IBM Books

Release Notes

20.0 Control Center

20.1 Starting the Control Center

For information on installing, configuring, and starting the Control Center, refer to the Control Center README located at sqllib/cc/prime/readme.htm.

20.2 No Help on Windows 95 If the url.dll File Is Not in the \windows\system Directory

The url.dll file can be extracted from the MicroSoft Plus! CD (it is not installed by default on Windows 95). For more information, visit:

20.3 No Access to DB2 for OS/390 Version 5 through the Control Center

The Control Center makes reference to both Version 5 and Version 6 of DB2 for OS/390. Access to DB2 for OS/390 Version 5 through the Control Center is not currently available.

20.4 Infopops

Some windows, such as the SmartGuides and the help for DB2 UDB for OS/390 objects, have more detailed help known as infopops. In these windows, you can display the help for a field or control by selecting it and pressing F1. However, infopops are not available in the Multi-Site Update SmartGuide.

To see the infopops on a list on page 2 and page 4 of the Create Table SmartGuide, select an entry in the list and press F1; you cannot invoke them by placing the mouse pointer over the list.

If you want to see infopops on single and multi-column table fields in SmartGuides, select an entry (row) in the table field and press F1. Mouse-over invocation of infopops on these fields will work only if there are selected entries in the table fields, and you place the mouse pointer over the selected entry.

To see infopops for a single or multi-column table field in some of the DB2 UDB for OS/390 dialogs, select an entry (row) in the table field and press F1. Mouse-over invocation of infopops on these fields will work only if there are selected entries in the table fields, and you place the mouse pointer over the selected entry.

Dialogs for replication objects and actions that appear under a DB2 UDB for OS/390 subsystem in the Control Center object tree do not have infopops on their fields and controls.

Because of a limitation in the Java Virtual Machine, when you're using a SmartGuide while running the Control Center as an applet and you press F1 to get help on a control, the window help for the SmartGuide may appear instead of the infopop for the control.

When using a Control Center dialog at screen resolution 640x480 (and in some cases 800x600), the infopops that appear for text fields might be off the edge of the dialog. In these cases, move the dialog to the left or to the right to view the infopops.

20.5 Entry Field Input Method for Korean Characters in the Control Center

When entering Korean characters for input fields in the Control Center, the interim characters will be displayed on the character input console instead of directly in the entry field. The finalized characters are displayed in the entry field.

20.6 JDK Problem When Running the Control Center in Simplified Chinese on UNIX Based Systems

When running the Control Center in Simplified Chinese on UNIX based operating systems, the window title will not be displayed correctly. All frame titles will be "AWTapp", and all dialog titles will be "Dialog". This is a known JDK problem that will be fixed in future releases.

20.7 JDK Problem When Running the Control Center in Simplified Chinese or Korean on HP-UX

When running the Control Center in Simplified Chinese and Korean locales on the HP-UX operating system, all characters will appear as "?" in the window client area, except the title bar. This is a known HP-UX JDK problem that will be fixed in future releases.

20.8 Decimal Separator Problem for Some Locales When Running the Control Center on Netscape Version 4.5

When running the Control Center on Netscape Version 4.5, the decimal separator used in the number fields may not be correct for some locales (for example, Spain and Norway), because a back-level JDK Version 1.1.5 is being used by the Web browser (Netscape). This problem does not exist if you are running the Control Center in application mode, which uses JDK Version 1.1.7.

20.9 Java Exception When Running the Control Center on Netscape Version 4.5

When running the Control Center with a JDK/JRE level older than 1.1.7, the following exception may appear on the console:

        at java.awt.Component$NativeInLightFixer.componentMoved(Compiled Code)
        at java.awt.Component.processComponentEvent(Compiled Code)
        at java.awt.Component.processEvent(Compiled Code)
        at java.awt.Container.processEvent(Compiled Code)
        at java.awt.Component.dispatchEventImpl(Compiled Code)
        at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(Compiled Code)
        at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(Compiled Code)
        at Code)

This exception will not cause any functional problems. Currently, Netscape 4.5 is using JDK Version 1.1.5, which will show this exception on the Java console.

20.10 Control Center/Web Administration Problem on Netscape Version 4.5 (Simplified Chinese)

The Control Center and Web Administration cannot be run on the Simplified Chinese (zh_CN) version of Netscape 4.5.

