 6.1, which include the following tools:
are being released in English only.
The DB2 documentation states:
To find out about the IBM Professional Certification Program for DB2 Universal Database, go to http://www.software.ibm.com/data/db2tech/db2cert.html
This should be changed to:
To find out about the IBM Professional Certification Program for DB2 Universal Database, go to http://www.ibm.com/certify and select a certification roadmap from the choices offered under the "DB2 Universal Database" heading.
Please apply the fix for DB2 for AIX APAR IX89149, a prerequisite if you will be running DB2 for AIX on an SMP box. This fix is for both AIX 4.2 and AIX 4.3.
OS/2 Warp3 SMP FixPak IP08529 is a prerequisite for DB2 on this operating system.
To make an incoming connection to a Solaris DB2 Universal Database server with SUNLINK 9.1, using Distributed Relational Database Architecture (DRDA), requires Solaris patches 106162 and 105860.
Please be aware of the following in connection with the Solaris 2.5.1 Operating Environment:
Bug ID # 4024649 Bug ID # 4107724 is addressed by Patch # 103640-26 Bug ID # 4052568 is addressed by Patch # 103640-27 Bug ID # 4062430 is addressed by Patch # 103640-27 Bug ID # 4054742 is addressed by Patch # 103640-27 Bug ID # 4181592 is addressed by Patch # 103640-28
Please be aware of the following in connection with the Solaris 2.6 Operating Environment:
Bug ID # 4052568 Bug ID # 4107724 is addressed by Patch # 105181-09
Please consult the SunSolve information database or contact your Sun representative for more information.
If you are getting SQL2043N on Solaris, add a line in /etc/services to set a maxuprc value. Note also that text of SQL2043N refers to "maxuproc", which is incorrect on Solaris.
SQLJ and JDBC messages for the Traditional Chinese big5 locale on Solaris cannot be seen.
When a customer installs DB2 UDB Version 6.1, the install will upgrade the level of ODBC DLLs that are on the system, and the level of the ODBC driver manager, if they are not at the levels that have been tested and shipped with Version 6.1. Since these upgrades may cause some ODBC applications to fail, it might be useful to test the ODBC applications with the upgraded ODBC files. Following is a list of the ODBC files shipped with DB2 UDB Version 6.1. The files originate from the MSDASDK 2.0 from Microsoft.
Last Modified Size Filename Version -------------------------------------------------------------- 04/09/97 05:00p 2,151 12520437.CPX N/A 04/09/97 05:00p 2,233 12520850.CPX N/A 06/20/98 04:43p 26,224 ODBC16GT.DLL 3.510.3002.13 06/22/98 02:57p 202,000 ODBC32.DLL 3.510.3002.13 06/20/98 04:43p 6,656 ODBC32GT.DLL 3.510.3002.13 06/20/98 04:47p 9,216 ODBCAD32.EXE 3.510.3002.13 06/22/98 02:57p 7,984 ODBCCP32.CPL 3.510.3002.13 06/22/98 02:57p 87,216 ODBCCP32.DLL 3.510.3002.13 06/22/98 02:57p 196,096 ODBCCR32.DLL 3.510.3002.13 06/20/98 04:47p 68,608 ODBCINT.DLL 3.510.3002.13 06/22/98 02:57p 142,144 ODBCTRAC.DLL 3.510.3002.13 06/20/98 04:37p 4,656 DS16GT.DLL 3.510.3002.13 06/20/98 04:37p 5,632 DS32GT.DLL 3.510.3002.13 08/11/97 08:07a 17,408 MSCPXL32.DLL 3.50.0300 06/08/98 07:17p 63,760 MSDADC.DLL 02.00.3002.4 06/08/98 07:17p 17,856 MSDAENUM.DLL 02.00.3002.4 06/08/98 07:17p 30,992 MSDAER.DLL 02.00.3002.4 06/08/98 06:36p 15,360 MSDAERR.DLL 02.00.3002.4 06/08/98 07:17p 8,160 MSDAPS.DLL 02.00.3002.4 06/19/98 09:57a 286,992 MSDASQL.DLL 02.00.3002.11 06/18/98 07:08p 9,728 MSDASQLR.DLL 02.00.3002.11 06/08/98 07:16p 39,088 MSDATT.DLL 02.00.3002.4 11/14/97 06:43a 29,456 MTXDM.DLL 1997.11.532.0
If you view or modify resources from multiple sources (command line processor, Client Configuration Assistant, or Control Center, for example) at the same time on the same system, you must be sure to refresh those resources in each source being run. For example, a user opens the Control Center (CC), and then opens the Client Configuration Assistant (CCA) and modifies a database entry. The user must refresh the Control Center view to reflect changes made through the CCA before actions are taken against the modified resource through the CC. All combinations of command line processor, Client Configuration Assistant, and Control Center require this synchronization step.
