IBM Books

Release Notes

8.0 Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference

8.1 Compound=x File Type Modifier (Import)

If this modifier is specified, and the transaction log is not sufficiently large, the import operation will fail. The transaction log must be large enough to accommodate either the number of rows specified by COMMITCOUNT, or the number of rows in the data file if COMMITCOUNT is not specified. It is therefore recommended that the COMMITCOUNT option be specified to avoid transaction log overflow.

This modifier is incompatible with INSERT_UPDATE mode, hierarchical tables, and the USEDEFAULTS modifier.

8.2 Checking for Constraints Violations (Load)

Replace the fifth paragraph in this section with the following:

   When issuing the SET INTEGRITY statement, you can specify the
   INCREMENTAL option to explicitly request incremental processing. In most
   cases, this option is not needed, because the default behavior is incremental
   processing. If incremental processing is not possible, full processing is used
   automatically. When the INCREMENTAL option is specified, but incremental
   processing is not possible, an error is returned if:
   o New constraints have been added to the table or to its parent table while
     both tables are in check pending state. 
   o A load replace operation has taken place, or the NOT LOGGED INITIALLY WITH 
     EMPTY TABLE option has been activated, after the last integrity check on the table. 
   o A parent table has been load replaced or checked for integrity non-incrementally.
   o The table was in check pending state before migration.
     Full processing is required the first time the table is
     checked for integrity after migration.
   o The table space containing the table or its parent has been
     rolled forward to a point in time.

8.3 SQLULOAD-IN Data Structure

The description of this structure is missing the "indexing_mode" parameter. Supported values (defined in sqlutil.h) are:


For an explanation of these indexing modes, see the description of the LOAD command.

8.4 Example Load Sessions/API Examples/tload.sqc Sample Program

This sample program is missing the "indexing_mode" parameter of the sqluload-in data structure. It should be added as follows:

   /* the sqluload input structure */
   InputInfo.statsopt = SQLU_STATS_NONE;           /* don't bother collecting them  */
   InputInfo.indexing_mode = SQLU_INX_AUTOSELECT;  /* let load choose indexing mode */

8.5 db2LoadQuery - Load Query API

Change the name of the generic API "db2GenLoadQuery" to "db2gLoadQuery". Change the name of the structure used by the generic API "db2gLoadQuery" to "db2gLoadQueryStruct".

A Fortran version of the "loadqry" sample program is not available.

8.6 AutoLoader Options (SPLIT_ONLY)

If SPLIT_FILE_LOCATION points to an NFS directory that is mounted across all partitions after a SPLIT_ONLY operation, a LOAD_ONLY operation will be able to access the split data files without any user intervention. However, if SPLIT_FILE_LOCATION does not point to an NFS directory after a SPLIT_ONLY operation, users are required to manually move the split data files from each partition to the directory in which the LOAD_ONLY operation will be executed.

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