20.11 Special Character Problem for Some Locales When Running the Control Center on Netscape Version 4.5

When running the Control Center on a machine that has an European keyboard, some of the special characters cannot be entered in the entry field or multi-line edit area. These special characters are entered by holding down the "AltGr" key and pressing another key. This is a JDK problem which has been fixed in JDK Version 1.1.8. However, DB2 is shipped with JDK/JRE Version 1.1.7, and the Web browser (Netscape) is using JDK Version 1.1.5. This problem does not exist if you are running the Control Center in application mode, which uses JDK Version 1.1.7. Another alternative is to set the system input locale to English.

20.12 Typing Characters in the Control Center Using the AltGr Key

If you are using an enhanced keyboard that has the AltGr key, you may not be able to enter characters in Control Center fields using AltGr directly from the keyboard. You can enter their ASCII equivalents instead. The table below contains the character in the Character column and the ASCII value in the Corresponding ASCII Value column. To enter these characters, hold down the Alt key and type in the corresponding numbers on the numeric keypad of your keyboard.
Character Corresponding ASCII Value
# 35
$ 36
, 44
- 45
. 46
/ 47
; 59
@ 64
[ 91
\ 92
] 93
^ 94
_ 95
` 96
{ 123
| 124
} 125
~ 126
euro 128
¢ 0162
£ 0163
¤ 0164
§ 0167
« (left angle quote) 0171
¬ 0172
° 0176
± 0177
² 0178
³ 0179
´ 0180
µ (micro second) 0181
¹ 0185
» (right angle quote) 0187
¼ 0188
½ 0189
¾ 0190
À 0192
È 0200
É 0201
ß (sharp S) 0223
à 0224
è 0232
é 0233

20.13 Running the Control Center on the Hummingbird Exceed X Window Server

When running the Control Center on the Hummingbird Exceed X Window Server, some dialogs (or some infopops on dialogs) may appear partially truncated. This problem does not occur on an AIX workstation.

20.14 Running the Control Center as an Applet

If you are running the Control Center as an applet, and you issue an export server profile command from the GUI, the function may not be able to write the profile to the local machine if all the security checks are in place. In this case, you can retrieve the profile from the administration server of the system against which you issued the export command. On UNIX based systems, the profile will be located in:

   <admin. instance name>/sqllib/tmp

On OS/2 and Windows operating systems, the profile will be located in:

   sqllib\<admin. instance name>\tmp

20.15 Online Help Not Coming Up on OS/2

If, when you press F1 or press the Help button on a window, the online help does not come up, or if you get an error message and the online help does not come up, ensure that the subdirectory that contains the Netscape executable (by default in <drive>\netscape\program\netscape.exe) is included in your PATH environment variable (set in your config.sys file).

20.16 Online Help Not Coming Up on UNIX Based Systems

If, when you press F1 or press the Help button on a window, the online help does not come up, or if you get an error message and the online help does not come up, ensure that Netscape 4.51 is installed, and that the directory that contains the Netscape script file (for example, /usr/bin) is included in your PATH environment variable.

If pressing the Help button has no effect, and Netscape is in the $PATH, try starting Netscape from the command line and leaving it running. The Control Center help may be able to connect to a running browser when it cannot start the browser.

20.17 Browser Opens Blank After Pressing the Help Button on Linux

If the Netscape program is called by a shell script named "netscape" on your system, the shell script must pass all command line arguments to the Netscape executable. That is, it should invoke Netscape using a command ending with the special variable "$*" (without the double quotation marks). Otherwise, pressing the Help button may start the browser without loading the help file, and the Control Center may hang until the browser is stopped.

20.18 Federated Database System

The distributed join installation feature and associated federated system functionality, as documented, are not currently supported with DB2 Universal Database Version 6.1. The following tasks can be accessed from the Online help Table of contents, but are not available for version 6.1:

20.19 Locate Notebook

The Locate notebook will be available only for DB2 for OS/390 in Version 6.

20.20 TCP/IP Bug on the Linux 2.2.2 Kernel that Causes Search Discovery to Fail

On the Linux 2.2.2 kernel, there is a TCP/IP bug that will cause search discovery to fail with a recvfrom error. Search discovery is issued from the Control Center using the Refresh button in the Add System SmartGuide.

Search discovery on Linux does not work with token-ring interfaces.