Windows NT, 95 and 98 users who are using Integrated SNA Support, Personal Communications (PCOMM), or Communications Server (CS) will receive the following error when attempting to allocate a session with VTAM if the environment variable APPCLLU is not set to the LU that is to be designated as the default LU:
SQL30081N A communication error has been detected. Communication protocol being used: "APPC". Communication API being used: "CPI-C". Location where the error was detected: "". Communication function detecting the error: "cmallc". Protocol specific error code(s): "1", "*", "*". SQLSTATE=08001
The solution to this problem is to set the environment variable APPCLLU to the LU that is to be designated as the default LU.
Japanese TurboLinux 3.0 or Japanese TurboLinux Server 1.0 users will receive an error when attempting to create a Japanese sample database with code set 954 from the DB2 installer. One solution is to log in as the instance owner and create the sample database manually by issuing the "db2sampl" command. Another is to add the following statement to /etc/skel/.bashrc:
export LANG=ja_JP.ujis
A double-byte character set (DBCS) file name is not supported if the database server code page differs from the operating system code page.
To migrate a DB2 Version 5 DAS instance to Version 6.1, issue the db2imigr command as you would when migrating any instance.
License management and tracking is not supported on DB2 gateway configurations using DCE encryption, because the user ID is encrypted until it gets to the host database. The ticket that DCE uses to transmit this data is unique each time, and the gateway does not have the ability to decrypt it.
You should be aware of the following limitations when using the response file method to install DB2 on UNIX platforms:
If the CAE is installed before the SNA stack, the CAE will not detect the SNA after startup.
There is a known problem when using keyset cursors with some ADO objects within Visual Basic. Some ADO objects created using ADO Code binding are not updatable, and are thrown by ADO if an insert, update or deletion is attempted. For example, when used with ADO Code binding, the ADO Grid object will throw a run-time error "3265" after issuing the insert, update or deletion request. The workaround for this problem is to use ADO Data Control binding with these ADO objects. The ADO Grid object is updatable when used with ADO Data Control binding.
On some UNIX based systems, the number of file descriptors must be increased before DB2 can be loaded as an application. From the sh shell, enter
ulimit -n #
Set # to 512 or higher (for example, 1000).
On OS/2, the \sqllib\dll\odbc.dll file must appear as the first odbc.dll in the LIBPATH parameter of the config.sys file. If it is not listed first, you will have problems connecting to DB2 through ODBC applications.
DB2 UDB fails at times when using OS/2 JFS Filesystem, due to incorrect data being written to or read from disk. Using a JFS cache size of 16KB has been shown to solve this problem in some cases. Please refer to INFO APAR II11878 for further details.
When using IBM JDK 1.1.7 enhanced version on Windows NT and OS/2, the SQLJ translator generates the following exception:
+++ Exception: Unknown (code=c0000005) for JITC at 10054a1a (id=d3)
The workaround is to turn off the JIT compiler:
sqlj -J-nojit filename.sqlj
This problem has been filed with IBM JDK support (problem number 92117).