IBM Books

Release Notes

6.0 CLI Guide and Reference

6.1 How to Bind the DB2 CLI/ODBC Driver to the Database

The following information replaces the information currently available in this section.

The table below lists DB2 CLI bind files. The first 4 bind files (db2clixx where xx is sh, sn, bh, and bn) are used mainly for execution of DB2 CLI application SQL statements. The bind files db2clish.bnd and db2clisn.bnd contains 64 sections each. The bind files db2clibh.bnd and db2clibn.bnd contains 384 sections each. Each time one of these bind files gets bound against a database, the binder will generate multiple packages whose names follow the convention listed in the table below. For each isolation level and With Hold/Without Hold property, the binder will create 3 packages (3 is the default number) from each bind file. Therefore, for each isolation level and With Hold/Without Hold combination, there are (64 * 3) + (384 * 3) or 1344 sections available for execution of DB2 CLI application SQL statements. This number should meet the need of most applications.

If your application requires more sections, you can increase the number of sections by one of the following two ways:

  1. Add the CLI/ODBC configuration keyword CLIPKG to the db2cli.ini file to specify the number of large packages (containing 384 sections) to be generated. For example, you can create 5 packages (instead of the default 3) for each of the large bind files by adding the following to the db2cli.ini file:

    Note that if you add the CLIPKG keyword to the [COMMON] section of db2cli.ini file, it will be applied to all databases.

  2. If you choose not to use CLI/ODBC configuration keyword you can also manually bind the bind files with the bind option CLIPKG. For example, you can use the following CLP command to create 5 packages for each large bind file:
        db2 bind @db2cli.lst grant public CLIPKG 5


  • When you increase the number of sections using either method, you MUST update the db2cli.ini on the Server with the keyword CLIPKG showing the exact number of large packages that you created or specified. This is required especially if you have CLI/ODBC Stored Procedures.

  • The keyword or bind option CLIPKG only applies to large packages (containing 364 sections). The number of small packages (containing 64 sections) is 3 and cannot be changed.

  • The value of CLIPKG keyword or bind option can be from 3 to 30. It is recommended that you only increase the number of sections enough to run your application as the packages take up space in the database.

Although the autobind feature of the CLI/ODBC driver will attempt to bind CLI bind files if the CLI packages do not exist in the database or their time stamps have changed, the administrator should explicitly bind the required files. This is to avoid the following two situations:

  1. The user does not have the required privilege or authorization to bind the bind files.

  2. The autobind is invoked in the middle of a transaction and AUTOCOMMIT is set to OFF. (You can get into this situation after installing a Service Pack and the database is an existing database). In this case, if the server is DB2 UDB on UNIX and Intel platforms V6.1 or later, the autobind will open a second connection and perform the binding. If the second connection fails to open for any reason, the current transaction will be rolled back and the bind will be done using the current connection. If the server is on a host system other than UNIX and Intel platforms, the current transaction will always be rolled back and the bind will be done using the current connection. In summary, if AUTOCOMMIT is set to OFF, and the server is not a DB2 UDB V6.1 or later on a UNIX or Intel platform, the administrator should always manually bind the CLI bind files to existing database every time a Service Pack is installed.

Table 1. DB2 CLI Bind Files and Package Names
Bind File Name Package Name Needed by DB2 Universal Database Needed by DRDA servers
db2clish.bnd SQLLFyxx Yes Yes
db2clisn.bnd SQLLCyxx Yes Yes
db2clibh.bnd SQLLDyxx Yes Yes
db2clibn.bnd SQLLEyxx Yes Yes
db2cliws.bnd SQLL65zz Version 2 or later No
db2clims.bnd SQLL75zz No DB2 for MVS/ESA
db2clivm.bnd SQLL85zz No SQL/DS
db2cliv1.bnd SQLLB5zz Version 1 only No
db2cliv2.bnd SQLL95zz Version 2 or later No
db2clias.bnd SQLLA5zz No DB2 Universal Database for AS/400

  • Where 'xx' is a hexadecimal value between 00 - FF.

  • Where 'y' ranges between 0 - 4.

  • Where 'zz' is unique for each platform.

Previous versions of DB2 servers do not need all of the bind files and will therefore return errors at bind time.

The db2cli.lst file contains the names of the required bind files for DB2 CLI to connect to DB2 Version 2 or later servers. The db2cli1.lst file contains the names of the required bind files for DB2 CLI to connect to DB2 Version 1 servers.

For DRDA servers:

6.2 New CLI/ODBC Configuration Keyword

The following CLI/ODBC configuration keywords have been added for v6.1 but are not documented in the manual:

6.2.1 CLIPKG

Keyword Description:
number of large packages to be generated

db2cli.ini Keyword Syntax:
CLIPKG=3 | 4 | ... | 30

Default Setting:

DB2 CLI/ODBC Settings Tab:
This keyword cannot be set using the CLI/ODBC Settings notebook. The db2cli.ini file must be modified directly to make use of this keyword.