20.21 Use the Database Administration Server (DAS) When Cataloging a Communication Node on a Remote DB2 Server

If you manually catalog a communication node directly to the server instance on a remote DB2 server; that is, bypass the Database Administration Server on that machine, that type of connection will appear in the Control Center as a "DRDA" connection, even though the connection will not be using DRDA to connect to the server instance. Use the Database Administration Server to optimize Control Center manipulation of a remote server.

20.22 Performance Monitor

There is a change in Version 6 of icon behavior for performance monitoring. The icon color will appear green as soon as monitoring is turned on for an object.

Step 8 of the task steps for Defining the Thresholds Settings for a Performance Monitor should be replaced with the following:

8. On the right side of the Thresholds page, select the actions to be taken if the performance variable's value crosses a threshold.

  1. Select a threshold or zone from the Threshold action list.

  2. Choose one or more check boxes to identify the actions to be taken if a value enters the selected zone:
    Add an entry to the Alert Center.
    Issue a warning beep.
    Run a command. Specify the command file name in the entry field.
    Have a message sent to the user. Enter an appropriate message in the input window below the User message action.

The Thresholds Action Section of the Thresholds page - Fields and Controls online help panel should be replaced with the following:

Threshold action

This section defines the actions to be taken when the value for a performance variable crosses a threshold or zone border. The Threshold action drop-down is used to select a threshold or zone border. The check boxes identify the actions that can be taken:

20.23 Opening the Event Analyzer Window

To open Event Analyzer --

20.24 Summary Tables

Summary tables can be identified as follows: From the Control Center, highlight tables in the object tree. In the list of tables shown in the contents pane, Summary tables are identified by having an S appear in the type column.

20.25 Web Administration

Web Administration, the DB2 component of IBM Suites Web Administration, lets you start, stop, and force applications off DB2 instances, and grant or revoke user authorities to databases. Before attempting to run Web Administration, make sure you have set up and are able to run the DB2 Control Center. For more information on setting up the Control Center, refer to the online Control Center Installation and Configuration document located in sqllib\cc\prime\readme.htm.

To access the Web Administration interface independently of IBM Suites Web Administration, use any of the browsers recommended in the Control Center Installation and Configuration document to access the following URL:


where <hostname> is the name of the machine where your Web server resides. If you choose to use a virtual directory, substitute this directory for the home directory. For example, if you map sqllib to a virtual directory called temp on a Web server named yourserver, a client would use the URL


20.26 Log File Size (logfilsiz) Database Configuration Parameter

On the Configure Database notebook, on the Logs page, when you click on the Log File Size parameter, the Hint text says the range for NT is [4 - 4095] Pages(4KB). For NT, the range is actually [4 - 65535] Pages(4KB).

20.27 Web Control Center Monitoring

To run a "command" as one of the alert actions on UNIX based systems requires that you be very specific about paths to executables and files. Furthermore, if executing a shell script, it is necessary to execute a shell. For example, if you want to run "myscript", enter something like the following in the "Run command" text field:

   /usr/bin/sh /home/username/myscript

Within "myscript", it is important to include full paths and to ensure that commands can execute without user input. For example, to delete a file in your home directory, the script would contain the line:

   /usr/bin/rm -rf /home/username/file_to_remove

Windows NT will use your PATH setting. However, batch files and executables should include extensions (for example, use "x:\directory\mybatch.bat", not just "mybatch").

20.28 Help for the Statement Termination Character Field (Satellite Administration Center)

For the Change Batch Step and the View Batch Step notebooks, and for the Create Script and the Edit Script windows, the help for the Statement termination character field should be:

   Use this field to indicate the statement termination character
   that you want to use for scripts that execute against DB2 instances or
   DB2 databases.
   The semicolon (;) character is the default statement termination character.
   Regardless of the statement termination character that you use,
   a new line is always used as the statement continuation character.

20.29 Promote Source and Promote Subscription Windows (Satellite Administration Center)

The online help for the Satellite Administration Center contains information about the Promote Source and the Promote Replication Subscription windows. These windows are not available with the Control Center for Version 6.1. For the interim, to promote replication sources and subscriptions, use the promote functions that are supplied with the DB2 DataJoiner Replication Administration (DJRA) tool. For information about installing and starting the DJRA tool, refer to the "Replication Guide and Reference". For information about how to use the DJRA tool, refer to the online help that is provided with it.

20.30 Create and Edit Authentication Help (Satellite Administration Center)

The help for the Create Authentication window and the Edit Authentication window states that the password of an authentication credential can be a maximum of 256 characters. This information is not correct. The maximum supported length for a password is 31 characters.

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