Usage Notes:
If the value is NOT an integer between 3 and 30, the default will be used without error or warning.

This keyword is used to increase the number of sections for SQL statements in CLI/ODBC applications. If it is used, the administrator should explicitly bind the required CLI bind files with CLIPKG bind option. Also, the db2cli.ini file on the server (DB2 UDB V6.1 or later on UNIX or Intel platforms) must be updated with the same value of CLIPKG.


Keyword Description:
Delay (in seconds) between checking for a query timeout

db2cli.ini Keyword Syntax:
QUERYTIMEOUTINTERVAL=0 | positive integer

Default Setting:
5 seconds

DB2 CLI/ODBC Settings Tab:
This keyword cannot be set using the CLI/ODBC Settings notebook. The db2cli.ini file must be modified directly to make use of this keyword.

Usage Notes:
An application can use the SQLSetStmtAttr() function to set the SQL_ATTR_QUERY_TIMEOUT statement attribute. This indicates the number of seconds to wait for an SQL statement to execute before returning to the application (see 6.3 , SQLSetStmtAttr() change for SQL_ATTR_QUERY_TIMEOUT.

The QUERYTIMEOUTINTERVAL configuration keyword is used to indicate how long the CLI driver should wait between checks to see if the query has completed.

For instance, suppose SQL_ATTR_QUERY_TIMEOUT is set to 25 seconds (timeout after waiting for 25 seconds), and QUERYTIMEOUTINTERVAL is set to 10 seconds (check the query every 10 seconds). The query will not time out until 30 seconds (the first check AFTER the 25 second limit).

There may be cases where the SQL_ATTR_QUERY_TIMEOUT is set to a value which is too low, and the query should NOT be timed out. If the application cannot be modified (i.e., a third party ODBC application), then the QUERYTIMEOUTINTERVAL can be set to 0, and the CLI driver will ignore the SQL_ATTR_QUERY_TIMEOUT setting.

6.3 SQLSetStmtAttr() change for SQL_ATTR_QUERY_TIMEOUT

The description of SQL_ATTR_QUERY_TIMEOUT should be replaced with the following:

A 32-bit integer value that indicates the number of seconds to wait for an SQL statement to execute before returning to the application.

This option can be set and used to terminate long running queries. If set to 0, there is no time-out.

See 6.2.2 , QUERYTIMEOUTINTERVAL for complete details.

6.4 Using Reference Types

The following section is added to "Chapter 3. Using Advanced Features":

   In addition to the distinct types, user defined structured types can also be defined
   and used as the type for a table or view. Tables or views that are defined
   using a structured type are called typed tables or typed views. Structured types
   can be defined in a hierarchy with subtypes and supertypes. These structured types
   are created using the CREATE TYPE statement. Rows of a typed table or view
   are identified with an object identifier (OID) that is a reference type.
   A reference type is defined to have a target type, which must be a structured type.
   When the root structured type (the structured type without a supertype) is defined,
   the representation type for the reference type is defined as based on a built-in
   data type. Similar to user defined types (UDTs), a reference type shares its internal
   representation with an existing type, but is considered to be a separate
   and incompatible type for most operations. 
   Reference types provide a means of referring to rows in typed tables or typed views.
   Applications continue to work with C data types for application variables,
   and only need to consider the reference types when constructing C statements.
   This means: 
   o All SQL to C data type conversion rules that apply to the reference type's
     underlying SQL built-in type apply to the reference type. 
   o The reference type will have the same default C Type as the underlying
     SQL built-in type. 
   o SQLDescribeCol() will return the representation (built-in) type information.
     The target type name can be obtained by calling SQLColAttribute()
     with the input descriptor type set to SQL_DESC_REFERENCE_TYPE. 
   o SQL predicates that involve parameter markers must be explicitly cast
     to the reference type. This is required, because the application can only deal
     with the built-in types. Before any operation can be performed using
     the parameter, it must be cast from the C built-in type to the reference type;
     otherwise, an error will occur when the statement is prepared. 
   For complete rules and a description of reference types, refer to the SQL Reference.

6.5 Errors Rebinding Version 5.2 CLI (IBM DB2 ODBC Driver) Packages

When using db2rbind to rebind all database packages for a Version 5 database migrated to Version 6, some packages (starting with SQLL) may fail. The failing packages were part of any Version 5 CAE prior to FixPak 7 These errors can safely be ignored.

However, it is necessary to upgrade all Version 5 CAEs to FixPak 7 or higher in order for the CLI/ODBC schema functions, such as SQLTables() and SQLColumns(), to be supported against a Version 6 database. Otherwise, SQL0805N errors will be returned whenever these functions are executed.

Once all CAEs have been upgraded, a Version 5 database may still contain older packages that will give errors on rebind at migration time.

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